Started Yesterday

I am 52, and have pain in my knees and lower back, because I am overweight! I would like to lose 55 pounds, and anyone who is roughly in that same boat, feel free to friend me. We can use all the encouragement we can get!

I am a children's librarian, a widow with three grown lovely children and two DIL's, and I love my life. I believe I will love it even more when it is more pain-free, and when I am more in control of the food, instead of the other way around! :wink:

Renee Bush


  • poohkrazy05
    Hello, I will be your friend. I am 51 years old. I to when I started on 1/4/11 was about 40-45lbs over weight. I am a stay at home mom/grandma of two grown children and two small grandchildren. I was not feeling well and my back also hurt me. So decided to join. I have lost 24lbs since I started and need to lose 6 lbs by august to meet my first goal. Hopefully this will work for you to and you will feel better soon to.
  • Ladywindchaser
    Ladywindchaser Posts: 44 Member
    Just sent you a friend request. I just joined yesterday and need all the support I can get. I am 53, retired, love my life and family. I don't have a heck of a lot of lose (20 lbs) but that extra 20 lbs. has caused me a tone of health problems, from stage 3 high blood pressure to diabetes to bleeding blood vessell in the eyes. So it is time to take the bull by the horn and do this.
  • portianay
    portianay Posts: 13
    Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • portianay
    portianay Posts: 13
    Just checking my ticker! :tongue:
  • glenbea
    glenbea Posts: 6 Member
    Hi, I'm 70, 2 grown children. I am about 40 lbs over my goal. I have been a member of weightwatchers for years and felt I needed a change. Maybe a change will be more motivating. I also have arthritis in one knee and hope that losing the weight will help ease that pain. So, I've heard about this site and downloaded the app to my android phone. I had not realized that it synced with the PC so that was a pleasant surprise. Good luck everyone on our weight loss journey. Oh, I just signed up today.