

  • I am starting over today. I did this in 2011 and lost 30 lbs and felt great. Since then I have gained it all back to today I will do it all over again. Every year we go to Maine to sit at the ocean for a week and this year we are going to take a grandkids to see as they call it the big water and I want to be able to keep…
  • Ok I am in. I need to stay focused to, I was down to 133 but have put weight back on so it is time to stick to this and get it done. SW: 163 CW: 145.6 GW: 130 Ultimate Goal Weight: 130 Weigh in Dates: 8/1 145.6 8/8 8/15 8/22 8/31 Total weight lost:
  • you look great!!I know how you feel I lost 30lbs my first 5 months then went off due to having surgery and I started back up again. I gained a few lbs back not doing it and just trying to watch what I ate but needless to say it did not work so i would like to lose 10lbs and it is a struggle but I am not gving up. Our 25th…
  • I to have a chocalate fedish and I eat Fiber One 90 calorie brownie bars and they take care of my crave.
  • Deffinately this is true for me. I lost 30lbs in 5months and have not lost anything since then. But on behalf of the weight lose, I have not been really sticking to it do to my operation and my mother is in the hospital again. But it does seem harded to get over the hump, but they say when you do it will start coming off…
  • I lost 30lbs and went from a size 12 jeans to a size 6 jeans. I could not really see it till I went and had to buy something to wear for a dinner and tried on different size jeans and then I could see it. Shirts size went from a large and some x large done to a medium. Good luck!
  • Hello, I will be your friend. I am 51 years old. I to when I started on 1/4/11 was about 40-45lbs over weight. I am a stay at home mom/grandma of two grown children and two small grandchildren. I was not feeling well and my back also hurt me. So decided to join. I have lost 24lbs since I started and need to lose 6 lbs by…
  • Congratulations. It is great to see people meet their goals. You look great. I started 1/4/11 and set a goal of 30lbs by 8/15/11. That is my anniversary and we go to Maine to lay on the beach for a week every year. I have lost 23lbs as of today. My goal is a total of 40lbs this year then keep it off. I am 5'3" and I…
  • Good luck and have fun!!
    in Hi Comment by poohkrazy05 April 2011
  • you should inspire all of us. you look great and look look so happy. you keep it up and you will have a more healthy and happy life.
  • Congratulations. It makes you feel wonderful and makes it all worth it when you get notice. I feel the same way. I notice a difference in my pants but to just look at me I do not but then I will see someone that I dont see everyday and they say that they can notice it alot. I am down 22lbs since 1/4/11 and have 7 more to…
  • I did not join weight watchers but at the new year when they went to the points plus Ibought the books and the calculator and did it for a week and then joined MFP. I did not have the time to figure out all the points on the cal. It is easier for me to just count calories. I know you can do this just stick to it.
  • Way to go!! Keep up the good work!!
  • That is why I try to stay under my 1200 calories and then walk for a hr at 3.0 per hour so if the calories burned are not correct I still am at my calorie goal of 1200. I have a new treadmill with a heartrate but was not sure how accurate it was so it is easier for me to stay just at my calories. And it is slowly taking of…
  • Good luck! I have been using this site since 1/4/11 and I to was inspired by a friend. I have lost 11 lbs and I am please with it, but of coarse want to lose more. My goal is to be at 130lbs by august. It sometimes is disappointing when you weigh in and lose nothing but I keep going because I have tried other diets and…
  • Hello, I to joined this site on 1/4/11 to lose some weight. I have tried for years to lose weight but never found anything that worked for me. This site is great. I have lost 11 lbs already and I do not think I have really had to change alot. I am learning to eat the right portions and my husband got me a much needed…
  • I know what you mean. I have 2 grown children and 2 grandbabies and now i babysit 5 toddlers for friends and they keep me busy.This site made it much easier for me to keep track and all i do is keep track of calories and walk on the treadmill. I am my heaviest i have ever been and we are celebrating our 25 wedding…
  • can you give me some suggestions on what to eat that is high on protein? Thanks