rjscott Member


  • Just a quick check-in note. Weekend was crazy, especially grading 65 exams. But I successfully completed my 6K run Sunday morning (41 minutes/36 seconds). I came in 1st in age category, but with only 102 runners I was pretty sure I was the only one in my age category. The results were available today, and while I was the…
  • Early morning swim, followed by work, and then some strength training. Renny–I have to put strength training on my schedule to increase the likelihood that I’ll actually go; it also helps that I have a couple of routines I can do at home Dr.Katie–good luck with the contest; we have an employee wellness program at the…
  • Early morning run, followed by work, and then watch DS#2 play softball intramurals this afternoon–a pretty good day! Michele–virtual hug for you; sorry it’s been a tough day Patceoh–enjoy your company Sylvia–weight loss is never fair; a couple of years ago I checked how many calories my sons burn each day without…
  • This morning was perfect for a bike ride. Went with a friend around 8:30 for just over an hour and saw 9-12 wild turkeys in someone’s yard. In the afternoon, I drove out to an apple orchard with my mom and bought apples for applesauce and baking. Cooked up one batch of applesauce and made an apple cobbler to share with…
  • The weekend has arrived; I’m ready for it!!! Barbie–hope you had a great line dance class Michele–the mini-donuts sound delicious; enjoy your pool this weekend (I think the weather will cooperate) Sherry–welcome Genealace–hope the package safely arrived Barbara–I think we’ve had your weather this week and you’ve had more…
  • We have had two glorious warm days with lowered humidity; cool enough at night to open the windows and get some fresh air. I really love these days!! Sylvia–Bruno is adorable!! Joyce–your sock solution was brilliant Vicki–congratulations on the weight loss and the motivation to clear your boxes; I agree with DeeDee’s…
  • Just a quick "HI!" Haven't been on recently due to computer problems. Thanks to the combined efforts of both sons, the computer seems to be fine again. Welcome to all the newcomers! I'll try to catch up and reply tomorrow.
  • No chance to get on last couple of nights–DS#2 and girlfriend hit a bump in their relationship and I had to play counselor. Love never seems to be a smooth path!! Hoping for sleep tonight and less drama. Melanie–enjoy your workout tomorrow Joyce–I’m impressed with your determination to do try things and keep at them, as…
  • Meg–sorry to hear about your DH and the chiggers; they can make a person so miserable; classes begin here next week so we have in-service and other meetings this week Barbie–love the birthday greeting; thanks! Heather–hope you feel better soon Katla–thanks for the reminder that we are blessed each day Jb–what wonderful…
  • DeeDee–glad to see some of the fairyland; how beautiful!! Michele–I’m a planner, too; your preparations for the social sound like me planning for the family reunion earlier this summer; thanks for the birthday wishes (it’s been a good day) Katla–your trip sounds wonderful; the insulin reaction sounds a bit scary, though…
  • Pat–so glad your great-niece has someone to give her support and encouragement Heather–your coat sounds fantastic Joyce–what a wonderful book you wrote for your daughter Sue–I have used the title of that book–Alexander’s Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day–quite often to describe a day; it was one of my boys’…
  • Robin–Have fun on your Alaska trip; I thoroughly enjoyed the two trips I’ve taken up there Joyce–What beautiful memories you have of your family Kate–the thunder was very loud; we initially thought the lightning had hit a transformer and blown it Genealace–so sorry to hear about DBF’s son and the adoption that fell…
  • I wrote most of this yesterday and thought I had posted it, but I don’t see it. Sorry if I’ve posted twice. DeeDee–so glad your foot isn’t fractured; take care of yourself!! Katla–planning commission; don’t think I could handle that! Pat–what encouraging news for your son’s friend Janemartin–keep up the good work; you’re…
  • Unfortunately it’s late; I’ve read all the posts since my last entry and am amazed again at the strength and kindness of all of you. DS#1 is coming down from Knoxville for the weekend, so I’m trying to figure out what to fix for weekend meals. In the winter we almost always have soup for supper on Friday night, but I…
  • Good evening; just a quick post before I wind this day up. When I got to work this morning the carpets were being cleaned in our offices, so I decided it was a good time to get my tires replaced. When I came back, the air conditioning temperature had been turned down several degrees to help the carpets dry. However, the…
  • A rather quiet day–I’m storing up the peaceful feelings for when classes begin again at the end of the month and life goes crazy. Stayed on track with eating and exercise–swam, walked, did some arms/shoulder strength work, and Pilates. I always think I should be able to eat just about anything after doing all that, but…
  • Today was a success in terms of logging food and getting exercise–about 30 minutes running this morning and 20 minutes walking this evening. Thanks to all who share their journey and encouragement. Gail–Happy (belated) birthday! Joyce–Sounds like you had a wonderful family day Suzy–Your bike ride sounds wonderful…
  • I haven’t posted much since my family reunion; the letdown after all the excitement had me slightly depressed and unfortunately craving food. Now it’s time to get back to faithful logging (I keep thinking that one of these days I won’t need to log–I’ll just be able to keep everything in balance. Unfortunately, that’s just…
  • The last of the family left yesterday–I drove my sister and her family to Nashville to catch their flight. We had a fabulous time–ended up with 70 family members. Most of the time was spent talking and eating, with very little sleeping. My legs are very tired; it doesn’t feel like I sat down from Thursday evening through…
  • Rori–what a tough business trip; my heart goes out to you and all your colleagues! Joyce–I am buying most of the food for the group, but they have sent money to cover some of the cost. I also have a friend who is helping with some of the food preparation. Everyone helps and I keep the menu pretty simple. The family is…
  • Just saying “Hi!” to all of you. Thank-you so much for the warm welcome! I started to walk the dog this evening and the skies opened up and it began to pour. So now the dog is in the garage and we’ll try again in a few minutes (you could hardly see the rain shower on the radar; it was just parked over my house! However,…
  • I have lurked on this thread for over a year, but never posted--a sign of a complete introvert! I really appreciate the caring and balance this group has! I am 56 (57 next month) and live in southeast TN where we have had more than enough rain!! I have two sons--25 and 21. My older son lives and works in Knoxville and…