

  • Spain is beautiful - whenever I've been there I've spent most of my time walking around all day, eating sparse real-food meals (like taking a hunk of bread and a piece of cheese with me and eating them in a square somewhere) and dancing all night... Never got a chance to slow down! Good luck, enjoy your holiday!
  • Oh also, when I quit smoking it helped me to say to myself, "All you have to do is NOT SMOKE." Not many people find that helpful, but those who do seem to think it's magic.
  • I think, as long as you're aware of the fact that you may be hungrier, you can do things to head it off at the pass - because you CAN do this! Sugar-free gum may help - it's obviously not something you want to chew on all the time for the rest of your life, because artificial sweeteners aren't crazily good for you, but…
  • I'm not that mad for chocolate (although I do have a huge sweet tooth)... But I used to go for Skinny Cow ice cream lollies, they have a chocolate one (I prefer the fruity ones). If memory serves (it's been a long time) they're under 100 cals each and they are delicious. My period is a huge non-event (always was, but now I…
  • What is your net calorie intake like, on average? Because if you go too low you may stop losing as a result. You don't have to eat all your exercise cals, or even any of them, but if you're not having as many calories as you should and then not eating your exercise calories on top of that, it may well scupper your plans!
  • Thanks everyone - seems so obvious now to do something that feels comfortable rather than try and fit some perceived norm!
  • Holy moly - I do circuit training on occasion and a single 45-minute class KILLS me!
  • I can read whilst riding a stationary bike, however this makes me focus on the book rather than on my exercise. I like to really push myself when working out so I never read whilst exercising.
  • When I worked out in the mornings (which I may well start doing again) I used to get out of bed, wash my face with cool water, then get into my workout clothes. I'd come downstairs, have a piece of fruit or similar, and sit down to plan what I was going to eat for breakfast/lunch (I don't plan tea because my husband almost…
  • Hear hear. This is precisely what I was going to say. Ultimately, burning muscle instead of fat is going to sabotage you in the long run.
  • If you hate running, then swimming is infinitely better as you'll be far more likely to stick with it. It's also much gentler on the knees as it's essentially no-impact exercise.
  • I don't own one - have only used them in the gym - but I must say they are my favourite piece of gym equipment, and if I were going to buy anything for use at home it'd be an elliptical for sure!
  • At my gym this would not be acceptable behaviour as making their customers comfortable is a huge part of their philosophy. I hope you keep going and ignore the personal trainer. IMO this would be a good reason to talk to the management! I started at 294 (last week; 290.5 today). Would you like to be weight loss buddies? I…
  • Remember that all you have to do is get out of bed. Once you're out of bed and in your workout gear it becomes a tonne easier! Edit: I wanted to add that exercise, for me, is a HUGE motivating factor in weight loss. I'm very diligent about having a healthy carby snack a while before heading for the gym, and about having a…
  • This, although I have no balance board and don't have biggest loser. I adore that game!