brookeiva90 Member


  • I have had someone tell me I was getting too skinny years ago when I dropped a bunch of weight and at the time I was in the healthy range. I think for some people (like myself) people get use to seeing you at a certain weight and anything less than that or significantly less than that is just such a change people arent use…
  • my eye opener wasn't so much the calorie content, but how much a serving size actually is when you WEIGH it out. the recommended "2/3c" (just an example) is almost always WAYYYY over the recommended 32grams (or whatever) ahhh I have learned it is EXTREMELY detrimental to my weight loss to be weighing everything out other…
  • My protein powder and banana's... yummy
  • I had some before I got pregnant then after my daughter my stomach looks like a road map... some are red some are white... They use to bother me but the older I am getting the less I am bothered by them... My husband honestly has never said anything about them and I doubt he really cares or notices :)
  • baked asparagus with a dash of garlic ( I could seriously eat this all day but it has to be baked)
  • Hi, I feel the same way I managed to lose 25 lbs in the fall right before my wedding then, like so many I gained it all back! But I am more motivated than ever, not to get the perfect body, but to get healthy! Always looking for friends!
  • I am in I wanted to be about 50# lighter!!!
  • Thank you to all of you! i needed to read these things today! I don't know why today but I just needed this inspiration and motivation so thank you all!
  • We use to kinda do that to one of my sisters (make fun of her measuring her food out) until we realized how much WE were really eating and then seeing her feel better and make progress made us feel like *kitten* now I and another sister have jumped on the bandwagon :) when you start seeing progress and they do too maybe…
  • Cutting out ALL soda I was drinking WAYYYYYYY too much then switched to diet and was still drinking too much so i replaced it with water now with the exception of coffee in the morning and milk with breakfast I only drink water! Huge improvement!
  • I am kinda in the same situation. I HAVE to use my calorie counter and I CAN'T give myself a cheat day because then my cheat day turns into a cheat week... SOOOOO I have decided that I will leave some calories so if I want to indulge(within reason) I can do so without feeling the guilt. I also made a sign that I hung on my…
  • Deciding that my fiance and want another child and at the weight I am at now there would be WAY too many risks not to mention gaining more weight while being obese isn't wise. I am determined to be able to be at my prebaby weight (my daughter is going to be year old) by December of 2013 so that we are able to have another…