Petite girls (5'0-5'4) struggling with those last 10 pounds

Any of you out there? Or petites who have successfully lost the last ten. Any advice? I seem to be at a plateau.


  • healthygreek
    healthygreek Posts: 2,137 Member
    I'm losing the last 5. It's very slow but I don't care cause I love to eat. I stay under my calories and burn approximately 700 cal a day. I eat back about 2/3 of my exercise calories. I know I'll get there so I don't stress over it. I'm 5'1".
  • krocksww
    krocksww Posts: 3
    This is ME! I am 5' 2" and have been STUCK since January! 10 pounds exact to lose. I started the gym so hopefully that will kickstart my weight loss.... summer is approaching soon!
  • Darknightswifey
    Darknightswifey Posts: 23 Member
    5'0 I've lost over 60 in two years and I'm stuck at 133 my gw is 120-125
  • lms147
    lms147 Posts: 4
    I saw this post and it spoke to me. I am 5'4 and weight 138. My goal is to be 127-130...but it is not happening!! Help!
  • fuzzymop55
    fuzzymop55 Posts: 70 Member
    5'2" here, my weight seems to drop every two weeks vs weekly now. I'm kinda stuck at 134-135 and am trying to get down to 120 but just being under 130 would be awesome.
  • indygal76
    indygal76 Posts: 283 Member
    I am 5"3 and stuck at 130~133. My goal is 125.
  • mjm9003
    mjm9003 Posts: 30 Member
    Me too! 5'2" and about 10-15 lbs away from my goal range. Been maintaining 20 lbs loss for about a month, which I know is still good.
  • Prettymisssparkles
    Prettymisssparkles Posts: 1,274 Member
    I am also 5'2 and it seems like the weight wont budge...I can see and feel a change though. Dunno what the deal is.
  • penny_lane709
    penny_lane709 Posts: 9 Member
    me too! It was like the first 10 melted off but now i seem to be staying at the same weight. 7-8 ish pounds left to go but i seem to be stuck where I am. 5`0
  • bluebear_74
    bluebear_74 Posts: 179
    5'0" with 15lbs to go, it WAS 13lbs but I put on this week :sad:
  • taylor0204
    taylor0204 Posts: 357 Member
    I am there as well, 5'3 and 142...stuck at this weight since January. I am adding strength training to my exercise routine and hoping I can lose these last 10 lbs. GWE 132-135.
  • Prettymisssparkles
    Prettymisssparkles Posts: 1,274 Member
    Any of you out there? Or petites who have successfully lost the last ten. Any advice? I seem to be at a plateau.

    Hopefully some successful petite ladies will come tell us how it's done.
  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 2,951 Member
    good to know i am not alone :) i have lost no inches since Oct and no weight since Jan 1st. i have just bounced around 3-4 lbs and i guess it`s the last 5 lbs of my weight loss ... I still have 2-3 % in body fat i want to lose, so i am trying one last hope to shed it. i bought chalean extreme and will be starting it next week...
  • lms147
    lms147 Posts: 4
    This blog makes me feel tall ;-) lol... a whole 5'4"!!!
  • sarah5423
    sarah5423 Posts: 152 Member
    I'm 5'1.5 and currently 98 lbs down from 130, I have never been this weight my entire adult life so didn't choose 98 as a goal weight but went more by how I felt. I have a small frame but still hold weight on my lower half - currently working on body composition. For me getting to this weight was through sheer determination, lots of research and this fantastic site. Personally I feel that if you keep up the healthy eating, do exercise that you enjoy and listen to your body you will succeed. I do some form of exercise every day, don't really have 'cheat' days, I just make what I want fit into my macros. Creating a lifestyle that is maintainable is the trick and I'm still not there yet after over a year but I'm learning more everyday and hope to maintain my new weight and healthy lifestyle.

    Best of luck to all my fellow shorties, it can be hard work but it's so worth it :smile:
  • NicoleisQuantized
    NicoleisQuantized Posts: 344 Member
    5' 2" and I want to drop another 15 lbs (CW ~ 135 lbs, BF 26.5%: GW: 120 lbs, BF 16%). The scale has not moved in a while.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    I'm 5'2" and I only lost less than 10 pounds. I did not have a goal weight. I was just working on my fitness. I am happy where I am at and continue to work on maintenance and always continued improvement. I just need to be consistent with exercise and eating well. I also lift weights and that has been effective for me.
  • griffx12
    griffx12 Posts: 110 Member
    I'm 5'1" I got down to 102 and now I'm 107 doing weight lifting.
    I'm at the place where I can't just run a few extra miles to offset my eating. I'm making better choices when I'm out of fat, carbs protein for the day I find something else - eating a more balanced diet is helping a lot. I also log everything - regardless if its a bad day so I can see what the cause and effect is. I have thyroid issues but I run and lift and still need to need my calories low to lose.
    Hope that helps?
  • Jen800
    Jen800 Posts: 548 Member
    Bump for support!
  • RunnerElizabeth
    RunnerElizabeth Posts: 1,091 Member
    I'm 5'3 and down to my last 6lbs. I have decided not to weigh myself again until May 6th, the day after my next half marathon, because from this point forward I want to be focused on my running. Worrying about the last six is a distraction. Also I recently had pneumonia and with the illness I lost 3lbs, but 2 came back which is frustrating.