PaigeAnderson100 Member


  • Good for you! That is a faulous loss. I am very supportive and motivating. Feel free to add me!
  • I am with you. I am wanting to lose 35 pounds to put me in Onederland but, it is feeling impossible since I am alone all of the time! :) happy to see other's wanting to succeed as well!
  • 3 pounds is amazing! Go to the grocery store and ask for 3 pounds of meat... hold it and than hand it back while walking out SMILING! :) You have lost an amazing amount of weight, you should be so proud of yourself! :)
  • You have done the first step to getting healthy and being where you want to be, comitting! Good for you! If you ever need another friend, I am always accepting requests! :)
  • My daughter is 8 months old. I am currently looking for part time work, going to school full time and dealing with being a full time mommy as well. I have lost (almost) 50 pounds and have about 100 more to go! Please feel freetoadd me!
  • I'm not sure why that is at the end but, it won't go away.
  • You needed support on a non- weight related question... this is "motivation and support" which means that everyone is here to support and motivate or share personal stories to relate. I know that you were so scared, you needed help right away and if this is the only place that you have to get support, no one minds. I don't…
  • I believe that I sent everyone an invitation? Let me know if I didn't
  • I know finding motivation can be difficult but, it is IMPOSSIBLE for us to share with you what our motivators are because yours need to come from something that you are passionate about. We can give you ours though and I hope it triggers a thought in your mind! :) I find motivation from- My daughter, my fiancé and the way…
  • Can everyone who I have not sent an invitation to, please send me a private message. I will than record some information and include you in next weeks meeting.
  • The whole purpose of this weight loss is going to be to live life how you would if you were not trying to lose weight. I ate 4 pieces of pizza the other night and guess what? I didn't feel bad whatsoever. I think you are being too hard on yourself. You can't always only drink liquid so, why do a liquid diet? That's not…
  • Well, this post gave me sad feelings as well. I would also have strong friendship feelings towards a personal trainer who has helped me lose any amount of weight, someone who was there for me through everything, someone who had faith in me through all of the workouts, someone who has watched me and followed my weight…
  • I missed your first introduction but, I am glad that you posted again! :) Welcome to MFP. I have been here for 4 months and I have lost 45 pounds so far with the help of weight watchers, supportive friends on here and walking daily. I am also learning how to incorporate a daily workout into my already busy routine. I work…
  • He is the perfect size, the perfect BMI, the perfect weight and he is very active. He works out up to three hours a day and is a very fit man. Very muscular and healthy!
  • I absolutely love WW because it has taught me more portion control and it has taught me so much more than calorie counting did. I lost a good chunk of weight on MFP solely but, after joining WW, I notice more differences with myself and my weight. I am happy with the things that I am doing, for sure! :) My fiancé can work…
  • I figured there would be a few people who would put down our parenting because of his food choices and put down him because he eats that way.... it's always somebody on this website. Our daughter will learn portion control when she starts eating food and my fiancé is ADDICTED to looking his best so, I am sure if he gained…
  • Has everyone (who wanted one) gotten the invitation to the group? I hope everyone will post their introduction and get to know everyone! :)
  • Ashley, you should do what makes you feel more comfortable! If you like the momentum plan, please by all means- follow that one. I will be posting information for the points plus program but, you could be apart of our discussions and our weigh-in's!
  • Absolutely! I am on the WW website in order to get more information, I go to meetings and I have wonderful supportive friends there BUT, I am looking to help people who are not able to financially afford the program or don't have time to go to the meetings. Thank you for the suggestion anyway! :)
  • Great idea! When you would like an invitation please let me know! :)
  • I will message you your daily points and some starter information. I will also invite you to the group. Happy to have you! :)
  • I also BDD, please add me! I don't have any advice on how to "get over it" because, even on medication- I think what I think. When I look in the mirror, I see someone disgusting and the only piece of advice I have for you is to not give up losing weight no matter what circumstances you're under. You start to feel much…
  • Thank you so much for all of the helpful advice. I have the 30 day shred video and taking her out for walks will work great once the sun starts showing more here in Minnesota for this beautiful wint...I mean, SPRING! :)
  • I wish that I could give you a cup or gallon of willpower but, only you can get it and drink it.. My willpower won't do anything for you, you must search within yourself and find the biggest gulp you can to keep going when the going gets tough. I have been on MFP and WW for a while now and have lost a great amount of…
  • I am sorry that you are going through this right now. Losing weight doesn't happen overnight, reaching your goal may not even happen in the next year or two. It depends. If he isn't "happy" with the way that you look, than he should leave now rather than verbally abusing you like this. He has no right to tell you what to…
  • You're right! :) I never planned to "waste" money on the program... I was going to post all of the information that I have at hoe so that not only me but, other's could do it for free too! I guess a lot of people have different opinions... Thank you so much, big brunette!
  • I am not sure if I have the heart to delete anyone...
  • Look at you go! :)
  • Only you know when the right time is to leave him! You look beautiful and I have faith in you that you can lose what you are hoping to lose and be the person that you want to be-He seems to just be bringing you down! Add me if you'd like a friend to talk to.
  • Thank you to everyone who said kind words! :) It is nice to know that I am loved by some friends and some strangers!! Thank you.