What is your favorite side dish? GO!!!



  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    In no particular order:

    - mashed potatoes
    - roasted potatoes
    - boiled new potatoes w/butter
    - olive oil roasted brussel's sprouts
    - olive oil roasted broccoli (also cauliflower)
    - wilted spinach
    - sauteed asparagus (olive oil)
    - roasted beets
    - baked sweet potatoes
    - sauteed zuchini squash/yellow squash assortment
    - pasta w/red sauce
    - mac and cheese
    - quinoa pilaf
    - rice pilaf
    - lentils
    - split peas

    and so many more....it really depends on what the main part of the meal is and what my mood is. FYI, there is far more to healthy living than just steaming veggies...
  • brookeiva90
    brookeiva90 Posts: 13 Member
    baked asparagus with a dash of garlic ( I could seriously eat this all day but it has to be baked)
  • Sharonks
    Sharonks Posts: 884 Member
    I eat loads of veggies usually either sauteed in olive oil with garlic or roasted with olive oil and garlic. Lately, I have had a thing about zucchini pancakes. I use a couple of eggs, maybe 2 cups of grated zucchini, a splash of milk or water, about 1/4-1/2 teaspoon of baking powder (can't you tell I really don't measure a lot of stuff) about 1 tablespoon of flour, and seasoning to taste. Spray a fry pan and cook batter like pancakes (although I generally make them smaller, about 2" diameter). I eat moderate carb. You could probably skip the baking powder and flour if you wanted to be lower carb.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    baked asparagus with a dash of garlic ( I could seriously eat this all day but it has to be baked)

    Oh, how could I have forgotten asparagus!! Roasted, sauteed, grilled - with olive oil and garlic (or fried shallots!) As long as it still has a little crunch it's ALL good. Skip that nasty slimy canned crap *shudder*.