Getting Prepared For A Life Changing Event

My name is Tamara and I live in Timberlake, NC. I am 52, married to the love of my life, and have one biological daughter and three step-daughters. I am a very lucky woman indeed. But ... in spite of my wonderful home life, I am sad, depressed and have always yearned for a better me ... a slender me ... and the energy that accompanies it.

I have been overweight since childhood but I was always very active so I was able to keep it within an "acceptable" level.

As an adult, I adored working in my yard, mowing grass, planting flowers, weeding flower beds. I have worked for Duke Hospital as a scrub nurse in the OR since 1995 so I was on my feet and active eight hours a day.

In 2002 I had major back surgery and faced yet another surgery in 2011. Since then, I have had to choose another career as I can no longer stand long enough to do what I trained for and loved so much. I now work in the business office of a Duke managed ambulatory surgical center. It's been a very difficult adjustment for me. I just don't feel the joy or satisfaction that I used to in the operating room.

I deal with daily pain and my activity level has dwindled to consist of light housecleaning, laundry and cooking, I have gained considerable weight because of this inactivity and worse yet, have become moderately depressed ... leading to comfort eating and compounding things even further.

In June 2013, I will have gastric bypass surgery. I am SO looking forward to getting this weight off, getting much more active and above all, hopefully getting my life back again.

I joined Fitness Pal to get a handle on my eating habits, and help me prepare for the post GBP changes in my diet and activity.

You don't drown by falling in the water. You drown by staying there.


  • TamaraStraughn
    It's been difficult for me to log in my food journal and track my activity, WANTING to lose weight but being told by my GBP doc and dietitians to NOT lose weight. I must maintain my weight in order to qualify under my insurance companies guidelines. SO frustrating!
  • magiejbailey
    Good luck with the surgery and hope it works for you (it does in the majority of cases). After that, you need to increase your activity levels (try cycling and swimming at least tostart with - better for your back!) and walking is good, and easier for your back on softer surfaces with good shoes. I find the best lifelong diet is the one propounded by Dr Michael Moseley as it is research-based and sensible - called the Fast Diet - it is easy to do both to lose weight and to maintain, and has huge health benefits which amy include a longer life span!!! keep using MyFitnessPal - I have used it religiously for two years and it really helps to keep an eye on what you are eating - I have maintained a 7 stone weight loss for three years now (combination of watching what I eat/calorie restriction/exercise.and avoiding junk food), having been big since a child (I am now 63 years old); so you CAN do it - go 4 it!
  • redjch
    redjch Posts: 18
    You go girl!!
    I'm Judy, 51 years young and live in Lincolnton, NC. I am here to stay accountable and lose about 20 or so lbs. The same 20 lbs that I've gained and lost over and over since I had kids (they are 22 and 18!) I want it off for good!

    Comfort foods!!! They are the bane of my existence! I love all the sweet and not sweet carbs! If you'd take them away from me, you'd might as well take me out in the back yard and shoot me!
    I also enjoy mowing the grass and both flower and veggie gardening. I'm outdoors more than indoors after I get off work. I also love to cook and bake and eat what I've made; so therefore my problem with weight!

    I know that you can do this! After you have the bypass surgery, you will be able to lose weight and get back in shape and enjoy life once again. A friend from work had this surgery and she lost over 100 lbs! She is back to where she wants to be and is active once again.

    Keep in touch! And take care of yourself now, so you can have a long and happy life with the love of your life!