New Group...Daily HEET (Healty Eaters and Exercise Team)



  • Buterphly
    Buterphly Posts: 112
    So I am a little off topic here but does anyone have a good (cheep) fish recipe? I hear that fish is reallu good for you, but the only way I know how to do it is fry it. Any suggestions? And anyone ever eat those turkey burgers? Opinions?
  • Ready2lose4ever
    R2L > I got my bike from a local online classified for about $30. Just look everyday, or as often as possible, so you can scoop the good deals as soon as they are listed. Come to think of it, I also got my gazell FOR FREE from an online classified. And you can post a "wanted" ad for free on some sites.

    thank you froggy. I need to find me one. I will be searching for one. I hate the fact that mine is tore up and it's only 2 years old!!!!! I love my bike and I love to go walking. I am also trying to find more exercise that I enjoy doing.
  • Ready2lose4ever
    So I am a little off topic here but does anyone have a good (cheep) fish recipe? I hear that fish is reallu good for you, but the only way I know how to do it is fry it. Any suggestions? And anyone ever eat those turkey burgers? Opinions?

    I eat Tilipia once a week at least. I take a clear baking dish and spray it with cooking spray, put in in the baking dish and sprinkle on some lemon pepper seasoning and some fat free butter spray. Cover it with aluminum foil and bake on 375 for 30 minutes.My hubby and kids love it as well.
  • VeggieTart
    So I am a little off topic here but does anyone have a good (cheep) fish recipe? I hear that fish is reallu good for you, but the only way I know how to do it is fry it. Any suggestions? And anyone ever eat those turkey burgers? Opinions?

    Totally NOT off topic as far as I'm concerned.:bigsmile:

    I have a super simple, super tasty recipe for fish. From start to finish I can have this thing whipped up, in the oven and the kitchen cleaned in about 20 minutes.

    Orange-Almond Tilapia
    4 Whitefish Filets (Tilapia, Cod, whatever you have)
    1/3 Cup Panko Breadcrumbs (make sure to use Panko and not regular breadcrumbs)
    2-4 Tablspoons Sliced Almonds, toasted
    Dash of Salt
    1/4 Cup Butter, melted (this is part of the original recipe but I use WAY less than this...just eyeball it)
    1/3 Cup Orange Juice Concentrate, melted

    Heat oven to 350.
    Pat fish dry with papertowels.
    Quickly toast the Almonds then run a knife through them to make chunky crumbles - similar to the size of the Panko Crumbs.
    Mix melted Butter and melted OJ Concentrate in a shallow dish.
    Mix Panko, Almonds and Salt in shallow dish.
    Dip fish in Butter/OJ mix, turn to coat, then dip in Panko/Almond mix, turn to coat.
    Place on baking sheet and bake 30-45 minutes til done.

    This is another one...I know it sounds totally crazy but it's really good!!

    Marinated Fish (it's even better on Shrimp!!!)

    1/4 Cup OJ
    1/4 Cup Soy Sauce
    2 Tablespoons Ketchup
    3 Tablespoons Oil
    2 Cloves Garlic, minced (I don't use this in mine)
    1/2 Teaspoon fresh ground pepper
    1/2 Teaspoon Oregan
    1/4 Teaspoon Parsley

    Combine all ingredients, marinate fish 30 minutes then grill...I'm sure you could pan fry this or might even be able to bake it but I haven't tried either of those.

    Here's one of the simplest Turkey Burgers we've tried that we do quite often.

    1 1/2#'s Ground Turkey
    1/2 Cup finely crushed Tortilla Chips
    6 Tablespoons fresh Cilantro, chopped
    1 Tablespoon Chili Powder
    1 Teaspoon Salt
    1 Teaspoon Cumin
    1/2 Teaspoon Black Pepper

    Mix all, form in to 6 Patties and grill. Top with Salsa and Sour Cream.

    Our absolute favorite Turkey Burger is a Bobby Flay recipe and has a laundry list of ingredients. It's just plain Turkey Burgers but they're topped with Jalapeno-Jack Cheese, a Poblano-Pickle Relish and an Avocado Mayo. Absolutely Delicious!! I'll post it if you're interested.
  • Ready2lose4ever
    So I am a little off topic here but does anyone have a good (cheep) fish recipe? I hear that fish is reallu good for you, but the only way I know how to do it is fry it. Any suggestions? And anyone ever eat those turkey burgers? Opinions?

    Totally NOT off topic as far as I'm concerned.:bigsmile:

    I have a super simple, super tasty recipe for fish. From start to finish I can have this thing whipped up, in the oven and the kitchen cleaned in about 20 minutes.

    Orange-Almond Tilapia
    4 Whitefish Filets (Tilapia, Cod, whatever you have)
    1/3 Cup Panko Breadcrumbs (make sure to use Panko and not regular breadcrumbs)
    2-4 Tablspoons Sliced Almonds, toasted
    Dash of Salt
    1/4 Cup Butter, melted (this is part of the original recipe but I use WAY less than this...just eyeball it)
    1/3 Cup Orange Juice Concentrate, melted

    Heat oven to 350.
    Pat fish dry with papertowels.
    Quickly toast the Almonds then run a knife through them to make chunky crumbles - similar to the size of the Panko Crumbs.
    Mix melted Butter and melted OJ Concentrate in a shallow dish.
    Mix Panko, Almonds and Salt in shallow dish.
    Dip fish in Butter/OJ mix, turn to coat, then dip in Panko/Almond mix, turn to coat.
    Place on baking sheet and bake 30-45 minutes til done.

    This is another one...I know it sounds totally crazy but it's really good!!

    Marinated Fish (it's even better on Shrimp!!!)

    1/4 Cup OJ
    1/4 Cup Soy Sauce
    2 Tablespoons Ketchup
    3 Tablespoons Oil
    2 Cloves Garlic, minced (I don't use this in mine)
    1/2 Teaspoon fresh ground pepper
    1/2 Teaspoon Oregan
    1/4 Teaspoon Parsley

    Combine all ingredients, marinate fish 30 minutes then grill...I'm sure you could pan fry this or might even be able to bake it but I haven't tried either of those.

    Here's one of the simplest Turkey Burgers we've tried that we do quite often.

    1 1/2#'s Ground Turkey
    1/2 Cup finely crushed Tortilla Chips
    6 Tablespoons fresh Cilantro, chopped
    1 Tablespoon Chili Powder
    1 Teaspoon Salt
    1 Teaspoon Cumin
    1/2 Teaspoon Black Pepper

    Mix all, form in to 6 Patties and grill. Top with Salsa and Sour Cream.

    Our absolute favorite Turkey Burger is a Bobby Flay recipe and has a laundry list of ingredients. It's just plain Turkey Burgers but they're topped with Jalapeno-Jack Cheese, a Poblano-Pickle Relish and an Avocado Mayo. Absolutely Delicious!! I'll post it if you're interested.

    I am going to try the fish the way you said you do yours. It sounds yummy!!!!!
  • Ready2lose4ever
    So I have a had a really great day today. I almost ruined it with some sunflower seeds but I put them in the trash after eating about 3 servings of them. I love them and there will not be any more in this house b/c I can't just eat a little bit of them. I juggled my food around so that I did not go over on my calories. I did 66 minutes of exercise today and burned 353 calories. I am tired but I do feel great. I can't wait to do some more exercise tomorrow.
  • VeggieTart
    R2L - you can also use that recipe on Chicken Tenders. I haven't tried it yet because it was always my Go-To Fish recipe during the week when I was working. Try it! It's really good and SO easy!

    Phly - a few more things...Panko bread crumbs can be pricey in the store...I know you were looking for *cheap* recipes. You can make your own Panko crumbs. There's nothing special about them, they are just *chunkier* and provide a better *crunch* than regular crumbs that tend to be kind of powderey. I make my own by leaving a few pieces of bread out overnight (maybe two depending on humidity) to get really stale, then I break the bread up and put it in my food processor and pulse a few times. If I end up with more than I need I put them in a baggie and keep them in the freezer until I need them again. For the OJ Concentrate, I buy one specifically for this recipe, take out what I need, leave the rest in the original container and put it in a ziploc bag in the freezer. It lasts *forever* and that way I've always got a little OJ on hand if I run out fresh juice or fresh oranges. As for any recipe that calls for Chili Powder, I don't use the stuff that you might put in a pot of Chili. That kind of seasoning already has Cumin and other spices in it. Whenever a recipe, other than Chili, calls for Chili Powder, I use Ground Ancho Chili Powder. It's not hot at just has a rich flavor. I haven't bought spices from the grocery store (other than Garlic/Onion Powder) in years so I don't know if groceries carry it yet but look for it. It's one of our favorite spices and I order it by the pound from Penzey's online (along with all my other herbs and spices.) HTH!

    **Just looked at the clock...just after 6pm. I better gather up my stuff for "Leaner/Meaner Baked Italian Subs" and head over to Ceejays! Grilled Pizza and Baked Subs...YUMMMM!!! :bigsmile:
  • Buterphly
    Buterphly Posts: 112
    thank you verry much everyone! The reason I asked for "cheap" is I have 5 to feed here, and some recipes are cinda expensive. That won't do on a budget:smile: I will have to try all of these recipes they all sound yummy!
  • Ready2lose4ever
    Good Morning everyone!! I am so sore from my walk yesterday. I will probably take the weekend off and then get right to exercising on Monday. Who knows though. We might take the kids to the park this afternoon so I may get in some walking there. I have lost 1.4 pounds since the last time I weighed in. In a couple of weeks I am going to take my measurements again. I know that I have lost some inches, I can just tell. I hope you all have a great day and I will be back later.
  • VeggieTart
    Hey everyone...

    Been going at it since I woke up this morning. Am just now sitting down to a salad for lunch. Got my two chickens in the oven roasting. Gonna eat really good next week. I'm already craving Buffalo Chicken Wraps!

    Make sure to keep drinking your water this weekend...even if you fall off the wagon!
  • VeggieTart
    Didn't really feel like doing it but I did it anyway! Got in another two miles with Leslie today. I've walked 17 days this month for a total of 50 Miles!!!:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :drinker: :drinker:
  • Ready2lose4ever
    I got in 30 minutes of walking today outside and burned 183 calories. I didn't feel like doing it since I walked 66 minutes yesterday and my legs were so sore but we took the kids to the park and I strapped on my HRM and did my walking while my hubby watched the kids swing and slide. Then my little girl Anna Grace who is 5 came and joined me walking. I am so glad that I am setting a good example for the kids. I want them to never know what's like to be morbidly obese. I want to know what it's like not be morbidly obese. I have been like this for such a long time I don't remember what it's like not to be like this, but I am going to know b/c I will be here until I reach my goal and afterwards. I am in this for life.
  • VeggieTart
    Good Morning Gang.

    How's everyone doing so far? Looks like R2L and I did good yesterday. I was actually under my calories yesterday but forgot to close out my day. And for the very first time, I'm feeling a little sore from all the exercise so I'm going to take the day off and let my body rest.

    Phly - how you feeling?

    Ceejay - Did you get all your cooking done? What 's for dinner? I'm trying a new recipe from called Buffalo Chicken Casserole. Last night I made another Eatingwell recipe called Chili Spiced Carrots (or something like that) to serve with our Roast Chicken. Sliced carrots, Ancho Chili Powder, Cumin and a little oil, roast in oven 20 minutes then toss with Cilantro and Lime Juice. I reduced the recipe for us but wish I would have doubled it, they were delicious! you doing?

    Gonna get some eggs boiled for a few breakfasts this week. See you later.
  • Ready2lose4ever
    Good Morning everyone!! I am up and ready to go this morning. Today is my day off from exercise. I think I am getting another Sinus Infection. I feel awful. I took some meds and I hope that I feel better by tomorrow so I can get back to my exercise. I have logged all my food for today, I did it last night and I will stick by what I put in. I hate going back to my food diary to change it so I won't bother it. We are getting ready to give the kids their baths and then go and have devotions and prayer. I will be back later.
  • VeggieTart
    :flowerforyou: Congrats R2L for checking in during the weekend! I hope you're not coming down with a sinus infection. Enjoy your day off from exercise and be well.

    I'm being incredibly naughty. The day started out *very* cold, we had to kick the heat on during the night to keep the dogs from freezing and it was cold and dreary up until around noon. Once the sun broke through it took away the chill and dampness and my *blahs* disappeared. DH and I turned on the music and have been cleaning house all day and I decided to have a few adult beverages late this afternoon. I'll probably pay for it on the scale come Wednesday but I wanted to enjoy myself and release some stress today.

    Gonna get dinner started here shortly but wanted to throw this out there...

    :smile: Slather It Up Sunday!!

    We all worked hard last week doing all kinds of good things for our bodies and are all getting ready for a new week. Pull out your favorite Loofa's, your favorite "girly" soaps, take a nice hot shower or bubble bath and when you get out...Slather Up...with your favorite lotion. Head to toe. Rub it in good...especially the feet. They deserve it!! Don't forget the calves, arms and shoulders! Let your hubby or kids help. Let them give you a good back rub while they're at it! Make it fun and enjoy it! Give those muscles a good rub down and get ready for another Week on The Wagon!
  • arfdemob5
    arfdemob5 Posts: 109 Member
    So I am a little off topic here but does anyone have a good (cheep) fish recipe? I hear that fish is reallu good for you, but the only way I know how to do it is fry it. Any suggestions? And anyone ever eat those turkey burgers? Opinions?

    I do a cookie sheet with aluminum foil on it for all fish (so clean up is easy). I lay a piece of salmon on the foil and I mix in a small bowl (2tbs honey, 1tbs fresh dill, 1tbs fresh lemongrass, and 1 tbs mustard powder) I brush this on the salmon and bake. its super yummy!
  • arfdemob5
    arfdemob5 Posts: 109 Member
    So I am a little off topic here but does anyone have a good (cheep) fish recipe? I hear that fish is reallu good for you, but the only way I know how to do it is fry it. Any suggestions? And anyone ever eat those turkey burgers? Opinions?

    Totally NOT off topic as far as I'm concerned.:bigsmile:

    I have a super simple, super tasty recipe for fish. From start to finish I can have this thing whipped up, in the oven and the kitchen cleaned in about 20 minutes.

    Orange-Almond Tilapia
    4 Whitefish Filets (Tilapia, Cod, whatever you have)
    1/3 Cup Panko Breadcrumbs (make sure to use Panko and not regular breadcrumbs)
    2-4 Tablspoons Sliced Almonds, toasted
    Dash of Salt
    1/4 Cup Butter, melted (this is part of the original recipe but I use WAY less than this...just eyeball it)
    1/3 Cup Orange Juice Concentrate, melted

    Heat oven to 350.
    Pat fish dry with papertowels.
    Quickly toast the Almonds then run a knife through them to make chunky crumbles - similar to the size of the Panko Crumbs.
    Mix melted Butter and melted OJ Concentrate in a shallow dish.
    Mix Panko, Almonds and Salt in shallow dish.
    Dip fish in Butter/OJ mix, turn to coat, then dip in Panko/Almond mix, turn to coat.
    Place on baking sheet and bake 30-45 minutes til done.

    This is another one...I know it sounds totally crazy but it's really good!!

    Marinated Fish (it's even better on Shrimp!!!)

    1/4 Cup OJ
    1/4 Cup Soy Sauce
    2 Tablespoons Ketchup
    3 Tablespoons Oil
    2 Cloves Garlic, minced (I don't use this in mine)
    1/2 Teaspoon fresh ground pepper
    1/2 Teaspoon Oregan
    1/4 Teaspoon Parsley

    Combine all ingredients, marinate fish 30 minutes then grill...I'm sure you could pan fry this or might even be able to bake it but I haven't tried either of those.

    Here's one of the simplest Turkey Burgers we've tried that we do quite often.

    1 1/2#'s Ground Turkey
    1/2 Cup finely crushed Tortilla Chips
    6 Tablespoons fresh Cilantro, chopped
    1 Tablespoon Chili Powder
    1 Teaspoon Salt
    1 Teaspoon Cumin
    1/2 Teaspoon Black Pepper

    Mix all, form in to 6 Patties and grill. Top with Salsa and Sour Cream.

    Our absolute favorite Turkey Burger is a Bobby Flay recipe and has a laundry list of ingredients. It's just plain Turkey Burgers but they're topped with Jalapeno-Jack Cheese, a Poblano-Pickle Relish and an Avocado Mayo. Absolutely Delicious!! I'll post it if you're interested.

    Just an idea: Lower your calories and carbs by taking out the almonds, but replacing the panko with almond meal. I substitute it for any "breading" in recipes..has a deep rich flavor and full of healthy goodness!
  • arfdemob5
    arfdemob5 Posts: 109 Member
    It was a pretty busy week here. Thursday my family took me out to dinner for my birthday and I got awesome presents. I didn't worry about calories that day! I just had a great time! Friday I didn't plan my day/eating well and ended up having 1/2 a hotdog from Costco...BOY when I logged that and saw it had 900mg of sodium I wanted to DIE! Saturday my best friend came into town and spent the night for my birthday! My husband and I are die hard sticklers for not drinking and driving (not even a sip!) so her gift to me was being our DD! Armed with coupons we went to a wine bar for an appetizer, a restaurant for dinner and another little joint for dessert..of course drinks along the way! What surprised me most is how much my tastes have changed in just these few weeks. The three of use shared some baked brie. And, we each got a dessert and shared it..which was super fun! For dinner I chose a side salad and soup..because it was what i was craving!!! With all that my week ended with just 1.2 pound lost.. 14 total so far.

    Tuesday I start a bootcamp class (got 1 month of classes for $20 on so I am excited about that!!!

    I wasn't real happy with my weight loss for this week..but I am staying positiive and next week will surely be better after 3 bootcampclasses!
  • Ready2lose4ever
    :flowerforyou: Congrats R2L for checking in during the weekend! I hope you're not coming down with a sinus infection. Enjoy your day off from exercise and be well.

    I'm being incredibly naughty. The day started out *very* cold, we had to kick the heat on during the night to keep the dogs from freezing and it was cold and dreary up until around noon. Once the sun broke through it took away the chill and dampness and my *blahs* disappeared. DH and I turned on the music and have been cleaning house all day and I decided to have a few adult beverages late this afternoon. I'll probably pay for it on the scale come Wednesday but I wanted to enjoy myself and release some stress today.

    Gonna get dinner started here shortly but wanted to throw this out there...

    :smile: Slather It Up Sunday!!

    We all worked hard last week doing all kinds of good things for our bodies and are all getting ready for a new week. Pull out your favorite Loofa's, your favorite "girly" soaps, take a nice hot shower or bubble bath and when you get out...Slather Up...with your favorite lotion. Head to toe. Rub it in good...especially the feet. They deserve it!! Don't forget the calves, arms and shoulders! Let your hubby or kids help. Let them give you a good back rub while they're at it! Make it fun and enjoy it! Give those muscles a good rub down and get ready for another Week on The Wagon!

    Thanks VT, I took some meds and I am feeling much better. I plan on taking some more meds tonight before I go to bed. I really want to wake up feeling great so I can get in some exercise tomorrow and the rest of the week. I love the idea for a massage. I will have to get my hubby to give me one.
  • VeggieTart
    Tonight's dinner was FABULOUS!!! A new favorite for us!

    Here's the link...copy and paste to your browser to view...

    Buffalo Chicken Casserole. I had read all the reviews before making it and made just a few adjustments. Based on the reviews I reduced the amount of Pasta to 8 ounces, I used Barilla-Plus Angel Hair because other than white pasta, that's what I had on hand. Boiled about 5 minutes then dumped, rinsed and put in a baking dish. Sautee'd 1/4 of a medium sweet onion to start, once it was getting good and soft threw in 1 small carrot (we were skeptical of this in the recipe so we went easy) and 1 1'2 stalks of celery. Cooked all until soft and almost carmelized. Added the "sauce" ingredients to the veggies, thickened, then added the cooked chicken. Once the sauce was good I added half the Blue Cheese, 2 ounces. Once everything was melted together I dumped it on top of the noodles, gave everything a good stir and crumbled the rest of the 2 ounces of Blue Cheese over top and baked according to directions.

    Tonight's dinner "hit the spot". It was rich, creamy, tangy and comforting. Much more than I expected and we both really enjoyed it. And totally reasonable in calories!! Definite keeper!!