How did you find an exercise that you love?



  • TheFitHooker
    TheFitHooker Posts: 3,358 Member
    I think the reason why I prefer push up's over most things are because I was told I'd never be able to put pressure on my right arm after the accident I was in. Never be able to do a cartwheel, a hand stand, a back bend, or push up's anything like this. I was also told if I was ever able to do 1 push up, it would probably damage my arm worse. I was scared for a long time to not attempt it, but after doing a lot of things I was told I couldn't or wouldn't ever be able to do, I decided I'd prove my doctor wrong, after all he said I'd be lucky to gain 20% back in it, but now have 80% back to it.


    I even have gone as far as doing them with my daughter on my back.

  • taravernier
    taravernier Posts: 12 Member
    I did Lauren Brooks Be Strong Like a Mother (BeSLAM) program last winter and really enjoyed it. You can get it at and it isn't very expensive ($29.99). It is a 12 week program of 15-30 mins of strength building workouts each day. They are very simple but build on themselves each day. Also, you will still be able to do the swimming, yoga or hiking you like to do as they will only help your recovery. I didn't believe that 15 mins a day could make a difference but it does. :) Also it is minimal equipment and easily done at home. What more can you ask for?? LOL
  • mank32
    mank32 Posts: 1,323 Member
    So jealous of you all that have found something you love!

    No one "LOVES" exercising, they lie if they say they do.'s not suppose to be fun

    :angry: :angry:
    skateboarding gets my heartrate up, makes me breathe hard and sweat, and gives me fat calves and hard thighs. it also releases all my stress and aggression in a constructive safe(-ish) manner and makes me feel like a badass. it's the most fun i can have. it's my favorite thing to do, period.

    there are fun things to do that make you sweat. keep looking.
  • allaboutthecake
    allaboutthecake Posts: 1,535 Member
    Bike longer, swim faster, hike steeper, don't all.

    You are doing what you love, just kick it up a notch.:wink:
  • AddieOverhaul
    AddieOverhaul Posts: 734 Member
    Like you, the only things I really enjoy and am consistent with are yoga, hiking and walking. So, I make that the bulk of my exercise. I continue to do harder and longer hikes, carryingm ore weight which helps with strength. I also go to a fairly challenging yoga class which has definitely helped my strength. Then, on top of doing those things I love, I force myself to do a bit of strength training (at home - both with weights and body weight training), and run stairs occasionally as well (which is good training for the tough steep hikes).

    Bascially, if you don't love it, you just have to want to be fit bad enough that you force yourself to do the extra stuff you don't enjoy that much. I do not enjoy strength training, but I love the results!
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    I've found the only activities I really enjoy are yoga (only in a class), cycling, hiking, swimming (in summer only) and walking. My trouble is that these alone are not enough. I need something that I can do to build muscle as well as endurance...

    so do those things and maybe throw in some weight training or body weight calisthenics 2-3 times per week. I primarily cycle and walk my dog for cardio...and do a bit of hiking and swimming as well. I lift weights 2x weekly at the moment as I am training for a cycling event...but will likely switch back to a full body 3x weekly weight training schedule once I have completed the event. That said, I may just stick with my current regimen as lifting 2x weekly and really hitting it and spending the bulk of my time cycling has really been enjoyable and more than enough to maintain my muscle mass and make some slow but steady strength gains.
  • Eric_DeCastro
    Eric_DeCastro Posts: 767 Member
    i used to lift weights a lot and like it. not loved it. I have since sold my Olympic weight set and weights and used to use the weight at the gym at work. still only liked it.

    this time around I figured I'll walk. I need to strengthen my heart and cardiovascular system. I soon graduated to running. still just liked it. it wasn't until i started running farther than 3 miles. actually after I started running farther than 5 miles I started to love it. I started to obsess about it. it's all I can think about. running, running shoes, compression socks, dri fit t shirts, running hats. OMG everything about running I love. I don't see it as exercise anymore. I have a relationship with running, I can tell it anything I want to and will always want to listen. no matter what mood I'm in, bad good, lazy, tired, running makes me feel better. Running doesn't complain, it doesn't judge. it has been the best discovery I have found. I LOVE RUNNING!!!!! when I run I call it being awesome.
  • asciiqwerty
    asciiqwerty Posts: 565 Member
    > trial and error

    try out something new for a term or so (say 3-4 months) before deciding whether to switch or stick
    my current mix is swimming/walking/cycling/pilates
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,366 Member
    I do not enjoy exercising, I moan all the time, but I love the way it makes me look and feel. Most days I have to drag myself to do an hour on the machines, then 20 mins weight training. I do all this at home with dumbbells. The weights have so changed my physique, I look like a young, fit woman. I am 64 and I do it every day except on the day I have a yoga class for 90 mins. I would rather stay in bed. It feels like a life sentence, but I know I will keep doing it every day for the rest of my life.
  • Eric_DeCastro
    Eric_DeCastro Posts: 767 Member
    I do not enjoy exercising, I moan all the time, but I love the way it makes me look and feel. Most days I have to drag myself to do an hour on the machines, then 20 mins weight training. I do all this at home with dumbbells. The weights have so changed my physique, I look like a young, fit woman. I am 64 and I do it every day except on the day I have a yoga class for 90 mins. I would rather stay in bed. It feels like a life sentence, but I know I will keep doing it every day for the rest of my life.

    haha. I like how you hate doing it but love the results. good for you. at least you know it is working for you even though you don't like it. like taking medicine. don't like the taste but like the results.
  • shapefitter
    shapefitter Posts: 900 Member
    I'm 49 and I've been active most of my life, and never thought of it, as boring. Walked 12miles with a group, and then got lost, which meant we walked for a total of 14hours. Have done this twice lol Danced from 8pm to 8am with just pop drinks, and water for fuel (you can do this in London). Swim ten lengths without moving legs. Run up a steep hill, jump rope in the park, roll down a grassy hill, climb a tree, slide on the bannister, paddle a canoe, without getting wet, horse riding, gardening, snow walking, without loosing boots, ski, skate, cycle, and just have fun with my friends :)
  • ValeriePlz
    ValeriePlz Posts: 517 Member
    OP, you sound like you have tried a lot of things, which is good. I agree with others that you should do more of what you love, or modify the workouts so you like them more.

    For instance, I am one of those people at the gym that reads on the exercise bike. I also walk outside instead of on a treadmill whenever I can.
  • Velum_cado
    Velum_cado Posts: 1,608 Member
    See: profile picture.

    Basically, I found a pole studio in town, watched some YouTube videos and decided I wanted to try, so I emailed the instructor to see if she thought my 240 lb self could handle it. She encouraged me to come try it, I did, and was immediately addicted.

    As for strength-building? Pole dancing. Do it.
  • chaemd
    chaemd Posts: 38 Member
    I think the reason why I prefer push up's over most things are because I was told I'd never be able to put pressure on my right arm after the accident I was in. Never be able to do a cartwheel, a hand stand, a back bend, or push up's anything like this. I was also told if I was ever able to do 1 push up, it would probably damage my arm worse. I was scared for a long time to not attempt it, but after doing a lot of things I was told I couldn't or wouldn't ever be able to do, I decided I'd prove my doctor wrong, after all he said I'd be lucky to gain 20% back in it, but now have 80% back to it.


    I even have gone as far as doing them with my daughter on my back.

    You look great! Congratulations to you!
  • Zylahe
    Zylahe Posts: 772 Member
    I dont see why u need to pick one thing..
    At the moment i' rock climbing, walking and learning to skate. ( roller derby style)
    Sometimes ( about once a fortnight) i go for a " run". (= stagger) around the block.

    I like that each activity uses different muscles and is a different intensity.

    If you really want to stick with a particular excersize, get a group of friends / colleugues doing it. That way, you arn't going just for the excersize but for the time together too.
    Climbing is fantastic for this as there is a reasonable amount of down time.

    Try getting some frinds of collegues to go to a taster session of some activity near you.
    You can also make friends at your activity, even if it starts with chitchat bfore/ after classes. One yoga class i used to go o, the hole class would go out for a curry together afterwards.

    Ooh and Velum, i've always wanted to try pole dancing, am so jelous.
  • MichaelRobinson1994
    MichaelRobinson1994 Posts: 83 Member
    Try giving weight lifting a go. It is for me a great form of stress relief.

    Look at 5x5 stronglifts as a good starting programme. You'll get strong and you wont get bulky, but get dense, strong, toned muscles.
    A great thing is the metabolic gain from lifting! - You increase your muscle mass, which boosts your metabolism, and the lifting itself leaves me STARVING, and able to eat back those calories knowing I've earned them!

    I used to be overweight, and now I'm pretty lean and very happy with myself (I used to be 28lbs overweight when I started) - Now I want to start getting some size and bulking up a little, so I've started a new programme. But Lifting is my favourite thing in the world.

    I also play for my Universities Volleyball Team, so that keeps me lean too!
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    I really need to learn to practise consistency. All my life I've had a tendency to jump from one type of exercise to the next, and never really commit to any one type. Most of the time I end up getting bored of what I'm going and move on to something else...

    So far I've tried basketball, volleyball, hockey, multiple gyms and classes such as body attack, hiking, walking, running, pilates, yoga, cycling, swimming, TABATA, HIIT, 30 Day Shred and Ripped In 30. I've found the only activities I really enjoy are yoga (only in a class), cycling, hiking, swimming (in summer only) and walking. My trouble is that these alone are not enough. I need something that I can do to build muscle as well as endurance... and I have no idea where to start as I ended up hating every other exercise I've tried!

    How did you find an exercise that you love? Can anyone suggest a program that I could follow (I like structure)?

    Hey variety is the spice of life!! I love mixing up my cardio workouts! There is no set rule you have to stick to one type of cardio (unless you're training for a race or something)....I say mix it up!!!

    As far as strength training. Stronglifts seems to get a lot of votes around here. You might want to give it a try. What I found is I love body weight exercises for strength training too!
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    I didn't think I'd like lifting heavy things...then I started Stronglifts 5x5 and learned I love to lift all the heavy things.

    I also love kickboxing.
  • mfp2014mfp
    mfp2014mfp Posts: 689 Member
    Think about what you loved doing as a child in terms of sport/physical activity. This is what worked for me, I went to the pool one day to see if I still liked swimming. Ive been back every day because I LOVE it :happy:
  • RainRedfield
    RainRedfield Posts: 597 Member
    I'm in Search and Rescue. The rope team was loaded with my kind of people (intelligent, funny, and crazy enough to jump off a perfectly good bridge). I found I love Climbing and Rappelling. :)