New Group...Daily HEET (Healty Eaters and Exercise Team)



  • VeggieTart
    Go for it R2L!! You can do it! It's really not that hard once you find your groove! Do the 2 Miles and stick with if for a bit until you are ready to move up another mile. Steady Progress!!

    I finished the day off strong! Dinner was Home Canned Chicken Breast mixed in to some homemade Chicken Gravy with Carrots from the garden, a small Sweet Potato diced up and Frozen Peas all tossed together to make a Chicken A'La King kind of dish. Served over some Instant Potato Flakes...just flakes and water...nothing else was needed for flavor because it was all in the gravy and veggies. Delicious and filling!

    Healthy, Happy Dreams! See you tomorrow!
  • Ready2lose4ever
    Good Morning everyone!! I am up and ready to go this morning. My daughter Anna Grace is back in school this morning and now only Jacob and I are home today. I should be able to get a great workout in today. No wait I will get a great workout in today. I am going to finsh up my breakfast and then pop in Leslie and get started. My hubby is going to look at my bike today and see if he can fix it. I hope he can. If not I will be getting a new one. I like to mix things up so I don't get bored or burned out. Well, off to finish breakfast and then off to exercsie. I'll be back later.
  • lilac67
    lilac67 Posts: 311
    Good morning! Room for one more??

    I'm ready for a good day!! I had a rough weekend and but, I'm back on it today! It's like I had a "junk food hangover". I just plain felt crappy!! I am an admittted emotional eater, but working on it.

    My plan today is to get some healthy food in me, drink my water, and remember my vitamins!
  • Ready2lose4ever
    Good morning! Room for one more??

    I'm ready for a good day!! I had a rough weekend and but, I'm back on it today! It's like I had a "junk food hangover". I just plain felt crappy!! I am an admittted emotional eater, but working on it.

    My plan today is to get some healthy food in me, drink my water, and remember my vitamins!

    Welcome, this is a great group. I love it!!
  • VeggieTart
    Good Morning!

    Lilac, what a surprise! Of course you're welcome here!!:flowerforyou: Sorry to hear about last week but congrats for getting back on the wagon! That's what we're here for!

    My cable box is locked up in re-boot mode. This is the 5th time in less than a year and I'm afraid I know what's going to happen. They will probably have to change out the box again and that means I will lose all the Bellydancing shows I DVR'd. Keeping my fingers crossed but I'm not hopeful about it.

    Breakfast was toast with cream cheese and I'm already half way done with my water. Guess I'lll eat a piece of fruit while waiting for the cable guy.

    Healthy, Happy Day!! I'll check back later...
  • Ready2lose4ever
    Just got done doing walk away the pounds with Leslie Sansone. She totally kicked my butt. I did 2 miles and boy do I sure need more time on that one. I will be there until it is not longer a challenge to do it and then I will move on to more miles. Now off to spend some time with my son.
  • Buterphly
    Buterphly Posts: 112
    Great job everyone! Me I am having a munchie day. I am trying to stay out of the kitchen, but you know how it is when you get low on groceries, all the sudden your hungry all day long? Or is it just me? LOL well anyways after the hubby gets home I will hit the gym and work off some of my snacking. Hard to go to the gym with a 18 month old and a 5 year old in toe. I was not up for the stress today so I will wait. I just get so sleepy, and feel drained if i don't do anything. Well you all have a good day!
  • VeggieTart
    :flowerforyou: Great job R2L!

    :flowerforyou: Phly - are you drinking enough water? Sometimes we're not really hungry but thirsty instead. Have you tried drinking a glass of water and waiting for 10 minutes to see if you really want to eat something? Give it a try and see if it works. Even if it works only half the time that's half fewer calories! Cheering you on with your workout tonight!

    Cable people were supposed to be here between 10 - 12. Didn't show up until well after 1pm and that was after I had to make two phone calls!! AND, yes, they changed out my box and I lost ALL the exercise shows I had DVR'd from FITtv and now they aren't running the shows anymore so I can't re-tape them. I'm SO mad!! And because my whole day was screwed up, I didn't get my exercise in and am too disgusted now to even attempt it. Awwwww, crap...maybe I'll just get up now and see if I can get a mile or two in before DH gets home...grrrrrrrrr!!
  • Buterphly
    Buterphly Posts: 112
    yea you were rite, not enough water. For some reason I am really bad about that. I have to force myself to drink the recomended amount I am on glass 3 for today now ...

    And veggie, good luck on your run, have fun and be safe!
  • VeggieTart
    Phly - do you have a way to motivate or remind you to drink your water? Maybe set a kitchen timer for an hour and everytime it goes off drink a glass. I just read where a girl sets out 8 pennies on the counter or desk or wherever she will see them most often through the day. Once she drinks a glass she moves a penny to her pocket or to the other side of the sink. I have a clear water jug that holds 64 ounces (got it from Bed, Bath and Beyond) and I took a sharpie and marked every 8 ounces. I fill it and make sure I get my minimum but I usually add two or more glasses to it. Just some thoughts.

    Lol!! I don't run!! I'm walking with a Leslie Sansone dvd. It's broken down in to miles. I got up and did it. Got in 2 miles but I was still so upset that when I strapped on my HRM I couldn't get my pulse down low enough to get myself a good workout, lol!! Everytime I really started movin' it would start beeping at me because my heartrate was too high. Lousy workout and lousy calorie burn but at least I got off my butt and did it!!:bigsmile:
  • Buterphly
    Buterphly Posts: 112
    Got in 2 miles but I was still so upset that when I strapped on my HRM I couldn't get my pulse down low enough to get myself a good workout, lol!! Everytime I really started movin' it would start beeping at me because my heartrate was too high. Lousy workout and lousy calorie burn but at least I got off my butt and did it!!:bigsmile:

    So I have a question about this..when your heart rate goes high are you not burning as much calories, or how do you know? I have a treadmill at the appartments I live in. I do a good workout on the elliptical machine then I try to walk on the treadmill, and It always say that my heart rate is way to fast that I am on the top end of the cardiovascular part. (almost in the red =( ) Any clue what that means? Should I not walk after? does the rate matter?
  • VeggieTart
    Wednesday Weigh In...Drum Roll Please!! I lost 6 Pounds this week!!

    Now THAT'S what I'm talking about!! :bigsmile:

    I was a little worried last night and even mentioned to DH that I might not see a big number. Not sure why but I just wasn't feeling all that confident about it. But YAY for me!! So Take That you stooopid little one pound gain from last week! You just got smoked!

    Dinner last night was Chicken Gyro's. Marinated Chicken Breast, grilled, a whole wheat pita stuffed with veggies and Tzatziki Sauce. Sooo yummy!! Tonight we are having Souvlaki. Basically the same thing only it's pork in a little different marinade.

    Breakfast this morning is toast and cream cheese and an orange. I need to get dinner loaded in to the planner so I know how many calories I have for lunch and today is menu planning day for next week. I'm off to look at the new grocery add and see what's on sale this week. Hopefully lots of cheap, healthy things!

  • VeggieTart
    Got in 2 miles but I was still so upset that when I strapped on my HRM I couldn't get my pulse down low enough to get myself a good workout, lol!! Everytime I really started movin' it would start beeping at me because my heartrate was too high. Lousy workout and lousy calorie burn but at least I got off my butt and did it!!:bigsmile:

    So I have a question about this..when your heart rate goes high are you not burning as much calories, or how do you know? I have a treadmill at the appartments I live in. I do a good workout on the elliptical machine then I try to walk on the treadmill, and It always say that my heart rate is way to fast that I am on the top end of the cardiovascular part. (almost in the red =( ) Any clue what that means? Should I not walk after? does the rate matter?

    Sorry Phly - you and I were posting at the same time.

    It's my understanding that when your heartrate is too high you are not in your "optimal" zone and you are not burning as many calories. I haven't read up on it a long time and forget the physics behind it but you can do a test on yourself if you don't have a HRM. During your exercise if you can maintain a conversation you should be in a good zone. If you are too winded to speak normally then you are over-doing it and should back off a bit. There are also some ways you can check your pulse during exercise but I've always found it too cumbersome because I had to stop and try to find my pulse, which I always have a hard time finding. You can google heartrate during exercise or something similar and find generic charts for your particular weight and height. That might be a good place to start to see about where you should be. Hope that helps!
  • Buterphly
    Buterphly Posts: 112
    thanks veggie
  • lilac67
    lilac67 Posts: 311
    Good Morning HEETers!! Here's to a Happy and Healthy day!

    :flowerforyou: Congrats on that loss, Veggie Tart!! 6 lbs is impressive!!

    I still feel just yuck! I'm going to keep to the path and get my center back!! I'm pumped for my martial arts class tonight!!
  • Ready2lose4ever
    Good Morning everyone!! Julie, Congrats on the 6 pounds gone forever!!! I did great all day yesterday but then last night my hubby waas eating some crackers in front of me and I ended up eating some of them and then some other stuff and went over on my calories. The sad part of it is I don't think I was even really hungry. I think just b/c it was there I wanted it. I have to learn to go and get some water, drink it and wait 10 minutes and see if I am really hungry or just thirsty. Julie that is a great idea, thanks for suggesting it. Oh well yesterday was yesterday and it's gone. So, I wil not sit here and dwell on it, nor will I beat myself up over it. I am back on it today and going great and I WILL finish today great too. No exercise for me though. I don't feel well at all. I am on my way as soon I am done here to take some tylenol and go to bed. That is if my 3 year old son Jacob will let me. I am going to take him in there with me and I hope he takes a nap so I can rest. We will see.
  • Buterphly
    Buterphly Posts: 112
    Hello everyone! Well I was doing good for a few weeks, but then I hit a platu, or what ever you call it. THEN, THEN, I started gaining!?!?! I don't understand it, but maybie I should not have tryied to loose 2 pounds a week to start off? I was only loosing about a pound a week anyways, but had my calories restricted so I could loose 2. Should I back it off to 1 pound a week? See if maybie that works? I am confused ...any suggestions?:sad:

    :flowerforyou: and veggie congrats on that weight loss!
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    May I also join? I've read through all the posts and I really like what you have going on here. :)
  • VeggieTart
    Hey Cee, you just jump right on in!! We'd love to have you!

    Durn Lilac! So sorry to hear you aren't feeling well. Do you have the crud or are you just bogged down with life? Find your center and get back to it and kick some butt at your class tonight!

    R2L - I sure hope you feel better soon. Nothing like getting in a good groove and coming down with a bug that throws you off track. Hopefully Jacob will let you get some rest so you can take it easy today. Remember to drink lots of water even if you are sick. Sometimes those meds can promote water retention so be sure to keep your body flushed.

    Phly - Oh, NO!! First thing...2 pounds *might* have been a little too ambitious but maybe not. There could be a couple of things going on with you. Get back to basics. Water, water, water. Then measure and record *every single* thing that you eat. If you are truly under your calories then look at what you're eating. Even if you are within your calories are they *good* calories? Loading up on salty foods or processed foods might be contributing to water retention. Maybe you are close to your TOM, another water retaining factor. You have been exercising alot. It's possible you have burned off fat and gained some muscle, we all know that muscle weighs more than fat. Or, it could be a combination of several of these things all coming together at once. Go back to the basics for a few days to a week and let us know what happens. I'm sure I'm not the only one with a few ideas. Let's see what the others say and hopefully we can get you back on track!

    Since I lost weight this week I updated my HRM with my new settings. I also adjusted my activity level from Basic (which was the lowest setting and a good starting point for me) up to Light (good for low intensity aerobic exercise.) Between my new weight and the new setting it gave me a little higher "acceptable" heart rate range and allowed me to up my activity a bit. Not much, just a little but let me tell you, that little bit allowed me to work myself harder and BOY do I feel it. My thighs and butt were burning so bad I could only get in 3 Miles today and had to stop a few times, not because my HRM was going off but because I had to rub my butt muscles, lol!

    Time for lunch. I'm gonna finish off the Chicken Ala King that's in the fridge and have a salad and a couple of carrots that I pulled from the garden this morning.

    Keep it healthy!!
  • VeggieTart
    Phly - one more thing...have you taken your measurements? This could be a real indicator as to if you are actually gaining fat or muscle.