telt4 Member


  • My bad habit was smoking, but have been smoke free for one whole week now! I know its just a start but I cant turn back now. I just gotta take it one day at a time!
  • Mental illness! Several in my life have made the comment to me "what the heck do you have to be depressed about?" and" if you had the Lord in your life then you wouldnt have to be on all those high powered medications." It really aggravates me because I didnt ask to be this way and it burns me up when they make comments…
  • Shew yall scared me for a sec cause I love baby carrots!
  • Sorry Im new at posting in the forums so didnt quite post that where it was supposed to go!
  • My oldest daughter was the exact same way when she was younger and stayed that way til she went to college. She was so picky about what she ate and would hardly eat anything. I blame that on myself because I went by the book with her since she was my first child. However my second daughter we started feeding her from the…
  • Probably congrats are in order:smile:
  • Ive been getting baby magazines through the mail! Dont know if someone signed me up as a joke or what!
  • Do you have anyone to work out with? I know thats what has helped me alot is having someone to do the dvds with because its alot more fun. I always get my 11 year old sun to work out with me and he loves it, plus it gives us time together and he motivates me. Now if I could just talk my husband into working out with me…
  • I can relate too! I occassionally have a binge when I just wanna eat all the fattening stuff that I know isnt good for me but I always think tomorrow is a new day. You just gotta take it one day at a time. There are days I dont even feel like getting off the couch but once I get up and start moving Im okay. You can do…
    in Struggling Comment by telt4 March 2013
  • Age: 42 Height: 5"7 Highest weight ever: 210 (2011) Lowest weight:145 (Dec 2012) Current Weight: 171 Goal Weight: 145 Female
  • Best of luck to you! Support system makes all the difference in the world!
  • I am on alot of meds for bipolar and alot of the side effects are weight gain but Ive lost weight before in the past but have always done it the wrong way by not eating of course. I wanna lose weight the right way this time. Ive lost 7 pounds since I signed up. Its a slow process but you just gotta be patient. I never used…
  • Thanks for sharing! I dont usually post anything in the forums. I just enjoy reading them and sometimes they get really intense. People are entitled their own opinions though so theres nothing we can do about that except to let it roll off our backs and move on. Dont worry about what people have said. Some of the snacks…
  • awesome post!