I'm having a hard time



  • Sorry for your lack of support on the home front, losing weight is hard enough but to be ridiculed for trying - NOT COOL. Also don't give up just yet I had the same problem the first couple weeks and then one day the scale finally showed me a lesser # :happy:
  • brookeiva90
    brookeiva90 Posts: 13 Member
    We use to kinda do that to one of my sisters (make fun of her measuring her food out) until we realized how much WE were really eating and then seeing her feel better and make progress made us feel like *kitten* now I and another sister have jumped on the bandwagon :) when you start seeing progress and they do too maybe something will click :) keep it up progress will show!
  • ArmandoG28
    ArmandoG28 Posts: 283 Member
    JUST DO IT ! i didnt need anyone ! f-the rest
  • Im going to have to disagree with some posters on this one.. He is 8 and plenty old enough to be told making fun of someone isnt ok nor is it accepted ! He is repeating/following what your husband is doing. I think I would have a talk with the husband first and tell him to keep comments to himself, he doesn't have to agree with what you are doing but he shouldn't be making fun of it.. especially in front of the 8yr old.
    Im pretty sure my 10 year old would rather die than make his mom cry. I think its time to have a sit down with him.. I also have a 6 month old and it is tiring but GREAT job on finding alternatives to working out inside.. its not easy but your doing it and thats what counts. Keep your chin up !
  • Every holiday I get made fun of by my in-laws because I refuse the dessert and choose to eat an apple and walnuts
    instead.. Each of them said that eating too much fruit and nuts is bad for you.. My reply is that I am the only one in this family who is in shape and in good health. They finally came around when all of them started getting diabetes and high cholesterol. Now we have fruit salad for dessert with no complaints and my brother in law counts his calories.
  • rfuchs
    rfuchs Posts: 55 Member
    I am sorry your family is not supportive. I disagree with the previous posts who say 8 year olds are not old enough to not laugh at something that is important to you. I have 4 children ages 6, 5, 5, and 3 and they know better than to laugh at people working hard and doing their best. Sit him/her down and explain what you are doing and you need his/her support. He is PLENTY old enough to understand. As far as your husband, you and him need to have a come to Jesus meeting. There is no reason for him to act that way. I cannot imagine my husband laughing at something I was working so hard at with so many barriers (weather, 6 month old, etc.). Is it possible he is jealous you are taking your health seriously and he is not? Does he feel badly and he is taking it out on you? You can do this! Don't let your husband make you think you can't. You grow people for crying out loud, you can do ANYTHING!!!!
  • MrsRosenow
    MrsRosenow Posts: 109 Member
    I'm so sorry to hear you are having difficulty! Although I am not a mother or a wife, I have been with the same guy for over 5 years. Last year when I started getting back in shape he would tease and make fun of me because he didn't think it would last because I have done this many times in the 5 years we are together. But this time was different for me. Now he apologizes and tells me how amazing I look and trust me it was all worth it!! I would sit down with your husband and tell him how you feel. If he's a good guy he will understand and will start supporting you as well.
    Also it took me 3 weeks to start dropping weight when I first started... I almost gave up but I figured I had to give it a solid month and I'm sure glad I did!! Hang in there and use this site as a great motivation for good days and bad!
  • Kttyler87
    Kttyler87 Posts: 141 Member
    Im going to have to disagree with some posters on this one.. He is 8 and plenty old enough to be told making fun of someone isnt ok nor is it accepted ! He is repeating/following what your husband is doing. I think I would have a talk with the husband first and tell him to keep comments to himself, he doesn't have to agree with what you are doing but he shouldn't be making fun of it.. especially in front of the 8yr old.
    Im pretty sure my 10 year old would rather die than make his mom cry. I think its time to have a sit down with him.. I also have a 6 month old and it is tiring but GREAT job on finding alternatives to working out inside.. its not easy but your doing it and thats what counts. Keep your chin up !
    Haha thank you I think I was having a hard time getting people to understand what I meant because I accidentally put 6 year old first. He is 8 and plenty old enough I feel to understand. He does hear what his dad says and it upsets me.
  • just laugh with them. nothing is more disarming to people laughing at you than being able to laugh at yourself.

    Laughing does burn off calories :smile:
  • Kttyler87
    Kttyler87 Posts: 141 Member
    Well I did it, well kinda... My hubby was making comments last night. I was making dinner and measuring stuff out and he comes up behind me and says "seriously" I said yes! A few minutes later he was looking for the mushrooms and asked, "how come there almost gone" I said, "Because ive been eating them". He then says, "Im so tired of this eating healthy crap! Theres Tilapia in the freezer and I would have liked to have that but you didnt tell me its in there"......Makes no sense that I have to tell him everything I buy haha. But anyways, in front of our son at the table he was eating his dinner (Breakfast dinner, my sons fav!) He made the most disgusting omelet Ive ever seen full of fat! I didnt say a thing, I had my veggies and light cheese in it, and he says "Id be so much happier to eat stuff I like than crap like...." and I cut him off, I snapped and said, "I ENJOY this stuff, I actually like eating healthy so I DONT need your comments"....Shut him right up! Haha