New Group...Daily HEET (Healty Eaters and Exercise Team)



  • iknowicaniknowican
    I would love to be in this group. :heart:
  • Buterphly
    Buterphly Posts: 112
    I would love to be in this group. :heart:

  • VeggieTart
    I would love to be in this group. :heart:

    OMG!! I'm balling like a baby and my hands are shaking so please forgive any typos...Ladies...this is my old friend Cindy Sunshine! SHE IS MY INSPIRATION for restarting this group and getting my Leslie Sansone dvd. If anybody knows how to do it - this girl does. She's amazing!! I am SOOOO Happy to see you again!! Man, oh man! What a way to lift my spirits today! When I quit blubbering like a baby I'll be back to post again and catch up. WOW! Just WOW! :love: :flowerforyou:
  • knottyfroggy
    Thanks for the advice, everybody. I checked the yogurt I have and the calcium is much higher than I thought. And a serving is a cup, so I get a good "treat", too. I can't do the light yogurt, I HATE any kind of fake sugar.

    Today I ate my oatmeal for brunch (with soy milk) and just snacked on carrots. Later I'm making baked pork chops with veggies and probably some wild rice, and yogurt snack after that.

    I didn't work out last night, my legs are sooooo sore, but today's a new day and I'm going to do better! My goal was to work out 5 days this week, and I've done 2, so I can still reach it!
  • VeggieTart
    Ok, got myself pulled back together.:blushing:

    As soon as I finished posting earlier I finished my pity-party, got up off my butt and exercised. Added 3 more miles and earned enough calories back to have a nice dinner tonight AND a snack. I didn't eat bad today but I mindlessly munched several times without logging anything. I've got everything logged now and am in good shape to end the day on a positive note. I'm just overly sensitive these days. I can't believe I let some jerk get me so upset that I started to sabotage myself. UGH! I even spent some time researching Emotional Eating but didn't find anything I didn't already know. Just need to find the willpower *not* to do it, plain and simple.

    Phly - you're seeing some of the same positive changes I am. Isn't it GREAT?!! And thanks for the support earlier!

    Ceejay - Way to go on feeling stronger! It's such a good feeling to have my posture returning. I used to have such great posture but just stopped carrying myself well since I've been heavy. Good job on getting in that kitchen and cooking for yourself and your family! It sounds delicious! What time should I arrive? :tongue:

    R2L - Feel better soon!

    Froggy - you're doing so well and your meals look really good and balanced! That's awesome! You still got time to get in your workouts so Go For It!

    Welcome again to Cindy. I'm sorry to see you back on the wagon again though because that means you gained some weight back.:frown: Well, let's get back down to business. I'm over it. Really and truly. I'm just not going to live like this anymore and this is my year to get it off, once and for all.

    Not sure what we're having for dinner tonight. It's usually leftover night but I don't think there's anything left. Gonna go "squat" in front of the fridge (since I can do that these days!) and see what's in there. I'll check back later.
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    Welcome Cindy!!

    VT, dinner is usually served around 6:30. Can you make it by then? :happy:
  • Ready2lose4ever
    I took today off from tracking my food and exercising. However, I didn't go crazy with my eating. I know I probably went over some but not a lot. I will be up and ready to get started in the morning!!
  • Ready2lose4ever
    I would love to be in this group. :heart:

  • Pinoy_Pal
    Pinoy_Pal Posts: 281 Member
    This group sounds.....awesome! I'm tonight I'll be working out my chest and arms...Oooooh Yeah!!!!!

  • VeggieTart
    Ceejay - we'll do it next time, for sure!

    R2L - congrats for not getting crazy today and maintaining control!

    Pinoy - welcome to the group! It's always interesting to get a man's point of view. You look pretty fit now...what are your goals?

    I had a nice big salad, Boca Burger and baked fries for dinner. Have calories left for a snack but I'm still pretty much stuffed. I think I'll just close out my diary for the day, take a long hot shower and call it a day. Tomorrow is grocery shopping and errand day for me.

    Sleep well, HEETers!
  • Buterphly
    Buterphly Posts: 112
    veggie, how are those boca burgers? My husband doesn't buy them because "theres no meat in there" But yhey seem to be pretty healthy....that's another reason why I ask. I don't really like "diet"food.
  • Pinoy_Pal
    Pinoy_Pal Posts: 281 Member
    Pinoy - welcome to the group! It's always interesting to get a man's point of view. You look pretty fit now...what are your goals?

    So my goals are to decrease my bodyfat% and increase my lean muscle mass.
  • VeggieTart
    TGIF HEETers!

    It is POURING here this morning. Gonna have to rearrange my schedule a bit. I try to get my shopping done early in the morning but there's no way I'm going out in this weather.:ohwell:

    Phly - I like the Boca Burgers, especially the Flame Grilled variety. If you need a low cal burger fix, they really do the trick. I also like their "Crumbles" for Taco's and Spaghetti but rarely buy them. But my favorite is Morning Star Farms Corn Dogs. I also like the MSF Chicken Patties and Buffalo Chicken Nuggets (they have a really good kick!). Have also eaten the MSF Southwest Veggie Burgers. Those are good too but not my favorite.

    The weekend is upon us again...does everybody have their plan of attack? We don't have anything special going on this weekend so no special challenges for me. If this weather clears out I think we'll spend some time out in the yard and garden.

    Off to get my day started. Catch you all later...
  • VeggieTart
    One more thing...

    R2L...I'm cracking the whip and coming to hunt you down! Unless you are burning up with fever or have some kind of really awful get yourself up today and move that body! Make sure you eat some good fruits and veggies today also! I'm pulling the wagon up to your front door so hurry up and jump on!! :bigsmile:
  • Ready2lose4ever
    One more thing...

    R2L...I'm cracking the whip and coming to hunt you down! Unless you are burning up with fever or have some kind of really awful get yourself up today and move that body! Make sure you eat some good fruits and veggies today also! I'm pulling the wagon up to your front door so hurry up and jump on!! :bigsmile:

    Good morning VT, I am up and ready to go this morning. We are taking my kids to the park this afternoon and I am going to do some running and playing with my kids. That should burn up a lot of calories. I am also going to try and fix my bike but if I can't I will be getting Leslie out to do a mile. I am tracking and logging all food today. I will eat some fruits and veggies today. I will be good. My goal is to be good and not have a day where I don't log food or exercise or go over on my calories until we get tax money back and then my hubby, the kids and I will be going out to eat, but I will stay on track and log all food until the day we get tax money back, and then it will be just one day I will not log food or exercise. I want to go have Chinese at this really good Chinese all you can eat resturant we have locally. I can do it!!! I know I can!! I feel a lot better today so here I come exercise!!!!!!
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    Good morning! Welcome, Pinoy!

    VT, hopefully the rain subsides soon and you can get your day going!

    R2L, I know you probably read this all the time on here, but I think it's really important to log all your food on a daily basis. It helps to see where improvements can be made so that you can see results. It's also very important to be honest about what you're putting in your mouth, again, so that you can see where improvements can be made and you can start seeing results! Have fun doing workout today. I hope you can get your bike fixed and tell the little ones no more stuffing anything into it. LOL

    As for my weekend, there's nothing going on, which is a good thing. I need to rest anyway. There is football on Sunday but since my game of interest doesn't come on until 6:30 (Go Jets!), I'll probably use the time beforehand to make dinner, hopefully, for the entire week. Tonight we're doing homemade grilled pizza (grilled on the grill pan indoors) together.
  • Ready2lose4ever
    Good morning! Welcome, Pinoy!

    VT, hopefully the rain subsides soon and you can get your day going!

    R2L, I know you probably read this all the time on here, but I think it's really important to log all your food on a daily basis. It helps to see where improvements can be made so that you can see results. It's also very important to be honest about what you're putting in your mouth, again, so that you can see where improvements can be made and you can start seeing results! Have fun doing workout today. I hope you can get your bike fixed and tell the little ones no more stuffing anything into it. LOL

    As for my weekend, there's nothing going on, which is a good thing. I need to rest anyway. There is football on Sunday but since my game of interest doesn't come on until 6:30 (Go Jets!), I'll probably use the time beforehand to make dinner, hopefully, for the entire week. Tonight we're doing homemade grilled pizza (grilled on the grill pan indoors) together.

    ceelovejay, I didn't know the nutritional value on some of the things that I ate. I always log everything except for yesterday. I even take the time to count out foods such as 10 baked chips or however many carrots or such and such. I am very strict usually about what I put in my body and about logging food. I wasn't able to fix my bike so looks like I am going to have to get another one when tax time comes. Until then I will be doing exercise DVD's and getting outside to do some walking. I didn't see anything that Anna Grace and Jacob had stuffed in the bike so I don't know if they were just saying that or they really did and it got in there and broke something. I did 30 minutes of walking through my house and then down my front porch steps and burned 137 calories doing it. We are going to take the kids to the park this afternoon after my daughter get out of school and my hubby gets off of work and if my daughter didn't get a note from school for being bad. I am going to run and play with the kids. It will probably make me really tired b/c I have not run in a long time. I want to be able to run and play with my kids. They are only little once.
  • Ready2lose4ever
    This group sounds.....awesome! I'm tonight I'll be working out my chest and arms...Oooooh Yeah!!!!!


  • knottyfroggy
    R2L > I got my bike from a local online classified for about $30. Just look everyday, or as often as possible, so you can scoop the good deals as soon as they are listed. Come to think of it, I also got my gazell FOR FREE from an online classified. And you can post a "wanted" ad for free on some sites.
  • VeggieTart
    R2L - Good for you! I'm glad to see you up and moving again!

    Phly - Sorry to hear you're coming down with something now. Hope you feel better soon.

    Ceejay - Grilled Pizza...YUM!!!'s official. I am the WORST aerobic dancer...EVER!! I so SUCK at dancing! I always have. I can either move my hips and feet or I can move my hips and arms but for some reason, even though I'm pretty coordinated, I can NOT do the two at the same time when it comes to finding the beat. Since it's Friday I wanted to do something a little different and popped in a Denise Austin dance dvd. Well, first off, the music she chose is pretty lousy and she pretty much stinks at getting me motivated but I gave it a whirl anyway. Oh brother.:huh: I spent more time tripping over my own two feet than I did doing any dance steps...but...tripping over my own feet must be pretty good exercise because I burned 166 calories in 28 minutes, lol! I finally just gave up and popped in Leslie and got in 1 mile. At least I can walk, lol!!

    Rain is gone, errands are done but I've got to go get some cleaning done. See you all later!