fat vs sugar



  • DamePiglet
    DamePiglet Posts: 3,730 Member
    Just drink a crisco and sugar smoothie.....here is the recipe:

    1 cup of crisco or lard

    1/2 cup of sugar

    8 ounces of water

    Throw it in a blender and boom!
    Most of the people on this site would probably say "Ooooh that sounds great! As long as i log the calories, there will be no deleterious effects...."

    Considering 1 cup of crisco is about 2,000 calories of pure fat and 1/2 cup sugar is about 400 calories of pure carbs, I highly doubt that people would say that eating that every day would not have a negative impact.

    Again - context.

    Spread it on a nice sized cake... share it with friends... I'd say that it would have a POSITIVE effect, actually. I like birthday parties.
  • taravernier
    taravernier Posts: 12 Member
    My response would be whichever satisfies the craving in the least amount of bites. A craving is the only reason I would be looking at fudge or fries... So to me it would be first about what exactly am I craving and secondly what will satisfy it with the least amount of damage.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    You have to be realistic and look at your diet as a whole, as Sara mentioned. If you are hungry, foods higher in fats will improve satiety. Is this pre workout? Sugar will provide the energy to help, especially white or simple sugars. Personally, if I have hit most of my macro and micronutrient goals (especially protein), then I would eat something sweet. If I am starving, then I will go for the fat.
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    How about 250 calories of each? Why do you have to eat 500 calories of one or the other? CHOICES. There's no hard line. Or have some of one and then stop, and some of the other, and go eat some broccoli.