New Group...Daily HEET (Healty Eaters and Exercise Team)



  • Ready2lose4ever
    I got my daughter Anna Grace off to school, got Jacob and myself fed breakfast. Now I am going to log in my food for the day and then do some exercise. I am sneezing like crazy this morning but I am still going to do some walking. I don't know if it will be as much as I did yesterday but I am going to do something b/c my goal is to exercise all week except for Sunday and to not have a day where I don't log my food and don't go over on my calories. So far so good. I am going to finish this week well. I hope you all have a great day. I am off to log my food in and I will be back later.
  • Ready2lose4ever
    WOOHOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! Just finished 61 minutes of walking and burned 400 calories!!!!!! I just had to tell someone!! I feel great and I am so proud of myself!!
  • Buterphly
    Buterphly Posts: 112
    R2L That's great! I am so glad to see your feeling better! Keep up the good work!:bigsmile:
  • Ready2lose4ever
    R2L That's great! I am so glad to see your feeling better! Keep up the good work!:bigsmile:

    Thanks so my Phly!!
  • VeggieTart
    Hey HEETers...

    We have the one of the worst storms I've ever seen heading our way (aside from hurricanes.) 60mph winds, lightning like I've never seen before on the radar, cell rotation *everywhere* with the possibility of tornadoes and the possibility of hail and flooding. *All* of Central Florida is under a Severe Weather and Tornado Watch and/or Warning. This storm is wicked. The news is not even breaking, it's non-stop weather. **Say a quick prayer for Froggy**. She's getting hammered right now and it will be in my area in a couple of hours. I've got the dogs harnesses and leashes ready and will put them on when the storm gets closer so we can keep them close in case something goes sideways and we need to take cover fast. Gonna be unplugging the computer in a bit so I probably won't be back on tonight.

    I'll check in tomorrow. Be safe and be healthy!

    Congrats R2L on your exercise and thanks for the motivation earlier.
  • Ready2lose4ever
    Hey HEETers...

    We have the one of the worst storms I've ever seen heading our way (aside from hurricanes.) 60mph winds, lightning like I've never seen before on the radar, cell rotation *everywhere* with the possibility of tornadoes and the possibility of hail and flooding. *All* of Central Florida is under a Severe Weather and Tornado Watch and/or Warning. This storm is wicked. The news is not even breaking, it's non-stop weather. **Say a quick prayer for Froggy**. She's getting hammered right now and it will be in my area in a couple of hours. I've got the dogs harnesses and leashes ready and will put them on when the storm gets closer so we can keep them close in case something goes sideways and we need to take cover fast. Gonna be unplugging the computer in a bit so I probably won't be back on tonight.

    I'll check in tomorrow. Be safe and be healthy!

    Congrats R2L on your exercise and thanks for the motivation earlier.

    I will be keeping you and Froggy and everyone in Florida where the storm is in my prayers that the storm will not do any damage or harm anyone. Thanks. I was very excited about my exercise I had to come here and post about it. You're very welcome for the motivation. I love this group. Thanks for starting it!!!
  • dlaplume2
    dlaplume2 Posts: 1,658 Member
    Hey HEETers...

    We have the one of the worst storms I've ever seen heading our way (aside from hurricanes.) 60mph winds, lightning like I've never seen before on the radar, cell rotation *everywhere* with the possibility of tornadoes and the possibility of hail and flooding. *All* of Central Florida is under a Severe Weather and Tornado Watch and/or Warning. This storm is wicked. The news is not even breaking, it's non-stop weather. **Say a quick prayer for Froggy**. She's getting hammered right now and it will be in my area in a couple of hours. I've got the dogs harnesses and leashes ready and will put them on when the storm gets closer so we can keep them close in case something goes sideways and we need to take cover fast. Gonna be unplugging the computer in a bit so I probably won't be back on tonight.

    I'll check in tomorrow. Be safe and be healthy!

    Congrats R2L on your exercise and thanks for the motivation earlier.

    Wow I hope you all stay safe. I have a friend in New Port Richie she said the same thing about the weather. I will pray for your safety.

    HI everyone else. Had a great day and now I am going for a ride with my hubby a mini date. I am so glad I didn't cave into the munchins that came in the house on Sunday or the chocolate cake that my daughter baked yesterday. I'm thinking tonight might be a good night for ice cream. I have 666 calories left and I can do light ice cream and not go over.
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • VeggieTart
    Back on line...

    Thanks R2L and Plume for the prayers and well wishes. It was *very* intense for several hours. Even DH took note and we loaded up the bathroom as our "safe place" with our Emergency Radio, flashlights, clothing, poncho's, first aid kit, etc...just in case. We have friends in Froggy's area and DH was getting updates via an on-line feed until the last minute when he had to get off the computer. I hope she faired well. We actually had 90 mph wind gusts and something made a *huge* crash outside the front of our house and I thought it was our big Palm Tree but it's still standing. DH thinks it may have been a ladder he had up against the porch that crashed on to the driveway. I guess we'll see in the morning light. Damage is spotty across our area, but significant, according to the most recent news reports.

    I worked almost an entire day today. Ate well for breakfast and lunch but no where near enough and got no exercise. By the time I came home and watched the weather reports there was no way I was going to start working out or cooking dinner. Focusing on our safety was more important. Tomorrow is Weigh-In for me and I peeked this morning. I saw a gain. I'm not stressed about it. I think it's more muscle from all the walking. There's NO WAY I can walk 55 Miles and *not* lose, whether it be pounds or inches. So, I will take what tomorrow gives me. And be happy that we made it through this storm with little to no damage and we are safe and happy. The scale will catch up in it's own time. :smile:

    :flowerforyou: Plume...enjoy your ice cream!! You earned it!!
  • Ready2lose4ever
    Good Morning everyone!! VT I am so relieved that you and your DH are safe and that you have little to no damage. I was praying for you last night and I saw on the weather channel all the red that they had for Central Florida. I am sure you have lost some weight walking 55 miles or at least some inches.

    I am up and ready to go this morning. It's raining here but that won't stop me from doing some walking. I have started walking in my house, just walking back and forth and jogging in place from time to time during the walk. Yesterday I even did some jumping jacks. I use my water weights during the walks as well and do sidesteps in place. I haven't done Leslie in quite a few days. I like to walk through my whole house so that is what I have been doing. I hope this rain stops soon b/c tomorow my hubby, kids (they love to walk and for that I am very glad), and I want to go walking outside. I love to get outside and walk and look at the scenery when I walk. Well, I am going to finish my breakfast, strap on my HRM and get moving. I will be back later.
  • VeggieTart
    Good Morning!

    Thanks R2L for the continued prayers. Hope to hear from Froggy soon!

    Wednesday Weigh In reports 1 Pound Down!! I actually had to get on the scale twice because I didn't believe it, lol!

    Something I didn't mention yesterday was just before I left the house I hurt my shin really badly. I pulled some throw rugs off the fence, turned around and tripped over one of DH's tools. My leg has a big scrape, a goose egg and is bruising greenish/black. It hurts to the touch and every step I take makes it ache. Not sure if I'll walk today, might hold off until tomorrow.

    Paperwork and menu planning day today...I'll check back later.
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    VT, I'm glad you made it through the storms safely. Mother Nature sure does have it out for us it seems like. We got more snow this morning and more coming this afternoon! Also, congrats on your loss! Great work!

    R2L, I love your attitude! I hope you had a fantastic workout.

    butterphly, here's the fish recipe I said I would post moons ago. lol

    1 pound salmon
    2 teaspoons extra-virgin olive oil
    2 teaspoons fresh lemon juice
    1/4 teaspoon salt
    Pinch freshly ground black pepper
    2 cloves garlic, minced
    2 teaspoons fresh rosemary leaves, chopped, or 1 teaspoon dried, crushed
    Fresh rosemary sprigs (optional)
    Capers (optional)

    Cut the fish into 4 equal-size portions.
    Combine the olive oil, lemon juice, salt, pepper, garlic, and rosemary in a bowl. Brush the mixture onto the fish.
    To grill, arrange the fish on a grill rack or use a grill basket sprayed with olive oil cooking spray.
    Grill over medium-hot coals until the fish flakes easily (allow 4-6 minutes per 1/2" of thickness). If the fish is more than 1" thick, gently turn it halfway through grilling.
    To broil, spray the rack of a broiler pan with olive oil cooking spray and arrange the fish on it. Broil 4" from the heat for 4-6 minutes per 1/2" of thickness. If the fish is more than 1" thick, gently turn it halfway through broiling.
    To serve, top the fish with capers, if using, and garnish with rosemary sprigs, if desired.

    It's actually from the South Beach Diet cookbook. I did SBD about 7 years ago and this recipe has stuck around all that time!

    I lost .5 pounds since last week. I lost even more inches though! That's the part that excites me! Hope everyone has a fabulous day!
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    BTW, VT, this week so far I've made veggie & chicken kabobs with rice pilaf, sweet potato and split pea soup, glazed shrimp with broccoli and brown rice and (I'm not sure if I posted this one already) Peruvian-style roast chicken. Tonight, I think I'm going to make a taco salad. The kids are off from school today (snow closure) so I'm going to ask my 17-year-old to prep the ingredients for me so all I need to do when I get home is cook!
  • dlaplume2
    dlaplume2 Posts: 1,658 Member
    Good afternoon.
    I hope you hear from froggy soon.

    R2L where are you from, getting all that rain?

    I did enjoy my sundae, it was worth every single calorie. I ate it and still had 14 calories to go to hit 1200. I was impressed with myself.
    I did my c25k today and was able to answer my phone (mp3 player in cell phone simple button to hit) and wasn't completely out of breath dying during my little job. I can feel the improvement.
    Having steak and mashed potatoes for dinner. Do you guys think I should cut and weigh it before I cook it or after. Most things are hard to do before and cook together. Like pasta it's 2 oz of uncooked. Who in thier right mind (with a family) only cooks 2 oz of pasta at a time? anyhow I hope you all have a great day stay safe.
  • Ready2lose4ever
    BTW, VT, this week so far I've made veggie & chicken kabobs with rice pilaf, sweet potato and split pea soup, glazed shrimp with broccoli and brown rice and (I'm not sure if I posted this one already) Peruvian-style roast chicken. Tonight, I think I'm going to make a taco salad. The kids are off from school today (snow closure) so I'm going to ask my 17-year-old to prep the ingredients for me so all I need to do when I get home is cook!

    Where do you get your recipes from? I love to cook and I am always looking for new recipes.
  • Ready2lose4ever
    Good afternoon.
    I hope you hear from froggy soon.

    R2L where are you from, getting all that rain?

    I did enjoy my sundae, it was worth every single calorie. I ate it and still had 14 calories to go to hit 1200. I was impressed with myself.
    I did my c25k today and was able to answer my phone (mp3 player in cell phone simple button to hit) and wasn't completely out of breath dying during my little job. I can feel the improvement.
    Having steak and mashed potatoes for dinner. Do you guys think I should cut and weigh it before I cook it or after. Most things are hard to do before and cook together. Like pasta it's 2 oz of uncooked. Who in thier right mind (with a family) only cooks 2 oz of pasta at a time? anyhow I hope you all have a great day stay safe.

    Plume I live in South Carolina. We usually don't get this much rain but lately I have no idea about what is going on with this weather.
  • Ready2lose4ever
    Good Morning!

    Thanks R2L for the continued prayers. Hope to hear from Froggy soon!

    Wednesday Weigh In reports 1 Pound Down!! I actually had to get on the scale twice because I didn't believe it, lol!

    Something I didn't mention yesterday was just before I left the house I hurt my shin really badly. I pulled some throw rugs off the fence, turned around and tripped over one of DH's tools. My leg has a big scrape, a goose egg and is bruising greenish/black. It hurts to the touch and every step I take makes it ache. Not sure if I'll walk today, might hold off until tomorrow.

    Paperwork and menu planning day today...I'll check back later.

    VT, Congrats on the weight loss. I am sorry to hear about your shin. I hope it gets better soon. Sounds like it's really painful.
  • Buterphly
    Buterphly Posts: 112
    Morning all!:yawn: Hope everyone is has a good day today!

    I am having a egg &cheese english muffin for breackfast:
    A sandwitch and salad for lunch,:
    BBQ chicken and baked zuchunni and yellow squash "fries" supper
    All of this together is1,047 calories. I have been having a problem eating enough calories half of the time. the other half I have to work out for like 3 hours:laugh:

    anyone have a suggestion how to get a few more healthy calories? (My husband says just eat a pice of cake) I am full at the end of the day. I know this sounds crazy, I have over 100 lbs to loose and mfp is warning me about starvation mode:huh:
  • dlaplume2
    dlaplume2 Posts: 1,658 Member
    Morning all!:yawn: Hope everyone is has a good day today!

    I am having a egg &cheese english muffin for breackfast:
    A sandwitch and salad for lunch,:
    BBQ chicken and baked zuchunni and yellow squash "fries" supper
    All of this together is1,047 calories. I have been having a problem eating enough calories half of the time. the other half I have to work out for like 3 hours:laugh:

    anyone have a suggestion how to get a few more healthy calories? (My husband says just eat a pice of cake) I am full at the end of the day. I know this sounds crazy, I have over 100 lbs to loose and mfp is warning me about starvation mode:huh:

    Good morning
    You don't have any snacks listed. You should add some snack in there. Peanut butter crackers, cottage cheese with fruit or crackers, Hummus with what ever you like that with. even have and apple or a banana. You are so close it won't take much. I notice a difference beteen 1000 and 1200 calories, so I would shoot to hit it even if you go a little over.
    You can stroll through my diary for some snack ideas too it you want.

    Hope you all have a great day.
  • VeggieTart
    Happy Thirsty Thursday!!!

    Make sure you get all your water today!

    Ceejay - keep sharing those menu's! Love the inspiration!

    Plume - there may be a recommendation about weighing food before or after cooking but I usually do it after it's cooked. 2 ounces of dry pasta = 1 cup cooked if that helps.

    R2L - is my new "Go-To" for recipes. I was a Reciparzaar Junkie for many years (was a paying Premium member) but when they sold out to Scripps and became last summer there were massive problems with the recipe conversions. I don't really trust any of the recipes from there anymore unless I look them over *very* carefully but I'm also disgusted with the way the whole transfer was handled and find the new site too slow because of all the advertisements and some of the search and sifters still don't work right. It's a no-brainer with Eatingwell because all of their recipes are lower-cal/healthier versions. Easy-Peasy.

    Phly - more healthy calories...Are you getting enough dairy? Those are healthy calories. Fruits tend to be higher in calories than veggies because of the natural sugars. If you need more calories maybe keep some "regular" bread on hand instead of a low-cal version. That could bump you up a little more. **Edit to add...Nuts. So healthy and full of *good* fats. Or Peanut Butter. Not as healthy as raw nuts but still good for you.

    Finished my menu for next week. We have *lots* of money in gift cards to our favorite fancy-schmancy restaurant and DH wants to have a Date Night Saturday and go there for dinner, even though we had planned on going next month for my birthday. I usually get Seared Tuna with Wasabi Cream Sauce, but may venture out this time for something new. Will still try to keep it healthy though. Here's what we'll be having next week...All Chicken again...My freezers are overflowing with Chicken and I need to use some up and make some room for other things...

    Friday - Baked Subs (1/2 for me with lots of veggies)

    Saturday - Out

    Sunday - Eatingwell - Pimiento Stuffed Chicken Breast (using Smoked Gouda and homemade Roasted Red Peppers)
    Eatingwell - Ham and Broccoli Salad (no Ham and will probably do some tweaking of my own)

    Monday - Eatingwell - Parmesan Crusted Chicken
    Eatingwell - Creamy Blue Cheese Dressing over a tossed salad

    Tuesday - Fish and Shrimp - not sure which preparation yet but I'm leaning towards the marinade I posted a few days ago
    Eatingwell - Chili Roasted Carrots and salad

    Wednesday - Inspired by Eatingwell's Provolone and Olive Stuffed Chicken but I'm going to do it more Greek style. I'm going to rub the chicken with Garlic, Basil and Oregano. Stuff with Feta and Kalamata Olives, quick pan sear then finish in the oven. Drizzle with fresh lemon juice before serving
    Eatingwell Broccoli Salad with Creamy Feta Dressing and a side of Couscous

    Thursday is leftovers.

    No exercise yesterday and none today. My leg is still killing me every step I take and is throbbing just sitting here. It's awful.

    Gotta get going. See you all later.

    Keep it Healthy and drink your water!!:drinker:
  • Ready2lose4ever
    Good Morning everyone!! Thanks VT for the website. I will defintly be checking it out. I love to cook and I am just looking for some new recipes so I don't get bored. I am getting tired of baked chicken. So I need some new recipes. Just because I am on a lifestyle change doesn't mean that I have to eat boring food and I won't do it. Going to get 30 minutes of walking in here in the house and then later my hubby, my son, and I are going walking. I am so ready to get my walking on. I am doing so good this week about my exercise and everything. Well, I am off to go walking. I will be back later.