getabsbysummer Member


  • Thank you! :) I started at just a bit under 200 pounds and now I am hovering around 178-179 pounds. I'm a pretty stocky little hourglass figure, not sure about yourself! but yah the weight has come off from top to bottom evenly.
  • Been lifting as heavy as a can for the last two months, which did slow my weight loss (trading out fat for muscle obviously). But I had to cut down to 30 minutes for the last week and half kus I'm working night shift now. Thank you so much...honestly I never even considered trying a different formula...all I know is that…
  • yes I have considered dropping it more than just 100 per day, and I heard 40/30/30 is good for most only issue when I tried to do 40/30/30 once is that it was just way too much protein, and I got the "protein gas" if you know what I'm talking about :|
  • oh, I've honestly never even heard of that. So I should try to eat the same amount everyday despite if I burn more on more days? I use a HRM to calculate burns, so I've been eating more in accordance with what I burn (hence that 500 calories flucuation). I checked a TDEE website and it's suggesting 2300...but If I want to…
  • yes, the 5km runs twice a week I just added in about 2 weeks ago (training for 10k) and I'm using insanity to keep my cardio for days when I can't run outside, kus the treadmill just doesn't cut it. yah I read something like that too just now as I was browsing the net. 230g I think is way too much for the amount of time I…
  • No LOL...I love food too much to do that to myself, I should probably open my diary to public, not just friends, so you could see I am eating about 1800-2300 per day (2300 approx on days when I do cardio & weights)...but I usually just leave out 100 calories at the end of the day in case I under-estimated some food on MFP
  • ok so if I'm plateauing then it has nothing to do with my carb intake? kus I'm under my daily caloric goal by a 100 (unless it is a rest day then I eat all 1200 I'm given)
  • Take it from me, a former yo-yo dieter who was tipping the scales at 200lbs, 5'3" then being at 170 a couple times the past 4 years. Doing it the right way will be the way the weight will stay off, and your body will be healthy enough with a great metabolism to sustain a well-deserved cheat meal once a week. South Beach…
  • just finished my first round yesterday. unfortunately I can't find a picture I took of myself at the beginning of month 1!! but I can tell you it was not anywhere near as much of a difference as I saw in Month 2 (because I really hunkered down on the diet) These three pictures are the beginning, middle, and end of Month 2.…
  • I completely believe you can attain this if you start NOW I just finished month 2 of the INSANITY program yesterday, and this is my progress in just 4.5 weeks (I took an extra couple days off) I stuck to MyFitnessPal and continued working out, as well as added weights in at night (weights were what actually made the scale…
  • :) it was a combination. I was doing running intervals (pretty slow just starting out at 4.5 and worked up to 5.8) on the treadmill for anywhere between 20-30 minutes 3 days a week, and inbetween every other day I would hop on the elliptical for 10 and go hard, then did wide squats and narrow squats. 3 sets, 8-10 reps, and…
  • I feel your pain! when I started weight lifting back in January, I put on 4 and half pounds over the course of a week, and was very discouraged! and I thought I looked bigger (I was heavy lifting in squats). It was a good week and a half to two weeks before I even saw the scale start to depart from that number, and I was…
  • Just nearing the end of my first week of month 2 of insanity!! (Day 40 today) No before and after pictures yet, I did take before and after for month 1, but I only really buckled down on my diet half the time. One week into Month 2 I am already seeing in three weeks I'll post my end result pictures. After…
  • Ok I know I'm throwing my two-cents in here just like everyone else... I'm on my Day 4 of Month 2 (holy mother of God I never thought I would get this far), and the program is phenomenal (cardio-wise). As far as the caloric burn of the workouts depends ENTIRELY ON YOU!!!! Height, current weight, current cardio condition,…
  • 5'3" and starting out at 196 lbs....hoping to make it down to 150. Down 10 since January, but my wedding and honeymoon sort of intervened and I haven't really lost more. Add me :)