thats a great idea to have chat group very useful
oh thanks for shairing and get well soon
thats very helpful can you please advise standing & kneeling cable rows (various) which are the major varioations which can help in stronger core
my goal is to reduce 2 kg of weight and build core muscles , so should i focus on one part rather than trying to achive both at same time
thanks for reply so am can I do 2 things at same time . build core muscle and reduce fat , or focus first on reduce fat i am confused :-(
That's v true completely agree and will follow brilliant advise
Thanks this information is really helpful
Thanks for review n taking time to reply
please find my pictures taken today , happy to hear your expert feedback I use inbody scale to measure my body fat percentage
Thanks for reply please find today's pics looking for ur expert feedback
thanks :-)
Thanks for reply will try not to get carrie away with scale result it :-) . Scale is at my gm its called "IN BODY COMPOSITION ANALYSER " have not heard ab recoup can you please share it might be helpful .
thanks for reply scale says 16% down from 18% , I find it difficult to believe that as well :-)
OP you are brilliant I was also 26% body fat in Feb 17 but did not reach as far as you :-) I am on 19% today . @taziarj thank u for the six-pack-chart , it says I should take 17 weeks to reach where I am today but i took 21 weeks ( not too far ). I would appreciate if anyone can advise me on my next goal :-) 15% BF , I do…
pure power :-)
I am also following it try to keep my carb as lesss as possible it is really helping in going in right direction , added u :-)
thanks thats really helpful :-)
thanks I can get away with some egg white after my workout in fasting period
thanks thats helpful
u are right I wanted to check as its zero calorie drink only caffeine to keep me going :-)
same with me its only 2 days for me :-) , what cycle you are following
going to get my bcaa ordered thaks allot .
that is helpful , i was only worried that by not eating anything after workout i might start loosing my muscle weight which would be really bad :-(
thanks thats really helpful having protein in half an hour i also follow that it make sense i am looking to continue with IF , by looks of it have to stop
adding u :-) will do it together good luck
thanks thats helpful