New Group...Daily HEET (Healty Eaters and Exercise Team)



  • VeggieTart
    Phly - and I cross posted...I'll get back to you in a bit, but it probably won't be in time to help you with dinner tonight. :ohwell:
  • VeggieTart
    Hey HEETers...

    Just finished dinner. I had almost convinced myself that I wouldn't be satisfied with half a Baked Sub and in some ways, I'm kind of not. I'm so used to feeling *stuffed* with a belly full of Friday Night Food Goodness (it's always our treat night)...but in all reality, I'm just to the point of being satisfied. I gave myself a full serving of Pepperoni but only half a serving of Ham to shave off a few calories and it worked. I made it, even with a few adult beverages tonight, with 11 calories to spare. I just barely eeked it out. <whew>!

    Phly - without knowing the exact recipe of your Fried Chicken (eggs, milk, buttermilk, type of breading, etc), it would be hard to estimate the calories. I have a recipe software program that I run things through if I don't know the exact calories. I don't bother trying to put them through the recipe maker on this site, it's too clunky for me. Once I run it through my MasterCook and I know that a particular serving is 100 calories (as an example), I just use the "Misc 100 Calorie Food" that is on this site to update my calories. On the *rare* occasion I don't even bother doing that and just try to find the closest thing. If I was trying to calculate Deep Fried Chicken I might go with something along the lines of Kentucky Fried Chicken OR do an online search for Deep Fried Chicken and see if I could find a similar recipe with a calorie count. It's better than nothing and should at least put you in the ballpark. Hope that helps but maybe somebody else has another/better suggestion...

    Heading off for the night but will see you all in the morning! Congrats to all for a Healthy Day today!!
  • Buterphly
    Buterphly Posts: 112
    I figured it out but thanks, and you can call me whatever as long as it's not fat LOL!! I like to think of myself as a skinny girl in the making. And can I just say wow, I thought I was doing good excercise wise, good for you! Everyone have a goodnight!
  • VeggieTart
    Good Morning Everyone!

    Is everybody up and ready to face the weekend? No falling off the wagon! Make a plan and stick to it! We got to keep our momentum going!

    I allowed myself to sleep in a little bit this morning and I feel great! I'm not a good sleeper, never have been, but I'm finding that I'm going to bed feeling more tired in a weird way. Not exhausted or anything, just like my body is telling me it's time to let it rest and recharge. It's a good feeling, not a bad one. While it's still not what I would call *good* sleep, it is a little better quality sleep and I'm waking feeling more refreshed.

    I have to share...I peeked.:embarassed: I peeked at the scale this morning. I peek almost everyday but I never count it or let it discourage me if I start seeing some upswings. It's just the daily fluctuations, but, I saw a huge drop this morning. After my one pound gain last week I think the scale is finally catching up. AND...I peeked at some of my measurements. DH and I can both see the difference and it was completely obvious this morning when I put on a pair of shorts I haven't worn in over a month, maybe even two. Well, I couldn't stand it anymore so I grabbed the tape measure. I've lost 1/2" off my neck, 2" off my waist, 1 1/2" off my hips and 1 1/2" off my thigh. All in just two weeks!! I am TOTALLY stoked!! But I'm not going to record them yet until the end of the month when I take another progress pic.

    I hope you don't think I'm bragging...I'm just trying to point out that it's not always about that number on the scale. Good and positive changes happen even when the scale does not show you what you are looking for. With that in mind, does everybody have their measurements and a starting picture? If you don't, please do it! I know from past experience how disappointing it can be when you start reaching some goals and don't have anything to compare them to.

    I'm off to start some things around the house. Not sure what I'm having for breakfast this morning. Maybe just some fruit and toast. I've got to get our dinner logged in so I know how many calories I have to play with today. Tonight we are having Marinated Portobello Burgers...sooo yummy!!

    :flowerforyou: Phly - don't compare your exercise to mine. You just keep doing what you're doing! It's working for you and that's what matters. Your skinny girl will reveal herself in no time!!

    Have a healthy day today!! Drink your water and try to squeeze in some exercise! See ya later!
  • Ready2lose4ever
    Good Evening HEETers! We are growing in to quite the nice little team and it's very exciting!

    :flowerforyou: Laura - Is it OK if I stick with R2L for you? For some reason, as much as I hate the new abbreviated, texting type lanquage that our society is coming to - the R2L just fits you in my own mind. It reminds me of my younger brother when he was just a little kid and we saw Star Wars. He couldn't say R2D2 and called the little robot RTdooter, lol. It still makes me giggle and that's all I've ever called that robot. He passed a long time ago and I enjoy the word association but I don't want to offend you in any way. Congrats on getting in your exercise between the two youngens and I really hope DH can fix your exercise bike!

    :flowerforyou: Buterphly - I referred to you earlier as Butter but with your permission I'd like to call you Phly. Kind of like a "Fly-Girl", even though that term is so far out of my particular age range and as far as I know, soooo 90's, lol! But I love your play on words and think it's really cute. Congrats to you on your 1# a week. That's the way to do it!

    :flowerforyou: Tiff - not laughing at you...just laughing...isn't it absolutely crazy when you find out the real calories of some foods when you actually start tracking them or reading labels? Some things still blow my mind! Put that together with portion size and sometimes I just stand there thinking "You can't be serious...this is a joke right?" And to think of all the times I put those things in my mouth without a second thought. But you are doing an amazing job, your profile pic is adorable. You WILL reach your goal. I still don't know what Shred is and frankly, I'm not mentally ready to find out yet, lol. I'm just happy and content to be doing what I'm doing at the moment.:wink:

    :flowerforyou: Pebbles - what's up with you? How come you're not eating? Are you coming down with a bug? Are you stressed? Are you excited or anticipating something? Are you not liking the foods you've chosen? Have you made too many changes at once? Without knowing any specifics, I'm gonna shoot from the hip. The last one can be a big one. If you're trying to do it all at once...stop. Take a step back and re-evaluate things. Baby steps. Focus on one thing at a time. Water first. Make sure you get enough water each day to keep your system flushed and your body at proper hydration levels. Then maybe look at lean proteins and start working them in. Proteins will build the muscle we need and provide the engine to burn the fat if we keep our metabolism up. Then start adding your veggies, fruits and dairy, in whatever order you like. Now, having said that, sometimes I just don't feel like eating either but I've come to realize it's usually because I'm excited or anxious about something. Caffeine does this to me and that's one of the reasons I gave up Pepsi and why when I do drink coffee, it's a mix of regular and I don't get too amped up and kill my appetite. Believe it or not, sometimes cleaning house can kill my appetite. I enjoy cleaning and usually put on the stereo and find myself so amped up and in such a good mood that my hunger trigger has been turned off. Pay attention to your body and ask yourself some questions. Sometimes it's not good enough to question ourselves about why we eat so much but rather, why we are not eating enough. When we come to the right conclusions we can feed our bodies what it wants, when it wants, in a healthy way. Sometimes my body tells me "I just don't need that much food today." And if I'm totally in tune with what it's telling me and not under some kind of misconception I just let it play out and don't eat. Does that make sense? HEETers...please chime in here with any of your thoughts!!

    As for day went pretty well. For the first time I did a 4 Mile walk with my Leslie dvd!! I did my first 3 Miles yesterday (in addition to my Bellydancing) and told DH I was gonna stick there for a couple of weeks until I got the hang of it but when the 3 Miles were done I knew I could get in another mile so I went for it and I did it! I had to let go of my Mileage Ticker because I'm having problems with my wireless mouse on my regular computer and can't select text, copy and paste and I haven't figured out how to do it with this new little Notebook I got for Christmas so I just deleted the thing and will update my mileage manually in my signature as I complete it. Overall, it's easier anyway. And...if you noticed...I've walked 29 miles since the first of the year. I'm pretty impressed. Actually, I'm really kind of stoked, lol!

    When DH got home from work he went out to the garden and picked 21 pounds of Tomatoes! Last weekend was about 15 pounds and we got 10 Pints of Salsa so we figure we got another 15+ Pints to do this weekend. And there's plenty more right behind those. And, I also have some baby Broccoli's coming in. I had some a couple weeks ago and only got one head before the rest went to flower and had to be pulled. AND, it looks like I may actually get a couple heads of cabbage. They've been growing like crazy but producing nothing but leaves and no heads. Finally, it looks like I may have a head or two forming! There's also a few other things out there but after everything we went through to save those dang Maters last month, we are mighty excited! Yay for garden fresh veggies!

    That's about it for me for now...I'll try to check back one more time later this evening. :smile:

    Julie sure I don't mind you calling me R2L, that is fine with me b/c I am ready2lose!!
  • Ready2lose4ever
    Good Morning everyone! I must confess I totally messed yesterday up!1 However, yesterday is gone and I am not going to worry about it, dwell on it, beat myself up over it, etc. Today is another day. I got on the scales this morning just to see if I had messed up my weight loss and found out that I had lost 3.8 pounds!! I wasn't going to weigh until Monday and would have entered the weight then, but I was so excited with the 3.8 pound weight loss that I entered it and I won't be weighing again until January 24, 2011. I will not be exercising today however, b/c I am sick. I have been coughing and sneezing all morning and I don't feel the greatest today. I have done so well all week with my exercise. I have burned 2,223 calories and have did 151 minutes of exercise this week. I will make a point of making sure that I finish this day well as far as eating what I am susposed to eat. I will not go over on my calories today, I will not go over on my calories today, I will not go over on my calories today. Sorry, I was talking to myself there. I hope you all have a wonderful day.
  • Buterphly
    Buterphly Posts: 112
    Afternoon all, Just got done doing one of my workouts fir today, and I feel great! And veggie, congrats on those inches!!!! I hope everyone has a healthy fun weekend!
  • Ready2lose4ever
    Afternoon all, Just got done doing one of my workouts fir today, and I feel great! And veggie, congrats on those inches!!!! I hope everyone has a healthy fun weekend!

    good job on the exercise. I am getting ready to do my last 14 minutes of exercise and I will be one for the day and week.
  • VeggieTart
    Alrighty then!! We are Rockin' It this Saturday! :glasses:

    I just did my first 5 mile walk with Leslie. WOW!! I feel it but it feels great!

    :flowerforyou: R2L - way to pick yourself back up! Don't over do it today and definitely enjoy your rest day tomorrow. You've really earned it this week!!

    :flowerforyou: Phly - thanks for the encouragement and GREAT job today!

    Off to get some lunch. Chicken sandwich on light wheat bread, maybe some L/F Triscuits and another fruit of some kind.
  • Ready2lose4ever
    Thanks Julie. I did 30 minutes on my bike and burned 236 Calories. I finally found my HRM and my bike counter was totally off. I knew it was. I am going totally by my HRM from now on. Now off to spend some time cuddling and watching movies with my babies. No exercise for me tomorrow. I never exercise on Sundays. That is always my day off.
  • VeggieTart
    I might have accidentally bummed myself out a little bit...a little confession that I need to get off my chest...

    Earlier this morning DH and I were discussing that if I continue to tone up and lose weight I'm not sure what I'm gonna do for clothes. I knew I had *some* stuff in my drawers but I couldn't remember exactly what I had because I often donate to the Goodwill. In the middle of chopping all his veggies for the salsa DH ran out of onions so he ran out to get a few more. While he was gone I went digging through my shorts drawer. I was really looking for the size 18's I used to wear so I could kind of see just how far I had to go before I could get in to them again. They were gone. I remember now that I wore them thread bare as I was packing on the pounds before I started purchasing these elastic banded shorts from Penney's that I've been purchasing for years now. What I did find was three almost brand new pair of size 16's. Without even thinking about it I held them up to my waist knowing it would be a good while before they would ever fit again. But what I saw was *almost* depressing. I just stood there and thought..."Are you kidding me?" It wasn't even close.:sad:

    I know the drill. I've done this before and know it's a process. I'm not *totally* bummed but it was a shocker I wasn't really prepared for. All I was looking for was the 18's to give me a little goal to shoot for, a little motivator. I definitely wasn't looking for what I found and I've since heard that little negative voice popping up in my head several times through the afternoon and it catches me off guard. Stooooopid Negative Voice! It will NOT derail me. I am committed this year. I'm seriously DONE being fat and unhealthy!

    Now for the positive...I've got plenty of underwear, lol! For some reason I'm an underwear freak. I've got everything from Granny Panties to little sexy ones (no thongs, I don't do butt floss!) in almost every size, shape and color. I may not have shorts to wear in the coming months but I'll definitely have some nice new panties!

    Find your victories where you can and run with them!:bigsmile:
  • Ready2lose4ever
    Good morning everyone!! I still don't feel good today, good thing today is my day off from exercise. I am going to try out a brand new recipe for Easy Pepper Steak and I am going to have it with brown rice. I have all kinds of cookbooks only this is the first time I have ever cooked anything out of them. They are low calorie, low sodium, low fat, etc. recipes. I will be cooking more recipes out of them b/c I have found several that I want to make. I get tired of chicken and want to try out some different things. Julie, your comment about butt floss had me laughing so hard my hubby wanted to know what I was laughing about. I told him nothing. I don't do butt floss either and I have tons of underwear too, I guess I am an underwear freak too. Well, I hope you all have a great day!!
  • VeggieTart
    Good Morning!

    It's Monday, time to get back in normal routines!

    I ended up going over my calories yesteday. I had a huge salad for lunch and regular salad dressing along with a Pepsi. First one I've had in weeks. Between the dressing and the soda I went over. I also only got about half my regular water and no exercise. Thought my body could use a break so I took it. But, back on track this morning!

    R2L - LOVE the new profile pic!!! You look so much happier in this one! Enjoy the cookbooks! If you find some really yummy things please share! I did a Spaghetti Remake yesterday. I found a recipe for Stuffed Portobello Mushrooms that inspired me to make my own dish. I mixed a little ground turkey with some Italian Breadcrumbs, made 3 small patties out of it and laid it in the cap of the 'shroom. Covered everything with spaghetti sauce and baked it for a bit then topped the 'shrooms with cheese, mozzarella for DH and L/F Provolone for me. Boilded some pasta and topped my noodles with a stuffed 'shroom. It had all the flavors of spaghetti with meat and mushrooms, just served differently and had different textures. It was simple and tasty, DH even said I could make them again so, looks like they were a hit!

    Gotta get moving. DH managed to destroy the kitchen over the weekend which spilled over to other parts of the house so I have lots of cleaning to do today. I'll check back a little later when I take a break.
  • Buterphly
    Buterphly Posts: 112
    Yes back on the boat today! I fell off yesterday! We had company over and had brauts, bbq chicken, baked beans, chips, coleslaw, macaroni salad, mustard potatoe salad dip for the chips, ice cream, and cupcakes! Now I didn't eat allot of everything, but a little of everything was enough, my diary was not updated after they brought in the other goodies. I tryied, I put in what I thought I was going to eat, had calories left over and then the goodies came! Hope everyone had a good weekend!
  • Ready2lose4ever
    Good Morning everyone!! I am up and ready to go this morning. I am going to get out my Leslie Sansone videos and do one of them today for my exercise. I have not done them in so long I hope I can get through it. My bike I found out the kids have stuffed things inside it. Why I don't know but boy was I mad when I found out. Anna Grace told on her brother she said that Jacob did it and he said that she did it. So, I have to take it apart and clean it out and then I can resume riding it. I hope that is all it is. If not then I will be getting me a new bike come tax time. Till then I have plenty of exercise DVD's and I can always go walking some outside too. It's susposed to be in the 50's a couple of days this week!! I am so ready for warmer weather and SPRING!!!!

    Julie: thank you so much for the comment on my pic. The profile pic I had up there before I didn't want to take but I did so I would have a before pic. I figured since I had lost some weight I would take some new pics and yes I am so happy with the progress I have made. I am happy! I find that I am trying hard to make this a family thing. My hubby and kids eat what I eat and for that I am glad. I don't want my kids to ever know what it's like to be Obese, overweight or anything like that. It's hard. Well, off to strap on my HRM and get busy. I will check back later.
  • kellystar2
    Hello......... I am in. I can use all the help I can get. :flowerforyou:
  • Buterphly
    Buterphly Posts: 112
    Hello kelly, how are you?
  • Ready2lose4ever
    Hello......... I am in. I can use all the help I can get. :flowerforyou:

    Welcome Kelly!!
  • VeggieTart
    :flowerforyou: Welcome Kelly!! Please join in anytime! We're looking forward to getting to know you!

    :flowerforyou: Phly - What a buffet! Way to go for watching those portions! Cookouts, picnics, friends and family are all part of life. You just showed you can enjoy them *all* without totally blowing it and feeling guilty about it. Excellent!!

    :flowerforyou: R2L - Great job on digging out those videos! Like Leslie says, it's good to mix up your movements because if you do the same thing everyday your muscles will get used to it and you won't burn as much.

    I had some toast with cream cheese for breakfast and a turkey sandwich for lunch. I also did another 5 Miles with Leslie today. I don't want to say it's getting easier but I'm definitely seeing better heartrates on my monitor and it's not going off as often as it was a week or two ago. That means I'm getting healthier and stronger...Yay!! I've also got all my water in and feel totally hydrated.

    Gotta run. I'll check back later. Hope everyone is having a GREAT day!
  • Ready2lose4ever
    :flowerforyou: Welcome Kelly!! Please join in anytime! We're looking forward to getting to know you!

    :flowerforyou: Phly - What a buffet! Way to go for watching those portions! Cookouts, picnics, friends and family are all part of life. You just showed you can enjoy them *all* without totally blowing it and feeling guilty about it. Excellent!!

    :flowerforyou: R2L - Great job on digging out those videos! Like Leslie says, it's good to mix up your movements because if you do the same thing everyday your muscles will get used to it and you won't burn as much.

    I had some toast with cream cheese for breakfast and a turkey sandwich for lunch. I also did another 5 Miles with Leslie today. I don't want to say it's getting easier but I'm definitely seeing better heartrates on my monitor and it's not going off as often as it was a week or two ago. That means I'm getting healthier and stronger...Yay!! I've also got all my water in and feel totally hydrated.

    Gotta run. I'll check back later. Hope everyone is having a GREAT day!

    Great job on the 5 miles with Leslie. I don't think I could do that much right now. I am going to try to do 2 miles with her tomorrow, we will see what happens.