

  • If I was going to a Michelin-starred restaurant, I would just have what I fancied (unless cost was a limiting factor). Then be good for the next few days to make up (Dr Michael Moseley's Fast Diet is great for this). If I go out to an 'ordinary' restaurant, I order what I fancy, but take a plastic tub in my bag, and put…
  • I weigh every day at the start, and have done so for three years now (unless I am away on holiday when I let up a bit but get back to being good when I return)
  • Good luck with the surgery and hope it works for you (it does in the majority of cases). After that, you need to increase your activity levels (try cycling and swimming at least tostart with - better for your back!) and walking is good, and easier for your back on softer surfaces with good shoes. I find the best lifelong…
  • If you must eat chocolate every day, I wouldn't have more than 50 grams or around 2 oz (dark, as you say is best). Reason being it takes up too many calories from a daily amount, and thus less room for fruit and veggies!
  • May not be doing anything wrong (do you add up calories every day - in and out?? Weight tends to fluctuate a pound or two normally. Next week you'll be down again I expext. What is yor daily calorie intake? I find I can't lose weight unless I take in less than 1500 per day
  • what is a Rollo McFlurry -do you have a recipe?