

  • Refined sugar is the culprit. Not fresh fruits. As long as your eating a balanced diet and are not experiencing mood swings I wouldnt worry about.
    in Sugar Comment by tokays72 February 2011
  • I feel you on the chocolate craving. I have a chemical sensitivity that does not allow me to eat artificial sweeteners of any kind. My friend told me about chocolate Shakeology and I have been using that for over a month now. I sing it's praises all the time because I have not had a single craving since drinking it and…
  • It sounds like your eating mood is your body saying "I'm not getting enough nutrients!". Most cravings occur when our body is lacking in essential vitamins and minerals. The brain will trigger a hormonal response that induces a desire to eat. There are dangerous diet pill's on the market designed to trick your brain and…
  • I have a friend who is doing it and she has lost weight. I have also known people who have not lost weight doing it. I think that if your in it to loose it, have a focused mind to succeed you will be fine. I dont know how much it costs. I do P90X myself and use the included website for nutritional meal planning. Been doing…
  • Unless your drinking coffee, tea or espresso with no added sweetener then Starbucks is a bad choice. I personally like a little kick to my day but hate the bitter taste of even the most gourmet coffee's. I personally use Chocolate Shakeology (140 cal.) and add frozen fruits such as black cherries or blueberries. I then add…
  • If your getting enough nutrition your body will not have cravings. Protein will absolutely fill you up and keep you feeling full longer. I eat lots of lean meats and tuna fish. I also drink Shakeology which provides me with pro-biotics, enzymes and nutrients that I just couldnt get unless I grazed on broccoli, cauliflower,…
    in Hungry Comment by tokays72 January 2011
  • I agree with Morganadk2. I would also like to add that you might want to focus on upping your nutritional intake while lowering your calorie intake. I have found that possible through Shakeology. I also really like Tony Horton's P90X work out DVD's. It is really hard to lower your caloric intake low enough to loose those…
  • Up earlier than I wanted to be. Loving the control that I have over my weight loss goal with the help of MFP. Looking forward to watching Bones tonight with the family.
  • I need to loose 50lbs myself. After years of being into fitness and personal growth I met a man who gave me two beautiful children but sucked the life out of me. I left him five years ago but all that weight is still hanging around. I hope that your surgery is a success and that you have a full recovery.