

  • Man this makes me feel better!! I can totally do the workout during the week while the kids are at school, but the weekends are rough because we're running around so much. Looks like Saturday and Sunday will be my "off" days :smile:
  • I did Day 1, Level 1 today. I gotta say, I'm more out of shape than I thought :grumble: I hurt. My 9 year old daughter watched me workout which motivated me to push myself harder and she was so proud of me. But did I mention how much I hurt?
  • I just did Day 1 today and used soup cans (about 1 lb each) to see how I felt. I'm going to go get 2 lb weights today. I want to make sure I completely do the exercises and not wimp out too much. Once I can get through the workout without feeling like death, I'll up it 1 lb each level.
  • I'm so glad I found this Group!! My name is Jo and I live in CA. I just had a baby girl in December and am having a much harder time losing the weight this time around than I did with my other two children. My CW is 168, and my GW is 125. I have had the 30DS DVD sitting on my shelf since BEFORE I had my daughter and still…
  • I'm totally in!! I'm going to start 2/11 and am really excited for it :happy:
  • Thanks you guys. For now I logged it as circuit training, but shaved 15 minutes off the time I actually worked out for. I'd rather eat fewer calories then eat more than I'm allowed =( Definitely gotta get a HRM!
  • Thank you everyone for the friend requests!! As much as I love my husband, he's not really a good support system. When I'm feeling extra fat and frumpy he always responds (as he should) with, "But I love you the way you are". Shut up. "I love my wife 50 lbs overweight" said no one EVER.
  • Thanks! We took our daughter to Universal Studios for the first time and I just couldn't resist! We also have pics of her with a mummy tickling her and dracula "biting" her neck. I know, we're totally scarring her for life.
  • New 1200 calorie lady here!! Can I just say that until I started myfitnesspal I had no clue how many empty calories I was blowing through?! I mean serious, a ton! Please feel free to add me. I too would like to build a support group to help keep me accountable and keep me on track!