taravernier Member


  • I did Lauren Brooks Be Strong Like a Mother (BeSLAM) program last winter and really enjoyed it. You can get it at ontheedgefitness.com and it isn't very expensive ($29.99). It is a 12 week program of 15-30 mins of strength building workouts each day. They are very simple but build on themselves each day. Also, you will…
  • You would probably find that you would have better luck looking up juices. Most smoothie recipes have at least a fair amount of fruit. If you search for vegetable juices you will find a fair number of recipes and you can still do them in a high powered blender (called whole food juicing) to keep the fiber as well. I have…
  • I have not. I know a couple women who are though and they are well, I am not sure enjoying is the right word but I think you know what I mean. :) I am looking forward to them finishing to hear their comparison to Lauren Brooks Be SLAM workout that we had completed together last year.
  • If you have a smart phone, Polar now has a chest strap that connects to that instead of a watch. It is the H7 and I really like it. I have my phone with me anyway and since I like to work with kettlebells I was always worried I was going to break the watch with the bell hitting it.
  • I think what you are looking for is a heart rate monitor to tell you the calories you have burned. There are a fair number of options out there... I have a Polar H7 that works with my phone.
  • My response would be whichever satisfies the craving in the least amount of bites. A craving is the only reason I would be looking at fudge or fries... So to me it would be first about what exactly am I craving and secondly what will satisfy it with the least amount of damage.
  • I really like Lauren Brooks and have heard Andrea DuCane's videos are good as well. Otherwise you can look up Lean and Lovely on YouTube and she has some short workouts, although some of them are with weights instead of bells. I have Lauren's Vol 1, Lightening and Kettlebell Body... all three are very good and different...…
  • There are a few people I would suggest. For form I would encourage you to look up Lauren Brooks on YouTube. She breaks down each exercise and does a great job explaining them. She also has great DVDs. Personally I would stay away from many of the "popular" kettle bell programs as most of those trainers really haven't…
  • I roast veggies a lot. So last night I roasted some zucchini,squash, and mushrooms (just olive oil and salt and pepper) which my son and I ate with our fish for supper. The left overs were then diced up to make a quinoa salad (quinoa, veggies and vinaigrette). It is just such an easy way to do it. That said, I am looking…
  • I am in the same boat.. I started Lauren Brook's Strong Like a Mother January of last year and had gained so much strength and was feeling really good (hadn't figured out my food so only lost about 8 lbs but was tightening up). Then in August I sprained my ankle badly. I couldn't swing a bell for at least 3 months without…
  • I would suggest looking up Lauren Brooks on YouTube. She has some great videos out there on how to do the swing which is important to get right. I would strongly encourage you to make sure anyone you are watching or learning from is certified. I have taken a couple of classes where the things the instructors were saying…
  • I really like using Kettlebells. I would say to make sure your instructor is RKC certified or look for really well rated DVDs. I love Lauren Brooks and she has lots of different stuff out there and is very beginner friendly.