bargainshpr Member


  • Thank you Piper. Sandyhomerun I've tried many programs and have had the most successful with MF also. We can do it.
  • I'm starting again today starts my 2nd week. I lost 2 lbs had a successful first week
  • I need motivation/friends. Are u still interested
  • Thank you
  • I ordered some of these. Haven't tried them yet. Any adjustments needed when cooking the meatballs or chicken dish. Any tips suggestions on preparing Flavors at home. Thank you for the headup on the orange staining.
  • Thank you for posting also. The pictures really help. I'm always wondering if I'm doing the exercises right. I try to get a couple of sets in or 20 minutes worth when I first get out of bed and a couple more sets in the afternoon. Have a great weekend. Stay focused. (:
    in Day 2 Comment by bargainshpr April 2014
  • Would love to join you,motivate, encourage, and support one another. I also have a Fitbit and absolutely love it. I'm in my 40's. Had a lot of stops and starts with getting on a regular, consistent exercise plan. I'm doing a countdown to Memorial day 5 weeks away with a weight loss goal of 8 lbs. I've set a goal of walking…
  • I like it. My suggestion would be to put it in a blender with some ice. This makes it very cold and smooth. If you find it has somewhat of an aftertaste I add a few drops of the MIO liquid Peach Mango flavor which takes care of that. I hope this helps with your question.
  • Been on Medifast since June1 and have lost 17 lbs. I am 11 lbs away from my goal. I am super excited
  • Tips on fixing the oatmeal would be greatly appreciated. Right now I add about half the water the package calls for and its a glue paste like consistency. If I add any more water its soupy. The oats don't fluff up. Thanks
  • I have just finished my first week and lost 3.5 lbs. Yay I am so thrilled. Should I have seen a bigger weight loss I'm wondering. Could I have missed something or done something wrong?
  • I would love to help. What exactly is making you nervous the cost, the food, worried about not losing the weight. I just started on Tuesday. Its too early to know how much I've lost but I'm optimistic and hopeful.