mickstereftb Member


  • Not sure about the actual macro's of what you should eat but the general consensus is 1 gram of protein per 1lb of lean body weight. To make your muscles visible then a calorie deficit to lose body fat is what you need. That will give you pronounced definition. I wonder if you mean that you want bigger muscles and…
  • They say on average 1g protein for every 1lb of weight so to up my protein on training days (I do the strong lifts 5 x 5), i take 2-3 shakes on those day, using milk to up the calorie count if i need to. I average 300 calories above my TDEE on training days.
  • OK, ignore that...i found the answer in the tech help! Doh!
  • How about driving a van all day and off loading by hand, 20 meters of porcelain floor tiles every hour or so? I have classed myself as 'moderate' but maybe i should up that?
  • Of course i mean BMR!!!