My boyfriends calls me fat.



  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    Ive always told my fiance that if he cheated, i wouldnt leave-but id slowly poison him and probably end up getting him fired and alienated from his family so he would die sick, broke, and alone.

    happy to report he is in perfect health and not cheating.

    Wow that is a bit over the top isn't it? Have you been cheated on before? I just can't understand anyone saying stuff like that. You are perfect I suppose and don't mind if someone does similar stuff to you if you f up? If I was him I would have run long ago incase you imagined he did what you said.
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    It's your call not mine.
    Though if he's treating you bad then leave.
    How do you know he's not being honest or looking out for your well being?
    People can mistake criticism for honesty.
    Just saying.

    If you have people in your life who have convinced you that cussing at you and cheating on you are ways of looking out for your well being, please find someone to talk to about this.

    "I'm worried about your health" is a way of looking out for someone's well-being.
    "I'm not attracted to you anymore, I want to see other people" is a way of ending a relationship that isn't working for you.

    "You're a fat b, so I can sleep with other women" doesn't exactly have the same ring.
  • twinketta
    twinketta Posts: 2,130 Member
    You are 99% sure you are going to leave him?

    Where is your self respect you should be 110% you are going to leave him....really hun ditch him and get your life together!
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    All your boyfriends call you fat? Leave them all, and find better ones.
    This, I have like a million and they'll call me whatever I want them to and occasional other things.
  • This makes me sad. We can all say nasty things in the heat of the moment, but to call you fat and say you're the reason he cheats...that is just so ridiculous and abusive

    I BET he still expects you to have sex with him too, right? These kinda guys never realise that most women need to feel sexy and secure in order to be confident in the bedroom... putting you down all the time, what is he expecting? Our brains our hearts and our vaginas are wired together!!!

    You can do much better you are a beautiful girl. Don't give him anymore of your time. You get yourself right and kick him to the curb!
  • anaquay
    anaquay Posts: 150 Member
    Ditch him NOW, right this minute. This is mental abuse and there is a very good chance it will progress into physical abuse. He'll probably fake a few tears and promise never to do it again but he simply cannot be trusted. He's a cheater and an abuser, you (and everyone else) deserve better than that. I've been through a very abusive relationship and it has taken years to recover from it, don't make the same mistake I did.
  • Lulufifi1994
    Lulufifi1994 Posts: 51 Member
    Show that boy the door. If he's belittling you and sleeping around then he just isn't worth it. My boyfriend has assured me that he would love me if I put weight on or not, and I feel the same. If he really loved you and was concerned then he'd be encouraging you to make healthier lifestyle choices and not shouting abuse.
  • xTJSx
    xTJSx Posts: 106
    is it just me thinking why does he feel the need to cheat in the first place?
  • Tyoni1630
    Tyoni1630 Posts: 3 Member
    You know what you have to do so just do it. Don't give anyone the power to make you feel less that worthy!!!!
  • he probably feels the need to cheat because he's greedy and seedy!!. If you are not happy in a relationship you should leave it not look elsewhere while staying in it..
  • Ed98043
    Ed98043 Posts: 1,333 Member
    I can't believe there's even 1% of you that would consider staying with an cheating, verbally abusive jerk. I wouldn't even be waiting until the end of the conversation to show him the door, much less be mulling it over. So what are you dependent on him for, and why does he take you for granted so much you that he thinks he can say and do anything but you'll still be around? Money? Baby daddy? Don't think you can do better? Grew up in a dysfunctional household and think that's acceptable behavior? It's not. Have some self-respect and get out.
  • MrsBobaFett
    MrsBobaFett Posts: 802 Member
    Cut his thing off...
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    is it just me thinking why does he feel the need to cheat in the first place?
    Her vagina is broken?
  • cakegobbler
    cakegobbler Posts: 11 Member
    Hi, sorry to be blunt here...if your weight is an issue, then you are in the right place. I think you might be unhappy with your weight despite wanting people to tell you 'you're not fat!' If your relationship is not working for you then talk to your partner. Change what makes you sad and angry. You say you are 99% sure you want to leave the relationship. If the 1% of you that's happy to be abused ever changes her mind, then good luck and every happiness to you.
  • MagicalLeopleurodon
    MagicalLeopleurodon Posts: 623 Member
    Ive always told my fiance that if he cheated, i wouldnt leave-but id slowly poison him and probably end up getting him fired and alienated from his family so he would die sick, broke, and alone.

    happy to report he is in perfect health and not cheating.

    Wow that is a bit over the top isn't it? Have you been cheated on before? I just can't understand anyone saying stuff like that. You are perfect I suppose and don't mind if someone does similar stuff to you if you f up? If I was him I would have run long ago incase you imagined he did what you said.

    bahaha-no! Its a running thing with us.

    he couldnt poison me-i do all the cooking and bring his plate to him :)
    We've been together since we were both 15-there are absolutely no worries with us :D

    but in all serious op, now is a good time to throw his stuff into the yard.
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    Wow. Some of you are crazy.
  • keem88
    keem88 Posts: 1,689 Member
    no one deserves to be talked to like that. he's got some nerve, especially if he is cheating on you. no type of abuse should be tolerated, and especially if he is cheating dump his *kitten* to the curb right now. no matter the size he should love you, and if he can't then he has some serious issues, which you do not need in your liffe. find someone who will treat you well and love you no matter what.
  • TheWinman
    TheWinman Posts: 684 Member
    I was 99& ready to say leave him, but then saw cheating habits in your post and did not need to read on. LEAVE HIM NOW!!!!
  • Missjulesdid
    Missjulesdid Posts: 1,444 Member
    Good for you for seeing that this is not a healthy relationship. Sometimes it can be hard to recognize when you're right in the thick of it. Even if you were not on the chunky side, he'd find some other way to put you down and verbally abuse you in order to deflect attention from his own shortcomings... because,, ya know, he wants to make you believe that if he's cheating that it's somehow YOUR fault. You've recognized that he's not a good partner, and you've now admitted it it out loud... The next step is to cut him loose and focus on yourself!
  • marciebrian
    marciebrian Posts: 853 Member
    You're all probably going to say "Leave him!" You know what, I should! I'm 99% sure I'm going to! We fight because he's made me insecure with his cheating habits and when I get jealous, I'm the "Fat *****". "Stupid *****". I'm not dealing with that anymore! Nor am I ever going to get called fat again! I'M 176 POUNDS! I'M 5'5! OKAY! I'M ****ING FAT! But I'll lose that. It's 100% possible to lose every inch of fat! But his human decency will forever BE ****!
    you answered this yourself! Lose the LOSER! Lose the weight for yourself and let this jacka** see how great you are without him
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    Only 99% sure that you are going to leave him? WTF. It's called "abuse". Learn to value yourself more that that. No real man treats anyone like that. Stop being a victim. Stand up, get out. Life's far too short for that BS. If that's the kind of guy you normally attract, time to be on your own for awhile, get to know yourself, and enjoy life. A good relationship will come along once you are healthy and happy. Being single and happy is awesome btw.
  • thehka
    thehka Posts: 74 Member
    You can always get rid of fat. You can never get rid of being a cheating *kitten* :)
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    Is anyone else finding it odd that this is in the "Introduce yourself" section?
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    Fact: She is not going to leave.
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    If he doesn't love you with a perfect love at your worst, then he doesn't deserve you at your best! Ditch'em.
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    Ive always told my fiance that if he cheated, i wouldnt leave-but id slowly poison him and probably end up getting him fired and alienated from his family so he would die sick, broke, and alone.

    happy to report he is in perfect health and not cheating.

    Wow that is a bit over the top isn't it? Have you been cheated on before? I just can't understand anyone saying stuff like that. You are perfect I suppose and don't mind if someone does similar stuff to you if you f up? If I was him I would have run long ago incase you imagined he did what you said.

    bahaha-no! Its a running thing with us.

    he couldnt poison me-i do all the cooking and bring his plate to him :)
    We've been together since we were both 15-there are absolutely no worries with us :D

    but in all serious op, now is a good time to throw his stuff into the yard.

    We have also been together since we are 15 too and now are 47 and I never told him I would poison him. Might have thought of it for a second lol.
  • atamrowski
    atamrowski Posts: 417 Member
    You're all probably going to say "Leave him!" You know what, I should! I'm 99% sure I'm going to! We fight because he's made me insecure with his cheating habits and when I get jealous, I'm the "Fat *****". "Stupid *****". I'm not dealing with that anymore! Nor am I ever going to get called fat again! I'M 176 POUNDS! I'M 5'5! OKAY! I'M ****ING FAT! But I'll lose that. It's 100% possible to lose every inch of fat! But his human decency will forever BE ****!

    That's right. Leave him.
  • LadyTigressDiane
    LadyTigressDiane Posts: 15 Member
    People treat us the way that we allow them to treat us.

    The question is more "why do you think that this is the type of man that you deserve?"

    Sadly, sometimes we can't control who our heart falls in love with and it can be with the wrong person.

    When you truly love yourself, know how beautiful you are inside and outside, then you will only allow a man in your life who treats you as good as you deserve.

    I tell a man that I am dating that if they hurt me, they will end up hurting themselves because I will be gone.

    Here's my blog ...

    love yourself ... first and foremost ...

    good luck !!

    ~ Di
  • PaigeAnderson100
    PaigeAnderson100 Posts: 301 Member
    Only you know when the right time is to leave him! You look beautiful and I have faith in you that you can lose what you are hoping to lose and be the person that you want to be-He seems to just be bringing you down!
    Add me if you'd like a friend to talk to.
  • You should leave him (duh!). You need a gentleman, someone who will love you for who you are and not care how you look! And by the way, you are BEAUTIFUL! You are not fat!!