New Group...Daily HEET (Healty Eaters and Exercise Team)



  • Ready2lose4ever
    May I also join? I've read through all the posts and I really like what you have going on here. :)

  • Buterphly
    Buterphly Posts: 112
    yea in the last month I have lost 1 inch from my hips, 1 inch from my tummy. So I will hope that it is muscle:smile: and feel good about it. I will make sure to drink plenty of water and let you guys know what happens. I have to remeber not to be discouraged by the little things, but it's hard sometimes:sad: especally when you are as sore as I am! LOL thanks!:heart:

    Quick edit lost 2 inches on my waist in the last month! Don't feel so bad now! Thanks! I measure it, but forget to check it as far as progress goes. Got stuck on watching the scale:blushing: Thanks all for the support!
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    Thanks for the welcome, ladies!

    phly, how are you feeling? Stronger? Healthier? I know the scale can really discourage us when it's moving in the wrong direction. I do the EA Sports Active 2 at home and initially it was extremely hard for me to do certain exercises, including doing speed walking instead of running. I'm only on Workout 10 of 36 but I can now jog (and with these boobs of mine that is a FEAT! lol) and do all of the exercises with a little more easy. It's definitely not easy by any means but I can feel my body getting stronger as the weeks go by.

    I'm sure you're doing great! Keep going and don't give up! :-)
  • Buterphly
    Buterphly Posts: 112
    Ceeloejay, Welcome! And i am able to do more things now than I could before. I still can't "run" or anything close, but I can do my wii fit for a longer time than I could before. And walking no longer wears me out. I was (and still am) really out of shape. But all we can do is keep trying, and not give up. I just fot discouraged because I have over 100 lbs to loose and the scale went the wrong way :smile:

    Keep up the good work everyone! :flowerforyou:
  • VeggieTart
    yea in the last month I have lost 1 inch from my hips, 1 inch from my tummy. So I will hope that it is muscle:smile: and feel good about it. I will make sure to drink plenty of water and let you guys know what happens. I have to remeber not to be discouraged by the little things, but it's hard sometimes:sad: especally when you are as sore as I am! LOL thanks!:heart:

    Quick edit lost 2 inches on my waist in the last month! Don't feel so bad now! Thanks! I measure it, but forget to check it as far as progress goes. Got stuck on watching the scale:blushing: Thanks all for the support!

    Super High Five!!! And yes, that *would* be muscle you're seeing on the scale! That's awesome! The more muscle we build the more we fire up our metabolism and that will start blasting the fat away. Super Congrats to you!!
  • knottyfroggy
    I would like to join! You have a great group here and VeggieTart, you're amazing! You reply to everyone!

    I usually don't eat breakfast, but I'm trying to be better and have sort of a brunch meal around 10 am and dinner around 6 with a small healthy snack in between. Today that didn't happen, I got busy and didn't eat until lunch. Tuna flatbread from subway. That was a little bit of a treat but still fairly healthy. I'm planning to have salad for dinner and a small yogurt snack.

    I am going to either do Biggest Loser on the wii or ride my stationary bike (I have the kind with the handles and it really works your whole body, it hurts so good!) for at least 20 minutes later tonight.

    I started my self-challenge on 1\10\11 and I had just fractured a bone in my hand, so I have to modify some of the exercises to work around the hand. Also, my replies might be short, as typing is a bit of a chore.

    Does anyone have any advice for adding calcium to my diet, without adding too many calories/carbs?
  • VeggieTart
    Ceejay - you're more than a quarter way through your workouts. That's awesome! I got a chuckle over the boob comment. I've got a pretty hefty set of *girls* myself so I can totally relate!

    Beautiful perfect day here today so I went out and did some weeding in three of my planters today. I didn't wear my HRM and only used half of what the exercise tracker said so I think I'm safe with that number. It was a lot of stretching, bending, squatting, up/down, up/down, etc.

    Finished my menu for next week. Both freezers are still too stuffed to stock up on much of anything but whole chickens are on sale so I'm going to get two and roast them both on Saturday then shred them. Friday we'll do those Baked Subs that we did last week, Saturday will be Roasted Chicken with veggies, Sunday will be Buffalo Chicken Casserole from Eatingwell, Monday will be Chicken Tacos, Tuesday will be a Chicken Quesadilla that I make with Roasted Red Peppers, Artichoke Hearts and a creamy Jalapeno-Jack sauce (a lower fat version of course), Wednesday will be Buffalo Chicken Wraps. Thursday is always leftover night. Whatcha think?

    DH just called and is on his way home. I'll check back later this evening.
  • VeggieTart
    Hi Froggy and Welcome!!!

    You and I were posting at the same time...Replying to everyone is VERY important to me and thank you so much for noticing! We all need all the support and motivation we can get. I may not reply to every single detail in my responses but I do read everything. It's important to keep up with what my Teammates are accomplishing or struggling with.

    Sorry to hear about the hand. OUCH!! At first glance from your post...are you eating enough protein? Normally I can't function without protein and found that on most mornings it's an absolute must for me. It took me, literally, *years* to figure that out. I couldn't understand why doing everything right wasn't working for me. I'd eat cereal or yogurt and/or fruit for breakfast, a reasonable lunch but usually by dinner, even though it was healthy, I would overeat because I was starving! Protein in the morning was the key for me. Some days I'm not in the mood for it, like the past few days, but I know I'll be ready for it again soon enough.

    As for dairy...are you not a milk drinker? What about Chocolate Milk? It's better than no milk at all. DH and I love the Chocolate Silk Soy Milk but it's not in the budget these days. What about Cottage Cheese? You already mentioned Yogurt...that's a Dairy. Frozen Yogurt with some fruit can be an awesome treat! Or whiz it up and make a Smoothie. Gotta keep things mixed up. No Food Boredom!

    Gotta run...but I'll be checking back later...
  • knottyfroggy
    Yep! I eat a LOT of protein! I've found that protein helps me feel full and of course, helps build muscle. I try to do as few carbs and as much protein as possible. I try to hit my daily values on everything, and when I do eat carbs, to make sure they are healthy carbs. The only one I haven't quite been reaching is my calcium. I love the food calculator on this site!

    As for my calcium: I do soy milk in my coffee and also in my oatmeal (my usual breakfast). I guess I'll start drinking some,too. I like the vanilla soy milk, but it is a little pricey to just be drinking a whole bunch! I feel you on the budget!
  • Ready2lose4ever
    I would like to join! You have a great group here and VeggieTart, you're amazing! You reply to everyone!

    I usually don't eat breakfast, but I'm trying to be better and have sort of a brunch meal around 10 am and dinner around 6 with a small healthy snack in between. Today that didn't happen, I got busy and didn't eat until lunch. Tuna flatbread from subway. That was a little bit of a treat but still fairly healthy. I'm planning to have salad for dinner and a small yogurt snack.

    I am going to either do Biggest Loser on the wii or ride my stationary bike (I have the kind with the handles and it really works your whole body, it hurts so good!) for at least 20 minutes later tonight.

    I started my self-challenge on 1\10\11 and I had just fractured a bone in my hand, so I have to modify some of the exercises to work around the hand. Also, my replies might be short, as typing is a bit of a chore.

    Does anyone have any advice for adding calcium to my diet, without adding too many calories/carbs?

    Welcome!! I love this group. I also have a stationary bike with the handles that move. I can't ride mine right now, it's messed up and I miss it so much.
  • VeggieTart
    :flowerforyou: Froggy - Excellent job focusing on all the food groups! You need to start sharing some food ideas with the group. I'm still a little shy on my overall requirements. Seems like I do better on veggies one day, then fruits the next. Still trying to work in and find the balance. Here's an idea for your Dairy. Measure out 1 cup (a serving). Drink your coffee but take the milk from your measure and add the rest to your oatmeal. If you're drinking a few cups of coffee each morning a few splashes of milk over several cups might add up to more than you think and you can finish off your first serving without any thought. If you have leftover from the coffee and oatmeal, drink it up! 1 Dairy Down! I don't eat yogurt anymore. I just don't like the texture or the fake sweeteners in the lower cal versions, don't like the funky aftertaste. But, if I remember correctly, a yogurt cup is 1 serving of Dairy...or very close to it (aren't those cups shrinking these days? Seems like they used to be 8 oz, then 6 and I think I've even seen some 4 or 5 oz cups! :huh: ) but if you're eating yogurt that's pushing you closer to another serving. **And...I remembered Kefir!! Most grocery stores are selling it nowadays in the dairy section. It's a thick liquid yogurt. I tried the blueberry once. It tasted good but was a little too thick for my taste to drink straight...however...I think it would make an awesome Smoothie type drink.

    :smile: Not sure who will check in tonight as most of us are winding down for the night but for anybody who does peek in I want to plant this thought in your mind...I believe all of us have seen some kind of success in the past couple of weeks and I want you to think about it and think about what kind of positive changes you are noticing. Not just from the scale or inches lost, but how you really feel about the changes you've made and how your body is changing. To give you an idea of what I mean, I'll share mine...

    I'm impressed with my dedication and mindset. My face is smaller. I'm not as *jowly* as I was two weeks ago. I'm stronger. My posture is improving and I can feel the strength in my legs and core when I get up from a sitting position. It's easier for me to squat. I can get in to the bottom and back of the fridge easier and I can reach those *hard to reach places* a lot easier when I clean. My shorts are fitting MUCH looser and my nightgown doesn't get stretched out by my butt and gut at the same time. My complexion is looking better and I'm not looking so rugged and worn down. I'm feeling stronger and healthier as the days go by.

    Do NOT think about how far you have to go. Think about how far you've COME and all the positive things you can take from it, right here, right now, tonight. Sleep on it. Dream about it and be happy with your success.:flowerforyou:

    Sweet Dreams HEETers! See you all tomorrow!
  • arfdemob5
    arfdemob5 Posts: 109 Member
    Sorry your not feeling well, but I know what you mean. I personally have no Idea what i am going to do about the weekend except excercise alot. I have a hard time eating rite when my family likes to snack. (5 of us in total) Nothing wrong with that. but it's just NOT REALLY HEALTHY STUFF, So I try yo work out at least an hour on the weekend days, to try to make up for it.

    I find it helps to plan to snack...I split my calories evenly among 6 small meals. Atleast once a day I let myself have a "goodie" like a 100 calorie pack cookies or a cookie but eat it with healthy stuff like an apple and yogurt...then I am full and satisfied. Planning on snacking helps to make sure you don't feel deprived or left out! Hope this helps!
  • VeggieTart
    Good Morning HEETers!

    Who's up and at it today?

    I had a lousy night last night. I let something that someone (not MFP related) said to me get me upset and I couldn't maintain the positive attitude I had. Gonna try and find my Happy Place again today.

    I'll check in later...

    Keep it Happy and keep it Healthy today!
  • Buterphly
    Buterphly Posts: 112
    Welcome froggy!

    And as far as what we notice, about ourselfs... I know my nightgown is now getting to big, my completion is clearing up, I can move around more now than I could before. And it is soooo much easier to get up and down to the floor to play with my kids. I have so much more energy! And my mood has improved greatly(minus a few minutes of hysteria yesterday) :blushing: !
  • Buterphly
    Buterphly Posts: 112
    Good Morning HEETers!

    Who's up and at it today?

    I had a lousy night last night. I let something that someone (not MFP related) said to me get me upset and I couldn't maintain the positive attitude I had. Gonna try and find my Happy Place again today.

    I'll check in later...

    Keep it Happy and keep it Healthy today!

    Sorry to hear that, but unfortunatly it happens I hope you are feling better and remeber you are beautiful no matter what !:flowerforyou:
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    I am apologizing in advance for the multiple posts but it's the only way I can remember what I wanted to respond and to who! lol
    I started my self-challenge on 1\10\11 and I had just fractured a bone in my hand, so I have to modify some of the exercises to work around the hand. Also, my replies might be short, as typing is a bit of a chore.

    Does anyone have any advice for adding calcium to my diet, without adding too many calories/carbs?
    That sucks about the hand! I hope you heal quickly! As far as the calcium, I eat a yogurt by Dannon called Light & Fit Carb and Sugar Control. There are two flavors - Vanilla and Strawberries and Cream. They are small but it's at least one serving of dairy without being too many calories!
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    :smile: Not sure who will check in tonight as most of us are winding down for the night but for anybody who does peek in I want to plant this thought in your mind...I believe all of us have seen some kind of success in the past couple of weeks and I want you to think about it and think about what kind of positive changes you are noticing. Not just from the scale or inches lost, but how you really feel about the changes you've made and how your body is changing. To give you an idea of what I mean, I'll share mine...

    I'm impressed with my dedication and mindset. My face is smaller. I'm not as *jowly* as I was two weeks ago. I'm stronger. My posture is improving and I can feel the strength in my legs and core when I get up from a sitting position. It's easier for me to squat. I can get in to the bottom and back of the fridge easier and I can reach those *hard to reach places* a lot easier when I clean. My shorts are fitting MUCH looser and my nightgown doesn't get stretched out by my butt and gut at the same time. My complexion is looking better and I'm not looking so rugged and worn down. I'm feeling stronger and healthier as the days go by.

    Do NOT think about how far you have to go. Think about how far you've COME and all the positive things you can take from it, right here, right now, tonight. Sleep on it. Dream about it and be happy with your success.:flowerforyou:

    Sweet Dreams HEETers! See you all tomorrow!
    Love this post!! I have definitely noticed that I am becoming stronger and beginning to walk with better posture. I used to slouch and look at the ground when I walked a lot and now I walk with my head held high and look at other people while I do. :)
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    VT, I'm sorry that you were derailed but it sounds like you're back on the happy trail today and that's what matters. Don't dwell on the stupidity as it'll only make you more upset.

    Butterphly, great job on your changes! Little success stories eventually lead to one great big one so keep up the great work!
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    Last post for the next few hours (I promise! lol)

    Last night I spent over 3 hours cooking dinner and dessert just for tonight!! I guess this is how it goes when you're cooking from scratch. But the food smelled delicious! I made turkey & quinoa meatballs and stove top macaroni and cheese (made with whole wheat noodles). My two little ones also helped me make thumbprint cookies. I actually sampled two of them last night. THEY'RE GREAT!! lol

    Enjoy your day, ladies!!
  • Ready2lose4ever
    Good Morning Everyone!! I am still not feeling my best today but I am going to try to get some walking in today. It's susposed to be in the 60's here today. I want to get out and get some fresh air. I am not going to push myself too hard though with me still not feeling my best. I hope you all have a wonderful day. I have to go and pay bills with my hubby and Jacob. So, I will be later!!