

  • Did Week 2 yesterday. I like week 2 much better than week one. Also, after I do the workout 2-3x's I like to listen to my music instead of the video. Seeing great results so far, and feeling much stronger! So far I've done 7 workouts (of the RI30) in 10 days. Hopefully I'll get better at doing them 6 out of 7 days! Keeping…
  • I started RI30 the 18th (Tues) so today will be day #3. It's hard. I can almost do everything but not quite. I'm thinking I may do it 2xs through. I'm doing that in the afternoons and I'm also doing a treadmill workout in the mornings and a fairly strict diet. I looked at Jillian's diet, but, seriously, who has the time or…
  • I have a very hard time on the weekends. I try to take them "off" but stay within reason. AND I believe you have to give yourself wiggle room, if you really want a pepsi, or whatever it is you crave. Otherwise, for me at least, it builds up and then I go crazy, and eat a ton of junk at once. It's better to cheat in the…
  • R2L > I got my bike from a local online classified for about $30. Just look everyday, or as often as possible, so you can scoop the good deals as soon as they are listed. Come to think of it, I also got my gazell FOR FREE from an online classified. And you can post a "wanted" ad for free on some sites.
  • Thanks for the advice, everybody. I checked the yogurt I have and the calcium is much higher than I thought. And a serving is a cup, so I get a good "treat", too. I can't do the light yogurt, I HATE any kind of fake sugar. Today I ate my oatmeal for brunch (with soy milk) and just snacked on carrots. Later I'm making baked…
  • Yep! I eat a LOT of protein! I've found that protein helps me feel full and of course, helps build muscle. I try to do as few carbs and as much protein as possible. I try to hit my daily values on everything, and when I do eat carbs, to make sure they are healthy carbs. The only one I haven't quite been reaching is my…
  • I would like to join! You have a great group here and VeggieTart, you're amazing! You reply to everyone! I usually don't eat breakfast, but I'm trying to be better and have sort of a brunch meal around 10 am and dinner around 6 with a small healthy snack in between. Today that didn't happen, I got busy and didn't eat until…
  • You should lose the weight, then lose him! My boyfriend and I are doing this together, we both have weight to lose and we both want to be healthier!
  • I am 33 and hit my highest weight of 174 after the holidays. I'm 5'7", so I can feel good in a bikini at 140. (and look pretty good, too) My boyfriend and I both started our diets on Jan.10th. My current weight this morning was 168! I exercised Mon and Tues and am hoping to exercise 5 days a week from here on out. I've…