Calling all Women Lifters



  • rose1617
    rose1617 Posts: 469 Member
    I've posted topics before trying to get interested parties to join my CrossFitting addiction. You are right - total addiction - probably has a lot to do with the endorphin high :laugh:
    I'm sooooo far from a low BF composition. My issue is that I have hereditary diabetes - right now it's insulin resistance and my body just stores fat, no matter my diet or workouts. The minute I deviate from eating a strictly Paleo diet, I gain weight like mad! :brokenheart: It's totally maddening and frustrating, but at least I know I am healthy and strong and in shape despite the fat.

    My 1RM DL is 225; my OHS is 85 (but my wrists are really taped up); Shoulder Press 92; back Squat 172
    I'm working on getting a Kip, I suppose muscle ups would follow suit. I suck at running too, but that's an injury - both ankles are riddled with tendonitis.

    I love to squat too, but always feel a little sick when I see Thrusters on the menu :sick: :laugh:
    My weakness is pull ups/I can jump, but my ankles kill me for 2 weeks after, as does running. I think the tendonitis will diminish significantly once I lose 20 - so that is my major goal for 2011 (Rx is 30 :wink: )

    BARBER - Again, thanks for that Link... i bookmarked it and will be using it!
    I understand your IR. I am slightly IR as well. I was in danger of being pre-diabetic, but killed it with healthy eating. I can't do paleo 100% because I have a chronic thyroid disease (hence the me trying to lose 35 pounds... well, 19 now) and need the nutrients that dairy has to offer. I'm about 80/20 though. More Zone I guess than anything. Anyway I gain weight like crazy and really quick due to sodium and high carbs late in the day. My body can't process it quickly enough so it packs on.
    You go girl on your maxes! I did a 3RM on backsquat at 129 yesterday and 165 on DL. I was definitely taking it easy because I had a back slip up last week. Was just the muscle, though and it healed really quickly (3 days).
    Speaking of thrusters.... today's WOD is AMRAP 15: 3 heavy thrusters (I think 95#), 7 burpees, 10 double unders.

    Hi Idekker! Good for you for getting into CF so early! I wish I had started CF 6 years ago, I'd be a beast now. :laugh: I can only do 2-3 reps kipping pull-ups, but I'm working to get up to 10. Toes to bar is much easier when you kip. I'm trying to get faster at that, too. And i hate running, so good on ya for getting that out of the way. I always put it off :tongue: If I were you I'd recruit as many females as possible to join your gym. We have a pretty even keel in that department, but working out with the men always gives me PRs because I try too hard to beat them (not on weights, but on MetCon). :bigsmile:
  • ceebs9
    ceebs9 Posts: 511 Member
    I was thinking the same thing about Idekker. If only I'd found this when I was her age! I didn't start until 42yrs old. Way to go!
  • ldekker
    ldekker Posts: 11 Member
    Training with the guys and trying to keep up with them has impacted on me hugely! I don't think I would have progressed as quickly as I have against ladies. In saying that though, the other female who I train with is a MACHINE - she recently went to the CrossFit competition in Gosford, NSW, Australia and placed 6th!

    I suppose the only difficult thing is that I can't really determine what level I am at because I don't have anyone to compare myself to (other than the men and the 'machine', haha). In that sense, I'm hoping threads on the CrossFit sites and this thread will give me a better idea.

    Knowing for instance that 2-3 reps of kipping pull-ups is rose1617's max helps me understand that I am not expected to be able to do 21 of the damn things straight up!
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    Idekker - I can't even do one!! And that's what a I love about CF, it's just so random on what your strengths will be, but you definitely learn what your weaknesses are in a hurry! :ohwell: Our box is comprised mostly of women, probably a 65-35 split. The women are mostly older too, and the men are mostly younger :love: so makes for some great eye candy while working out :laugh:
    Barber - I discovered CF this passed summer at 38, after two year with a personal trainer and not seeing any results :grumble:
  • stargzrlily
    stargzrlily Posts: 83 Member
    wow you are inspiring! what an amazing transformation. how long did it take you to get ripped like that?
  • stargzrlily
    stargzrlily Posts: 83 Member
    Me! Me! Me! I'm a women lifter too! My most challenging move as of lately would probably be squat-jacks with five-pound weighted ankle and wrist weights... I know, I'm a sissy.

    Do you gals ever wonder if the female body (muscle wise) benefits from whey protein as well as male bodies? I'm never sure but chug the stuff twice daily anyway...

    wow you are inspiring! what an amazing transformation. how long did it take you to get ripped like that?
  • ldekker
    ldekker Posts: 11 Member
    My weaknesses at this point are strength, power, speed and stamina. I struggle particularly with upperbody strength exercises such as the push-press, hang-clean and snatch.

    My strengths would be cardiovascular/respiratory endurance, coordination and flexibility. I have found I am particularly good at double-unders and have a strong core with an 'Annie' time of 3 minutes and 45 seconds.

    Haha! I think that we can all agree that the 'eye-candy' while working out is always very motivating! However, I look like a soggy beetroot at the end of a training session so sometimes wish that the guys wouldn't see me in such a state :(
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    My weaknesses at this point are strength, power, speed and stamina. I struggle particularly with upperbody strength exercises such as the push-press, hang-clean and snatch.

    My strengths would be cardiovascular/respiratory endurance, coordination and flexibility. I have found I am particularly good at double-unders and have a strong core with an 'Annie' time of 3 minutes and 45 seconds.

    Haha! I think that we can all agree that the 'eye-candy' while working out is always very motivating! However, I look like a soggy beetroot at the end of a training session so sometimes wish that the guys wouldn't see me in such a state :(

    bet they find you sexier than you care to know!
  • guardup
    guardup Posts: 230
    If you have Facebook, log in and check out this modification I did to standard chin ups:

    I was at the tale end of my set, so I wasn't getting my chin up to the bar... but you get the idea.
  • ceebs9
    ceebs9 Posts: 511 Member
    Bad *kitten*, Guardup!
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
  • stephanielynn76
    stephanielynn76 Posts: 709 Member
    Hey there all. I am not sure if I belong within your ranks (as you'd probably think I was too scrawny LOL) but I'm gonna post anyways. :)

    MY HISTORY: I've been weight training for over 12 years. My husband schooled me in the art back when we were just dating. He has an AMAZING physique and is the most consistent person I've ever seen. His father started him at 12 years old and he has been doing it ever since. Anyways being taught by a man I never did ascribe to the low-weight-high-rep method. The older I get, the more I push myself.

    WHAT I DO: I do a mix of free weights and machines with a few strength-training exercises thrown in. I do each muscle group at least once a week depending on how much time I have. I do what I can with just dumbbells but I don't have a spot so I use machines if I want to go heavy without risking a dumbbell to the face. I am somewhat tall (5' 6.5") and very small framed but pear shaped. Right now I am focused more on building my upper body and just toning below the waist. For one, I could use some width up there to balance out my derriere... but also because I have a bladder issue... it's fallen (thanks kids) and I really need surgery for it. I was advised against doing heavy squats or anything requiring me to bear down a lot. For legs I stick to squats/lunges with lighter weights and the press, extension, and curl machines.

    So... here is my question. I am convinced that due to my height/shape there is only so much bulk I am going to be able to gain in my upper body. I see these shorter more compact women build up this great muscle like it's nothing and here I am lifting more than they are but I don't see that. I've got long lanky arms... they are very toned (and now that I'm eating right, they are very lean too) but that's about it. Is there some truth to my theory... that your genetics will dictate how much you are able to build?
  • guardup
    guardup Posts: 230
    Welcome, StephanieLynn!

    I am 6 feet tall and I have a good amount of muscle on my upper body (and lower). I don't think its an issue of height. As for genetics, that can make *some* of a difference... but it's not so much a "fate" as much as a larger hurdle.

    The thing about upper body is that most women I see do not lift to failure. They lift heavy... but not to the point of being UNABLE to lift any more (as opposed to lifting until you dont WANT to). You generally need a spotter or work on machines with safety catches to do this (or bodyweight exercises).

    Also, doing Partial or X-Reps can send the overload signal to your brain which is what makes you grow more muscle.

    Lastly, make sure you are getting enough protein if you are on a "get ripped" plan.

    Talk to a trainer and explain your situation. They can give you some exercises and advice on form.
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    Finally got back *on it* today - it's been a sucky week so far. My 4 year old daughter is sick and my husband has a partial tear in his calf muscle after playing squash on Sunday. I've also laid into a bottle of wine/night since Saturday :noway:

    Anyway, I laid it out my goals on paper today - I find I far more accountable when I have something concrete to aspire to...

    1st goal: -7lbs by 2nd week april (mini get-away to Charleston SC with DH)
    2nd goal: -7 lbs by June 1st - ready for my pool and all the Crossfit pool parties
    3rd Goal: -7 to 10 lbs by end of year to get to my Doctor's prescribed weight loss
    4th BONUS: -7 to 10 lbs by FEB 2012 for my 40th BIRTHDAY, at my SMOKIN' HOT WEIGHT:smokin:

    Today I completed a HOME WOD - Thanks to BARBER for her link
    3 rounds of 300 m run, 50 Air squats, 300m Run, 50 Sit Ups & 5 x 1min Sprints
  • stephanielynn76
    stephanielynn76 Posts: 709 Member
    I kwym about the "muscle failure" thing. I'm trying but I am very afraid of injury. On Monday I attempted dumbbell curls with 30lb dumbbells in each hand alternating them one at a time. This is the most I ever attempted. I managed to squeak out 4 reps on each and tried but couldn't manage a 5th. I dropped those and immediately grabbed the 27.5 lb dumbbells to keep the burn going. I am still sore but it's all good. I am trying to do this kinda thing with each muscle group when possible. I am sure I am making some really attractive faces during all of that. lol I just get discouraged because I feel like I am pushing myself and while I am toned... like I said... my arms are still lanky. I don't want to be super bulky just a bit bigger than I am now...

    And yes I should probably be getting more protein!!! I drink my hubby's whey powder shakes often and eat a lot of chicken/turkey/fish/eggs but I should probably be more deliberate about counting my grams per day. Right now I'm mostly just counting the calories. I also know it's hard to build when you are maintaining a caloric deficit. Nothing I can do about that I guess...
  • stephanielynn76
    stephanielynn76 Posts: 709 Member
    I thought I'd add a visual so I took a crappy iphone picture this evening. I look awful so I just did my back... LOL

  • ldekker
    ldekker Posts: 11 Member
    Finally got back *on it* today - it's been a sucky week so far. My 4 year old daughter is sick and my husband has a partial tear in his calf muscle after playing squash on Sunday. I've also laid into a bottle of wine/night since Saturday :noway:

    Anyway, I laid it out my goals on paper today - I find I far more accountable when I have something concrete to aspire to...

    1st goal: -7lbs by 2nd week april (mini get-away to Charleston SC with DH)
    2nd goal: -7 lbs by June 1st - ready for my pool and all the Crossfit pool parties
    3rd Goal: -7 to 10 lbs by end of year to get to my Doctor's prescribed weight loss
    4th BONUS: -7 to 10 lbs by FEB 2012 for my 40th BIRTHDAY, at my SMOKIN' HOT WEIGHT:smokin:

    Today I completed a HOME WOD - Thanks to BARBER for her link
    3 rounds of 300 m run, 50 Air squats, 300m Run, 50 Sit Ups & 5 x 1min Sprints

    My Personal Trainer, whom is also a Life Coach, gave me some awesome advice to set a reminder on your phone for every second day or so that says 'read your goals'. It is a fantastic way to keep you focused and motivated :)

    I have also returned to training this week...

    Monday: for time - 20 deadlifts (60kg), 2.5km run

    Tuesday: for time (10 minute cut-off), 3 rounds of - 3 turkish-get ups, left and right (16kg kettlebell), 6 ground-to-overhead, left and right (16kg kettlebell), 9 kettlebell swings (16kg kettlebell), 50m sprint

    Wednesday: for time, 3 rounds of - 5 burpees, 10 ice-skaters, 15 push-ups, 20 air squats, 30 lunges, 400m run

    Thursday: 3 rounds, 1 minute per station - double-unders, box jumps, wall-balls, sumo-deadlift high-pull, push-press

    This is not inclusive of my own resistance and cardiorespiratory training though... I am officially BUGGERED!
  • JoyousRen
    JoyousRen Posts: 3,823 Member
    I thought I'd add a visual so I took a crappy iphone picture this evening. I look awful so I just did my back... LOL

    Wow! That is great!
  • kensky
    kensky Posts: 472 Member
    My Personal Trainer, whom is also a Life Coach, gave me some awesome advice to set a reminder on your phone for every second day or so that says 'read your goals'. It is a fantastic way to keep you focused and motivated :)

    This is a great piece of advice, ldekker!

    Stephanielynn, you look amazing!
  • stephanielynn76
    stephanielynn76 Posts: 709 Member
    Thanks ladies but really don't let my svelte upper body fool you :tongue: ... there is still waaaaaaaay to much junk-in-the-trunk down below that just has to go. I got a long way before I'm willing to post an image of that... LOL
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