

  • Being 28 and never having a problem with break outs, I always considered myself lucky. I mean I've always had very clear skin...until now. Since I've started my diet my face has started to break out, not much to most ,but to me its a lot. It's funny really, all my life I've ate unhealthy, butter on every single thing I…
  • that girl would be me....:glasses: an average day was 20 +, days off close to 30 cans of Dr. Pepper, until i started on here and realized how much that was, i now drink Diet Dr. Pepper, at most 5 to 10 cans a day, and on good days i still have a few regular....im still having horrible headaches but none the less ive cut…
  • I myself like "fluffy" girls. Ive been with my life partner for almost 3 years now, shes the skinniest girl ive ever been with. so over the yrs ive "fattened' her up to my liking....key word My. She hated the extra lbs she put on, would even cry about it, but me, being me and set in my ways told her if she lost any weight…
  • thanks every1! ya'll are awesome!:smile:
  • Soda use to be all 3 of my meals....eating to much was never my problem, just my soda intake...so i have managed to narrow it down. the way u put that made me LOL. thanks! and good luck to u!:smile:
  • I've cut down what and how much I drink, and that was really hard. I still have horrible headaches bc of it. I've wondered if that was the reason, but i always count my soda in with my calories, so even if it is that, im stayn w/in my calorie count. :frown:
  • that would be u dear! :happy: and ur awsum for it. im so addicted now lol...i wana buy a new phone now bc my blackberry doesnt have the app yet. id be on this site 24/7:laugh:
  • I did tha same 2day. I poured myself a small glass of Dr. Pepper and drank it very, very slowly. man it was good! Its odd really, i haven't really had a problem switching to diet until 2day. every time i take a drink i gag, but i think thats just bc i woke up in a bad mood.:grumble: i wanted a soda from the time i opened…
  • im not sure why but this post made me a lil angry...maybe its the lack of caffeine i dunno, but as soon as i read it, it made me GRR! i think this diet is messing with my head now lol.
  • i cant wait till i can have that up on my page. congrats on the 25 lbs!
  • wow! 70 lbs...congrats thats awesome!!!
  • thanks ya'll! encouragement helps a lot! from here on out i'll try my best to stay positive. once the weight starts coming off i guess i wont feel like im doing this for nothing. getting there seems like its taking forever.
  • aww thanks ya'll! reading all those made me all sappy and tear up a bit. My problem is i hate tea, coffee, and just about every other drink other than real soda. i have kinda got use to nestea powder that u mix with water, and diet isnt so bad, as long as its good and cold. once that stuff gets warm its worse than licking…
  • I'll keep ur *kitten* in line! LOL! ur doing really good, im proud of u....and ur bum foot! :-)