karih2012 Member


  • Maybe, in a way i feel that because I dropped the weight when I did, because let's face it you can really tell if you lose weight while pregnant, and as fast as I did I feel like my brain hasn't been able to play catch up to my body yet. To me I look the same as before but I'm down several sizes, pounds, and inches. Heck I…
  • Alright well I started out at 196 and holy cow I am down to 179!!! 40 lbs to go!
  • I think im doing pretty good. We have went out the last 3 days to eat due to the power being out, but with that said I have stayed in my calorie range and still kept up with walking so thats the good thing. Ive went from 195 down to 180 which is where I had originally wanted to start losing weight, so its like a new start…
  • We all make mistakes, dont beat yourself up. I know I have a major cheat day coming up due to plans on going to TGI Friday's for my fiance and his best friends 21st and to celebrate our friends upcoming wedding. If food in the house becomes too tempting try a food purge and get rid of the temptation. We can do this :)
  • Many started on the 23rd but many have came in after that. If you would like to post when your 30 days are over you can or you can just jump into it and post on the 23rd and go from there. Its up to you good luck :)
  • Everyone has cheat trust me lol. I feel one is gonna hit me and soon
  • Yes. When the 30 day check in comes and everyone posts their new weight I will be writing it down. I have also thought about after everyone has checked in letting everyone know who is in the top 5. I hope this has helped :)
  • Yes its open to anyone who wants to join
  • I am in the same boat. I only have one kid, but I am a full time student, training to be an EMT and a 24 hour on call volunteer firefighter. So what made me decide that the weight has to come off is how can I save someone elses life if I canr even save myself
  • First time so I don't want to set mine to high so I will try for 10 miles