

  • What an excellent job! And at least one person responding mentioned that weight is not as important as size change. Muscle is heavy - so the scale may not be the best indicator - let the clothes size be a guide too.
  • Use mine all the time ... especially with kettlebell training. I use a Suunto which I have checked and rechecked with other equipment - and it appears to be the most accurate of the ones I own for strength & stationary cardio. Garmin for running and biking.
  • And I thought I was the only one experiencing that :)
  • I know what you mean. I started dancing when I was 267#. Feels much better now in all respects. Do you dance American or Standard, or both?
    in Dancing! Comment by richx July 2012
  • Hello dancers. Although I love to dance (learn, do, teach), I also enjoy working out too. I exercise so I can dance. Dancing 3 years now. Starting the journey into Standard (a/k/a International dance). Excellent way to move, burn calories and ives you a psychological sense of well being. Any dancers here use kettlebells…
  • Hi. I am a ballroom dancer as well. Was on this site when I first started 3 years ago. This and other sites served me well in losing weight. I am back now to lose some more & stay in check. How long have you been dancing?
    in Dancing! Comment by richx July 2012
  • Dancing is a big part of my physical routine. Usually dance about 12 hours per week. Ballroom (Waltz, Foxtrot, Hustle, Salsa, Quickstep, Tango, Swing, Cha Cha, Merengue, Samba). I teach a little too.
    in Dancing Comment by richx July 2012
  • I started dancing about three years ago and went on to lose 70# so I could dance better. Wonderful motivation. Back now to keep it in check and stay well after surprise CABG. Dancing is wonderful exercise for the body and the mind. I hope the group grows. Dancers please feel free to add me to your friend list.
  • So help me out here ... how do I add you? As a friend here.
  • Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery. I had a quad - 4 days after my regular 7 mile run. Surprised me and my doc.
  • I did. Now looking to keep trim and fit. Back here to make sure I stay the course.