
I've been on this site for almost a month now, and while I really like it and have got awesome support and lost 15 lbs, i wonder if I'm doing everything right. I've made sure I stick to my calories, and make sure to at least do a lil bit of exercise everyday. If by chance i do go over my calories i try to do a lil more exercising to make up for it. I'm happy I've lost 15 lbs, but I've been looking at other peoples Diary and seeing some things that frustrate me. Before this site I would consume 20 to 30 cans of Dr. Pepper a day, now I've takin that down to 3 or 4 regular and at most 5 diet so thats a huge step for me, one of my last vices that i was holding on to. I haven't gave up the foods i love but cut down on them a lot.... and i do mean a lot! i use to make a can of green beans, with 1 to 2 sticks of butter and add seasoning on top of that, now I dont even use butter, i use smart balance spray when i cook. When i decided to do this I changed not only my food intake but my entire life. So i get frustrated when i see what other ppl eat and still claim to drop 3, or 4 lbs a day, or week. I'm doing everything right, but they seem to be doing better. I see them add some of the craziest exercises and say they've burned 800 calories, yet i do 100, to 200 not so easy crunches/sit ups and only burn about is this possible? they eat anything and everything, yet they do better... Either their cheating, or I just suck at this....:ohwell: any1 have any suggestions.....
thanks and good luck!


  • jalovec
    jalovec Posts: 62
    I exercise at least 6 hours per week, and eat 1200 to 1400 calories per day, and in the last 4 months have only lost 10 pounds (but 20 before that for a total of 30 pounds lost). YOU ARE DOING GREAT :) !!!! I'd say give up the pop- it is really bad for spiking your insulin, and making your body hold onto fat. Good luck :)
  • MeghanAM
    MeghanAM Posts: 222 Member
    You have to try not to compare yourself to other people. It's hard to say why they might be doing better, and yeah, it's possible that some of them are lying. Some may be losing water weight (probably how I dropped my quick 5, unfortunately), or for some reason they're just lucky and their body is letting go of the weight easier.

    15 pounds in a month is fantastic! And I'm sure you're doing yourself a lot of good for your health by changing your eating habits like you have.
  • 123nikki123
    I had the chance to look at your diary. First off, pop is not considered breakfast! You need to be eating 5-6 mini healthy meals that are well balance. Protien, Carbs (the healthy whole grain kind) and of course fruit/veggies. Some days you don't even eat brakfast and that is a big NO NO...your metabolism will slow down without the most important meal of the day! Though you may be staying in your calorie range the items you choose to eat/drink are effecting your weight loss efforts. I think if you want maximum results you need to be 100% dedicated to your nutrition and exercise. It doesn't matter what other people are eating, they may be getting better results then you as far as numbers go but I can't imagine that they feel good and have lots of energy. I wish you luck on finding what works for you:) To be healthy you need to be healthy! I commend you on the 15 pound loss in 1 month...that is teriffic, by the way:)
  • jratcliff82
    I exercise at least 6 hours per week, and eat 1200 to 1400 calories per day, and in the last 4 months have only lost 10 pounds (but 20 before that for a total of 30 pounds lost). YOU ARE DOING GREAT :) !!!! I'd say give up the pop- it is really bad for spiking your insulin, and making your body hold onto fat. Good luck :)

    I've cut down what and how much I drink, and that was really hard. I still have horrible headaches bc of it. I've wondered if that was the reason, but i always count my soda in with my calories, so even if it is that, im stayn w/in my calorie count. :frown:
  • Jenstar7772
    Jenstar7772 Posts: 9 Member
    Well I, know I eat out almost everyday but choose healthier options. I try not to consume calories from drinks. And I only work out 4 times a week and end up burning about 350 calories in 40 minutes of cardio. I'm sure people do cheat, but some people can lose weight easier or maybe just have alot of extra time in the day lol. I lost 3lbs in 2 weeks but I didn't cheat..usually lol. I understand your frustration though. If your losing weight you're doing the right thing.
  • kee9kee9
    Stop comparing yourself to other people. Our body's are unique and handle food and exercise differently. I am a nurse and decided to wear my pedometer to work the other day to see how much I walked and how many calories I burned. I burned 490 calories just doing my job (13 hour shift)!! Then, after work I ran ~2 miles. I had also done push-ups and sit-ups before work. My total exercise calories burned for that day were over 700. If you were to do the same thing, you might burn more or less than me. Keep doing what you are doing. It seems to be working for you because you are losing weight. Keep your head up!
  • Roxytoy
    Roxytoy Posts: 6 Member
    Dear Faggirl22-

    You are doing awesome! Don't compare yourself to other people. Set goals for yourself and try to be honest about your exercise and food intake. Isn't it amazing what a difference CONSCIOUS eating can make? You just dropped the butter off your green beans, dropped a whole lot of fat and calories out of your diet and are still satisfied! How simple.
    One of my theories is you lose weight faster in the beginning- especially if you weigh a lot to begin with, or have been inactive. I have been at this 5 weeks and just hit the 10 pound mark- you hit 15... does that mean you are eating less? Maybe- or maybe it means i exercise more and have gained muscle- which weighs more than fat. Who knows? I just know my pants fit better and I am happy to stick with this plan because I still eat what I want (just not as much or as often).
    Hang in there and be PROUD of yourself!!

  • momogogo
    momogogo Posts: 159 Member
    Hey there. First of all 15lbs is a lot for such a short time. I have been going ot the gym for 3 weeks now. 6 days a week. Eating under calories goal and have only lost 5 lbs since I started the gym. Remember that 1-3lbs a week is the kind of weight loss that sticks. Maybe you can check with a nutrtionist for some sound advice. However, it seems like you are making strides. People who are loosing at a very fast rate may be very over weight to begin with. Keep your eye on your prize. Continue to take the encouragment. It seems to be working for you. And remember that someone may be looking at your 15lbs loss and wishing they could be more like you.
  • jratcliff82
    I had the chance to look at your diary....I can tell you what I think is wrong with what you are doing. First off, pop is not considered breakfast! You need to be eating 5-6 mini healthy meals that are well balance. Protien, Carbs (the healthy whole grain kind) and of course fruit/veggies. Some days you don't even eat brakfast and that is a big NO NO...your metabolism will slow down without the most important meal of the day! Though you may be staying in your calorie range the items you choose to eat/drink are effecting your weight loss efforts. I think if you want maximum results you need to be 100% dedicated to your nutrition and exercise. It doesn't matter what other people are eating, they may be getting better results then you as far as numbers go but I can't imagine that they feel good and have lots of energy. I wish you luck on finding what works for you:) To be healthy you need to be healthy! I commend you on the 15 pound loss in 1 month...that is teriffic, by the way:)

    Soda use to be all 3 of my meals....eating to much was never my problem, just my soda i have managed to narrow it down. the way u put that made me LOL. thanks! and good luck to u!:smile:
  • jratcliff82
    thanks every1! ya'll are awesome!:smile:
  • tifanieb
    tifanieb Posts: 67 Member
    It is so totally the soda. i used to drink a 2 liter of soda a day. mtn dew was so totally my addiction! yeah i have a diet one now and then now. but i slowly replaced it with water and now i am drinking more and more water and rarely have soda. I lost 9 pounds my first week of giving up soda.
    AND everybody is different. the whole point is to do what you need to do for you. According to doctors 2-3 pounds a week is healthier than losing more. you didn't pack on the pounds in one week and it will take more effort to get it off than put in on. 15 pounds in a month is healthy and less likely to come back than yo yoing dropping fast and gaining slowly.

    hope this helps
  • mandavann
    mandavann Posts: 38 Member
    I was looking through your food diary and am shocked that you are pretty much on a Dr Pepper liquid diet. Is this all your eating/drinking? When you do eat, it looks like it's all processed foods. Where are the food groups? Do you eat veggies? Whole Grains?

    I can imagine that being on pretty much all liquid sugar diet can make you lose at first, but I hope you understand you are putting your body at risk for diabetes and other health issues.

    I don't think you have to cut it out all together. You can really clean up your food intake and do as your doing with weaning yourself off slowly. You really need to get a balanced diet in there. M &M's and a Dr Pepper do not qualify as a balanced breakfast.

    Maybe put in there to track your sugar intake. You'd be shocked at how much refined sugar you are taking in everyday.

    Also another thing, the more you clean up your eating, the more your body wont crave all those sugary foods/drinks.

    Good luck!