mollyt37 Member


  • You can try to add it under dance. That is what I do. I just keep track of how much time I use the dance video for. Hope this helps!
  • Not sure where you live but in Texas HEB stores sell steel oats. It's in the cereal/oatmeal section.
  • Try a pedometer and it keeps track of your steps, lenght of travel and calories burned. I bought mine at Walmart for $5.00 and I just show it as Walking 2.0 and I change the time and calories burned to match my pedometer.
  • If for some reason I can't find it or I am not sure what the calorie intake is, I will look for something similar and then add about 20 more calories to it. I would rather be over on my log than under.
  • I used Chantex and so did my husband. He quit a year before I did and he has been smoke free for 3 years now. He did have some vivid dreams but neither of us wanted to kill ourselves or others. I can tell you I highly recommend it. I smoked for 33 years, 2 packs or more a day. I will also tell you this, I gained alot of…
  • Make sure your diet has plenty of protein and water. This will help you feel full longer.
    in Hungry Comment by mollyt37 January 2011
  • I agree you need protein! But make it lean meat! It will make you feel fuller longer! Hope this helps!
  • Hi! I did some research on this and you are suppose to eat within an hour of waking. If you work out you should have a snack and then eat breakfast after the workout. It was hard for me to get use to eating in the mornings but it sure has helped with my weight loss! I wish I had an answer for you but I don't! Sorry!