penny_lane709 Member


  • You're not eating enough. You also don't seem to be eating much real food. If you're a vegetarian where are the vegetables? Where's the fruit? You're not taking care of your body. Start by figuring out your bmr and tdee and try not to eat below your bmr. Then add more nutritious foods to your daily intake, and eat back…
  • i dont bother to record stuff like the 5 cals for crystal light, a sugar free breath mint (unless its more than one) a dab of margerine here or there. or a bite of something my b/f is eating. I also dont log all the running around/lifting i do during overtime at work, gardening/yard work that lasts less than 45 mins or…
  • I'm a baker and have been in my current job for 4+ years. At first i ate a fair number of the products but after this long spending every day making the exact same items the novelty has kind of worn off. Sometimes I even forget its actually food Im working with haha Someone at school once told me that its important to…
  • Wow! You look great!! Way to go!
  • Couldnt agree more! All those things!
  • I would say yes you totally can. It's more about attitude than anything else! Walk like you're sure of yourself and you will stand taller/look thinner. I would also suggest buying a top with underwire and maybe some lining to increase the bust area and balance out your lower half if that's where you feel you carry your…
  • i love mine. you can set up your own routine too, with yoga and strength training-so you can pick the ones you like/are ready for. my current is 18 exercises, 31 mins and burns 70 calories. its fun and feels like no time at all. They also have somthing called free step where you start the workout and then go back to…
  • me too! It was like the first 10 melted off but now i seem to be staying at the same weight. 7-8 ish pounds left to go but i seem to be stuck where I am. 5`0