Calling all Women Lifters



  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    It's the only book I'd recommend for 'women lifters'! :bigsmile:

    (For whatever that's worth, lol)

    I'm doing this program now and I love it.
    Glad to hear it! Thank you both!
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    cindy - joints pain: Omega 3's and voltaren, in worst case scenario celebrex... at least for me:flowerforyou:

    Universal's Animal Flex has been great for joint pain/soreness that is simply from exercise. For anything more serious I would recommend talking to your doctor.
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    I was going to to train with my CF trainer today, but shoveling took priority, and after 90 minutes of shoveling I was DONE. Forget I've been single parenting the last 4 days and have found comfort at the bottom of a scotch bottle.
    with the new day: new strength; new thoughts.

    Cheers & g'night!
  • Sweet13_Princess
    Sweet13_Princess Posts: 1,207 Member
    I love the idea of combo moves but I have a hard time focusing on correct form if I try to do stuff like curl and lunge. I may be doing it right but it doesn't feel like it. And if I try to check my form in the mirror, the forget about it! I am naturally fairly uncoordinated though and my perception surely is coloring my reality.

    I used to have the same problem.... a lack of coordination! But you don't get better at it, until you do it! I gradually added the moves into my routine. First I'd do upper, then lower.... to isolated sets. Then, on the third set, I'd combine them. Gradually I worked my way up to doing combo moves the whole time.

  • TrailRunner
    TrailRunner Posts: 140 Member
    with the new day: new strength; new thoughts.

    Aww, I like that. At the end of a tough day i say, " and tomorrow I will be stronger."
  • ldekker
    ldekker Posts: 11 Member
    Shannon - although I do not do 'combo moves' per se, I do a lot of total body exercises (such as the power clean, power snatch, overhead squat et cetera) which are all great moves to perform at the beginning of resistance training followed then by more isolated movements. An interesting combo that I have performed in the past is a tricep extension from the plank position - very challenging for the core!

    XFitMojoMom - that blogger's site you directed me to is fantastic! Thank you :)

    This week so far...
    Monday: skills practice, including kipping pull-ups, toes-to-bar, power hang cleans.
    Tuesday: WOD 1. AMRAP 10 minutes - 5 front squats, 5 box jumps, 5 burpees. WOD 2. 4 minutes double-unders, 3 minutes back squats, 2 minutes push-ups, 1 minute push-press.
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    Hey ladies,
    Idekker - glad you are enjoying Crossfit Lisbeth! She is fantastic and inspirational and everything i look for when I'm lacking motivation.
    Trailrunner - can't take credit, those are Eleanor Roosevelt's words.

    well, I had to scale my WOD today. My tendonitis and soleus are so mangled that the rx'd wod of squat cleans brought tears to my eyes. I did cleans instead, which still aggravated my soleus, but not my ankles.
    Monday: ELIZABETH 21-15-9 Power Cleans (85lbs), Ring Dips
    Tuesday unless my cleaners leave on time, I don't think I'll make a WOD
    then the rest of the week I'm booked into my classes, hopefully the rest day will give me time to recover.
  • Sweet13_Princess
    Sweet13_Princess Posts: 1,207 Member
    Shannon - although I do not do 'combo moves' per se, I do a lot of total body exercises (such as the power clean, power snatch, overhead squat et cetera) which are all great moves to perform at the beginning of resistance training followed then by more isolated movements. An interesting combo that I have performed in the past is a tricep extension from the plank position - very challenging for the core!

    Wow! That move sounds tough.... I'm not quite ready for that, but I'll file it for future use!:-)

  • ldekker
    ldekker Posts: 11 Member
    Very good results from my Fitness Re-Assessment this morning; I don't have the exact numbers but I have lost inches from my waist, hips and thighs as well as lowering my body fat percentage to 19.92%. I don't think I will aim to go much lower than this as I am already very petite and am happy with the way I look and feel :).

    In my periodized strength training program, I am now working between hypertrophy and maximal strength which I am really enjoying as it is a nice break from the full-paced crossfit style of training (I am continuing with my crossfit workouts but just a little less often).

    This morning I worked on my bench press, hang clean and push jerk, lifting 35kg, 40kg, 40kg respectively with no more than 5 repititions each set. My goal is to be able to bench press 100% of my body weight (being roughly 55kg), and to be able to complete at least 15-20 reps of the hang clean and push jerk at 40kg.

    'Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will.' Mahatma Gandhi
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member

    Just back to CF this week. I'm suffering from 180 walking lunges. However after 9 days off I did notice considerable increase in strength, getting my higher in my pull up and my rowing SPM and split was also more controlled.
  • guardup
    guardup Posts: 230
    Been absent for awhile between work and other commitments. I also had to change up my routine. I have this nasty knot in my right trap that needs rest and therapy. So it's weekly 90 minute deep tissue massages and stretching for the next two weeks for my upper body (because even chest exercises use the traps and shoulders).

    Right when I was closing in on a 200lb bench press personal best. :(

    Time to focus on legs again... figure I might also use this time to drop another percentage point in Body Fat. I've been hovering in the upper 17s for a long time. Want to see about getting to 16. Which means more cardio. Blech.

    Looking forward to some serious stretching and jacuzzi time this weekend.

    I'll try to bump into y'all more often.
  • guardup
    guardup Posts: 230
    "It seems like most of my muscles are progressing more quickly than my biceps. The only thing I can think of is to add more bicep exercises on non-bicep days. I can do that and still allow a day of rest between. Do you have any suggestions for exercise that will really work them? I pretty much only use dumbells. Thanks! "

    Look up X Reps on Google. Give them a try.

    Also, check my blog for some advice on building volume for the biceps. Often, people don't realize that there are MANY types of curls you can do to hit the different heads and angles of the bi's.
  • msbanana
    msbanana Posts: 793 Member
    I sooo want to be part of this thread!! I't obviously been around for a bit so I haven't had time to read through the whole thing but I lift a LOT. I'm dialed in on the protien and carbs for me.. at least for right now- I work at about 100-120g of protien and I can manage to get that without sups... I started using 1MR to boost my work out and have found myself able to lift more, longer and harder. I also have until recently been at a VERY large calorie deficit which I know inhibits serious muscle gain but have increased my intake so I can start focusing on building. Right now have 3-4 different workouts for both upper and lower body that I alternate between but they're all getting a little stale... I'm going to take time to read through the thread tonight to get some ideas but if y'all have places you go to pick up new work-outs and exercises I would love some ideas.

  • guardup
    guardup Posts: 230
    My most recent blog entry is titled "The Ugly Grunt". For any women on this list who weight lift hard, you will understand that title rather quickly. Enjoy. :)
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    GREAT Blog Post Meghan! Last week we did some deadlifts. I still haven't been able to get passed my 1RM of 220, however my quads, *kitten*, and Hammies were burnt from the walking lunges... I'd just really like to see that number up around 230-240 before the next CrossFit Total.

    My nutrition is totally off - I really need to reset and refocus. It's been hard losing my Dad and there's been a lot of emotional DRINKING. Of course drinking promotes eating crap... Anyway, I need to print out my mini goals and post it on my bathroom mirror or the fridge to help keep me accountable.
  • guardup
    guardup Posts: 230
    GREAT Blog Post Meghan! Last week we did some deadlifts. I still haven't been able to get passed my 1RM of 220, however my quads, *kitten*, and Hammies were burnt from the walking lunges... I'd just really like to see that number up around 230-240 before the next CrossFit Total.

    My nutrition is totally off - I really need to reset and refocus. It's been hard losing my Dad and there's been a lot of emotional DRINKING. Of course drinking promotes eating crap... Anyway, I need to print out my mini goals and post it on my bathroom mirror or the fridge to help keep me accountable.

    Another thing to note is that alcohol sugars are much harder for the body to burn than any other sugars. As such, they get converted to fat easily.

    I'm sorry to hear about your Dad. I lost mine a couple of years ago on Thanksgiving Day. It's very hard to lose a parent. It hits you with your own mortality like little else.
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member

    Just back to CF this week. I'm suffering from 180 walking lunges. However after 9 days off I did notice considerable increase in strength, getting my higher in my pull up and my rowing SPM and split was also more controlled.

    Eek sounds like my WOD today...

    AMRAP 20 min
    5 deadlifts (85#)
    10 lateral jumps
    40 walking lunges!!!

    I completed almost 8 rounds (300 lunges total for me) and feel like I might have a problem squatting down to use the toilet tomorrow LOL!
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    Good luck K! Just as I got over my DOMS, today was 100 front squats (rx was 95#, I did 65#) and for each time you racked the bar, 5 GHD sits.
  • rose1617
    rose1617 Posts: 469 Member
    Good luck K! Just as I got over my DOMS, today was 100 front squats (rx was 95#, I did 65#) and for each time you racked the bar, 5 GHD sits.
    oo that sounds like a good one!
    Have you ever done the 400m walking lunge? PAIN! It's roughly 320 lunges (depending on how tall you are).
    Our Challenge for the month is a mile walking lunge. I tried and got to about a half mile (granted I did this on an off-day at work in jeans and a tank) and called it quits. My knees were killing me!

    We did Nicki last night. My arms are killing me today. More pushups today (21-15-9 HSPU, Ring Dips, push-ups).
    Going to invest in Paleo for Athletes. Turns out the original Paleo is NOT geared towards CFers because you don't get enough of the nutrition you need. Go figure. Adding starches to my post WOD menu.
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    yes... we did it last in the fall (I live in french canada, and we still have about 3-4 feet of snow on the ground). That was murder. Have fun with JT, glad I missed that one!