teponey Member


  • Normally Coke or Lemonade here or maybe just fizzy if its something 'fizzy'. Im in New Zealand.
  • Someone once said, others try to extinguish your flame to make theirs burn brighter. Unless you are waving you diet under their noses & asking why they are having a super sized meal then Id just start subtley confronting them everytime they make a put down & either when they ask why you are eating XXX go, 'because I want…
  • Right, Im day 24 or day one again completed, level 3. Was up to 23 days but had a week off when I was sick, Im going with 24 so I can measure & weigh after 30 days but im also starting over & maybe doing five days on, one off or maybe even the whole 30 days straight, will see how it goes. How are all the fellow shreders…
  • just keep on doing what you are doing, eat well & exercise. it does shrink eventually. Ive found my 'spare tyre' is now a 'bike tyre' & not such a 'tractor tyre' LOL. So it does slowly deflate over time.
  • Can I be a late joiner? Im mid way thru & up to day 23 but had a week off it cos I got sick so need a kick in the pants to finish it. (or to restart & do another 30 days)
  • I think some of those people are insecure about their own weight & a little envious that you are reaching your goals, for me, I chat away about weightloss to my online weightloss friends & dont mention anything to do with dieting to real life people who arnt supportive.
  • hehe, I had one person make catty remarks about my weight thru two babies & afterwards. Is currently unaware she has my nine months pregnant hand me downs... (which I think she has outgrown) thats what I call karma! I gave a lot away & put a few of my nicer work outfits on trademe (like ebay)
  • I used to do it a lot & am sure if bored people stupid. But Ive joined a couple of online weightloss groups & I chat away about it on there & dont really mention it anymore to my friends or family. Gets it out of my system & Ive got supportive people to talk to & I can support them back. Ive also found people are either…
  • 5'3" & I think around 64kg. Which I think converts to around 140? Or just around there somewhere anyway.
  • Wow, some friend! Shes worried 'you may end up prettier than her' Well, on the inside she doesnt seem like a very pretty person. A good friend should be happy for you & supportive, not jealous & worried about how it makes them look. Hard as it may be, Id just tell her sorry but you want to be happy & healthy & if she is…