
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,992 Member
    well all day on my foot, and im holding my breath but it feels pretty good:bigsmile:
    I don't care if the prednisone makes me heavy for a bit if it makes that heel better, nothing worse than having one of the most important parts of your body ,not in great shape....,so far im not manic, and not any side effects, I did alright the last time too.
    I did buy some of that garcinia carbojia(sp) Dr Oz said it is amazing , I did speak with a cardiologist who is a patient in our office and since Dr Oz is a cardiac surgeon he says, I would pretty much trust what he says, and I trust this Dr too. so we shall see how it goes
    I have to work 1/2 day tomorrow and then the usual ,over to the FIL and feed him and visit then out to din din. then home...such an exciting life I lead... i cant wait for vacation, I have to get my Brother and his girlfriend down to have them go through everything for the puppies.still not for another month though:angry::grumble:
  • texasgal22
    texasgal22 Posts: 407 Member
    Popping in to share this cute pic I found on facebook; I sure hope all who read have a great weekend ahead chewing - veggies of course!:bigsmile:

  • texasgal22
    texasgal22 Posts: 407 Member
    I don't care if the prednisone

    please do exercise caution with that prednisone; it can do some strange stuff over a period of time.
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    I did it!!! Got out there and biked 8 miles! Went down to my dd's old middle school and biked the track a bit, then around our neighborhood. Finally accomplished something today!
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Today at the pool I felt like the weakest gazelle. There are six lanes in the pool, but one isnt a full lane because the portable ramp is in the water. Two guys were already swimming, so I took lane 3. After swimming about 10 minutes four more guys came in looking for lanes. Nobody wanted the partial lane, so they stood there staring at me. I think they thought I was the most likely to give up and go home, but I fooled them. I stayed and finished my laps without consideration for the guys who were staring at me impatiently. I figured that they wouldn't have quit early for me. I hope that doesn't make me selfish. I didn't get my full swim yesterday so wasn't going to give up today.

    It's very unusual because its usually only a few older women doing water walking. I'm the only one doing laps at that time of day.

    I did two sets of reps on all my weight machines. I liked that, but I'm getting a little sore already.

    Sylvia in Kansas
  • dianak6
    dianak6 Posts: 15 Member
    This looks like a great place for me. I just need to figure out the technology. Thanks
  • I joined myfitnesspal in January. I did okay, lost 14 pounds. I have, however, lost my motivation and gained back a good amount of the weight. I absolutely MUST do something to get myself fit and healthy! I have no energy, can't sleep, feel depressed, and the list goes on. I am the only one that can change things so I have decided to get off my butt and do something. Joined the gym today and went and bought healthy food choices. My biggest problem is going all day at work without eating and then eating right before I go to bed because my husband doesn't get home from work until around 9:00. We eat and go to bed. NO MORE! I need to be held accountable so I am glad this group exists. I have about 60 pounds to lose so I have a long road ahead of me.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,131 Member
    :flowerLine dance class today was awesome. They really got a workout. We did a dance that lasted twice as long as most usual songs, some fun familiar dances, a new dance that was requested by the dancers who saw the performance at the fair, and a dance that has only a few steps to learn but gets faster and faster until it’s really hard to keep up.

    :flowerforyou: I told a friend that the doctor told me to gain weight and she wondered if that meant that I’d start eating desserts…….but my healthy eating habits are so ingrained that there won’t be any desserts, just more peanut butter to add a few more calories.

    :bigsmile: The storm is over, the sun is out, and it promises to be a sunny day tomorrow so I can work in the yard again.

    :flowerforyou: Gail, except for the extra expense and the bigger crowd in bed, I don’t think we’re more tied down by two dogs……actually we’re freer because the dogs are pals and aren’t as needy for our attention as a single dog would be.

    :bigsmile: Katla, those are great suggestions to a newcomer.
    : Here are my best tips:

    1. The first and best lesson I learned here in MFP is that portion control allows me to eat most of the things I love. I was already eating healthy foods, just too much. You may have some junk to weed out, but I’ll bet you’re eating healthy foods too. I bought a food scale from Amazon for not too much money, and also dishers. These look like ice cream scoops, and allow me to quickly serve myself a known quantity of soft things like cottage cheese, rice, potatoes, & cooked veggies. Some things had to go to my “never eat this” list, like potato chips and other salty snacks that are difficult to stop eating once I start.
    2. You can “buy” more food by eating back part of your exercise calories. So If you just have to have that ice cream you can earn it on the stationary bike. (Insert your favorite exercise)
    3. Stop by here when you need support. This is a terrific group.
    4. Never give up.
    5. Log EVERY bite, even the stuff you'd rather not admit eating.:flowerforyou:

    :bigsmile: DeeDee, it’s fun to read your chatty early morning posts.

    :bigsmile: Suzy, how fortunate you are to be able to renovated your bathroom

    :flowerforyou: Heather, great success on your strength training…you’re right about the plank being hard…..my toes and elbows feel it along with my core.

    :flowerforyou: Lisa, welcome….this is a great place for support and encouragement

    :flowerforyou: Debbie, welcome…..starting with logging every bite will get you on your way….keep coming back and join the conversation.

    :flowerforyou: Pat, have you bought any of the Al-Anon and OA literature to learn more about the programs and to have something to encourage you on non-meeting days?

    :bigsmile: Sue, congrats on your 44th anniversary…..that is an awesome accomplishment.

    :flowerforyou: Meg, I miss you when you don’t post

    :flowerforyou: Joyce, success is inspirational…..disaster is educational…..sounds like you learned a good lesson about going to the Y….someone told me to schedule my workouts just like I’d schedule a doctor or haircut appointment.

    :flowerforyou: BJ, having company exhausts me and makes eating healthy much more difficult.

    :flowerforyou: NK, keep coming back and share more good ideas with us.

    :flowerforyou: Yanniejannie, that’s a big chunk of time you’ll devote to your friend….she is blessed to have you in her life….fabulous accomplishment on the bike.

    :flowerforyou: Grandmallie, good news about the prednisone…..one of my line dance friend had that for her knee and she’s been dancing.

    :laugh: :laugh: Texasgal, great cartoon.

    :bigsmile: Sylvia, congratulations on not giving in to subtle bullying

    :flowerforyou: dianaK, welcome…..I learned a lot about technology by posting on MFP……ask questions on this thread and someone will help you with lots of patience.

    :flowerforyou: Rchilders, plan your food for the day and then stick to the plan……drink a lot of water when your feel like munching....do it one day at a time

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington

    “If it’s important to you then you will find a way, if it’s not you’ll find an excuse.”



    September Resolutions
    *finish preparing the flower bed in the back yard
    *strength training two days a week (three would be better)
    *be agreeable---say “OK”
    * don’t sit at the computer for more than 30 minutes at a time
    * keep my calcium intake at the level suggested by the doctor
  • Kalley1959
    Kalley1959 Posts: 287 Member
    I am so happy that it's Friday. I decided to take the night off from doing cardio. I went to the Y and while my DD was working out I went into the whirlpool and the sauna. I can tell you that my knees really appreciated it. I'm still adjusting to the added cardio. I guess tomorrow's weigh in will tell how it's going.

    I'm off to bed early tonight.

    G'nite all

    :heart: Sandy from ON
  • rjscott
    rjscott Posts: 22 Member
    The weekend has arrived; I’m ready for it!!!
    Barbie–hope you had a great line dance class
    Michele–the mini-donuts sound delicious; enjoy your pool this weekend (I think the weather will cooperate)
    Genealace–hope the package safely arrived
    Barbara–I think we’ve had your weather this week and you’ve had more of our typical summer weather
    Grandmallie–truly hope your heel feels better soon; I don’t know how you get up so early every day!!!!
    Heather–I hope your December trip works out; I’m hoping to travel to France this next summer; so glad you’ve discovered the joys of healthy living and have a special DH to share it with; you have quite a supply of plum jam
    DeeDee–sorry about those carrots; I really dislike spending time on fixing a meal that somehow gets ruined (I guess that’s why I stick to quite simple foods most of the time)
    BJ–what course do you teach?
    Yanniejannie–when my son moved to Knoxville two years ago we did a Facetime session of his room, figuring out what he wanted and what I could throw away; I couldn’t believe how well he could identify every little thing I found in his room; sounds like you had a good bike ride
    Pat–take care of yourself; glad you had a good time in Tucson; love the lettuce wraps at PF Changs and tea from Teavana; glad you were able to find such a great gf dessert at the mall
    Jane–hope you had a wonderful date night
    Sylvia–enjoyed picturing the puppy draped over your shoulders
    Sandy–hope your knee is feeling better
    Joyce–yea for quick and easy hair styles; so true about the importance of support
    Suzy–sounds like a busy weekend for you
    Sue–enjoy your anniversary celebration
    Meg–hope all this replacement/refinishing work comes to a successful conclusion soon
    DS#2 and his girlfriend invited several friends over for supper (they had worked together at camp this past summer). The kids all brought food, so I was able to enjoy a meal I did nothing for (other than to help clean up the house a bit). Planning on doing a trail run tomorrow morning to finish getting ready for a 6K trail run on September 15. The university where I work owns about 1000 acres and has 13 miles of trails behind campus. The race is being held on those trails, so I’m going to run that route tomorrow. Have a wonderful weekend, everyone!
    Rhonda in SE TN
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Well, I've learned a lesson also. Don't wait two days to read the posts! LOL
    Love reading about the cooler weather and rain in other parts of the world. Not in TX. Still hot (101) today. So looking forward to cooler weather so I can get back to golfing.
    I'll definitely be here earlier tomorrow
    DeeDee sorry about your carrot soup. I think I'd like that. Did you find the recipe on line?
    Shoeing (?) I hope that is right. I grew up on the MS gulf coast. Left when I married and my DH was in the Air Force.I'm assuming you're in North Ms. Welcome to the group.
    There is so much knowledge and experience on this thread. Just have to make up your mind, take baby steps and just do it.
    Sue in TX
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Good night all.
    Had a nice visit with my son`s went to dinner with both of them.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    Went and did an hour of spinning this morning then came home, had something to eat and went in the pool while Vince went out to lunch. We're going to do some work in the back, but if we wait until later in the day that area is in the shade. It's a really nice day, I wouldn't have a problem working in the sun but Vince would rather work in the shade. Tomorrow is farmer's market, then yoga, then I'm going to stop at one food store on the way home since the other time I was there they didn't have the rotisserie chickens ready.

    calitchima - we'd totally love to have you join us. Tell us more about yourself

    DeeDee - isn't this weather fantastic? Now why couldn't the entire summer be this way?

    Gail - let us know if dh sees the dog!!!

    katla - if you have one dog, I really don't think two would tie you down any more. I'm thinking when I had one child and then the second. It really wasn't any big deal at all. It was just one more on the schedule

    katla - sorry you have work to do. Just think of the exercise you'll be getting in!

    Heather - good for you getting to go to France!!!

    jane - you mentioning the brownies you made made me remember. I'd heard this and just decided to try it. Instead of all the oil (sometimes as much as 1/4 cup), replace all that with silken tofu. Even Vince, the chocoholic, couldn't tell. Have a great day

    Lisa - we're glad to have you here! Come back often

    Debbie - you've sure come to the right place for support!

    Pat - one time I bought a pumpkin butter at a health food store. And, yes, it was quite expensive. Don't even know how it tasted as I sent it to Bryan. No, I don't have any recipes for pumpkin butter. Allrecipes.com might, tho

    Sue in SD - you have to tell us all about your anniversary dinner.

    grandmalle - so glad you foot feels better. Take care of yourself, you've certainly had your share of problems. How long do those shots usually last?

    texasgal - that cartoon is just too cute. Thanks for sharing and the smile

    Sylvia - I remember that at my old Y they sometimes had two people swimming in the lane! I don't think you were being selfish at all.

    dianak - welcome, tell us more about yourself.

    rchilders - log in here every day for your daily does of motivation. We love having you.

    Well, Vince went out to lunch with some Newcomers and I went into the pool. When he came home, I wish we had worked outside soon after but he wanted to wait a bit. We worked on this small area down by a retaining wall next to a sidewalk. He leveled the ground, I brought the larger rocks from the front to the back, then shoveled the dirt we didn't need and took it to the back of our property to dump, then got rocks from the front and brought them in back then had to put them down by the shovelsfull. That is so tedious!

    We found that with that heavy rain at the end of July, it eroded the dirt under part of the sidewalk so Vince packed some more in it. He also opened up one of the drains.

    You've heard me talk about Ken & Lynette? Well, Ken's younger brother passed. Lynette called yesterday and started out by saying "Ken will need a friend". At first we thought she might want us to go over there, but then she told us about the death. She left a message that the funeral will be Sunday so we'll most likely go. I found a recipe for these funfettti cookies that I'll most likely make and take with me. I should take something, but since it's in Statesville, I really don't want to take something that needs refrigeration. I'm not sure if there's going to be a repast after the funeral or not, but if not, then these will be for the family.

    After yoga tomorrow I do need to stop at one store so I'll get the spinkles then. Need to call the vet, Lance will need more insulin and there aren't any refills on the prescription that he has down here. He probably has enough for at least another week, but I don't want to leave Jessica high and dry. Even tho the insulin costs like $100, I'll get some and have it.

    Rhona in TN - good luck on your run!

    Michele in NC
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :flowerforyou: After such a long and tiring day yesterday and way overeating, I had a much better day today. And really, for the week I've done okay. DD called for me to pop by after work and have dinner with them. Halibut/rice/veggie dish. Then we went for a walk with the little toddler. Now doing some laundry, and then off to bed again. But first a little check-in with my Vit F buddies.

    I just looked at my blood work results. We have on-line access to our own tests here, so that is handy, and I keep a spreadsheet of the results. Happy to see that I am within range for cholesterol. Of course, you have to understand that I am on the highest dose of statins to keep it under control, because my problem is in my genes. Thyroid is consistently under control.

    This morning the scale was down a little. Yay for me. :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Welcome to the newcomers.

    :heart: Renny
    Vancouver Island, BC
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Yeah for Sylvia!!!!!!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: You just stand up to those guys who think that they can stand and stare at you long enough to intimidate you to give the pool up the them.

    I had a good hour of face time with my daughter. I told my husband tonight that I wanted to talk to her but sometimes I think I'm to pushy in asking her to call me more than once a week but she had this wreck and I have no idea here how things are going. So I just texted her 'woman, you are driving me crazy!!!' So she face timed me me. She said she didn't want to beause the news wasn't good and she didn't know our reaction. The lady who hit her had no insurance on her car at all which means she also had no uninsured drivers insurance. This means she will more than likely lose her drivers license. So Christina will have only her own insurance to cover all her costs. She had an old Camry that looked like it needed to be junked but the engine and transmission were good and Camrys are famous for how many miles you can get. So when it is totaled she won't get much. And the young girl that was with them doesn't jsut have an injured shoulder like they initially thought. She has a concussion. So she has a lot to deal with. I just wish my SIL would get a regular paying job. He is a writer and he believes that the more he writes and gives his books away that he will be invited to speak at conferences, conventions, etc. And he has gotten some but they don't pay much and he has to pay expenses to go to speak. My DH is the kind of person that he would give them a check right now for all the expenses. I know we have the money and I'm torn. How much does a parent help their children who don't always make the right decisions on their own. We didn't make them have such poor credit that that was the only car that they could get and have no trade in for. We didn't make the poor decisions to make the bank foreclose on their house. WE didn't force them to live in a lousy mold infested trailer that really didn't have any incentive to make their payments on. How often can parents bail their children out???

    Frustrated, troubles heart Joyce, Indiana
  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,081 Member
    Hello Friends,
    Today the new master bathroom countertop, sink and faucet were installed. Oh my! Such an improvement that now I want to paint, stain the cabinets and replace the floor, too. :laugh: :laugh: I need to stop watching so much HGTV.

    My new trainer and I met yesterday and although I really just wanted her to coach me with strength training, she has also adjusted my cardio. Tomorrow I hit the road for 4 days in Des Moines, and with me is her hand written routine which I can do practically anywhere.

    Before any more time passes, I need to commit to you all this month’s goals.
    September Goals:
    > Cardio with intervals as prescribed by Rose 2x per week
    > Body weight strength training routine 3x per week
    > Leg stretches every day
    > Hit my daily protein and fiber goals 4x per week

    Stay well.
    Rori in the Colorado Foothills
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,992 Member
    morning ladies~
    well this menopause thing has hit me with a bang any suggestions are greatly appreciated:love:
    it will be 2 yrs in November that I had it done, left one lil ovary swimmin around in there ,everything else is gone..
    but now ,it is trying to raise its ugly head, insomnia to beat the band, was up at 2:30 this morning,night sweats, hot flashes,the whole freakin bit...:angry:
    I really dont want to go on hormones,my grandmother had breast cancer, and my other grandfather died of colo-rectal cancer..
    with the meds in on, I dont know if I should try any of the herbal remedies..guess I will have to break down and call the dr.
    I have to say though ,my heel is feeling a whole lot better, that second shot and the orthodic's seem to have done the trick, am still going to be very careful and will finish up the prednisone and hope to put this all behind me..
    I have on a pair of size 14 jeans,gonna wear them today,a little tight in the waist ,but just gives me more insentive:wink:
    I know my butt will be dragging by the afternoon... the office manager was talking to the other assistant yesterday and said we should be open every weekend. and Zina bless her heart said, that wouldn't be fair, because her and I are the only ones that work the weekend other than the dr. none of the other girls,will work it..
    well have to wash my hair and put my face on for work.. everyone have a spectacular day, will catch up with you soon..
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,597 Member
    Good morning everyone!
    My jam jars looked so lovely I couldn't bear to hide them in the cupboard, so I have put them in a glass fronted one! Of course, I will only be having a taste, but DH and friends will enjoy it and I will be proud!

    Pb of press ups today - 24. My Sept goal is 25 so nearly there.

    We are going to make the ravioli today - spinach and ricotta. Had to look up online the conversion of fresh to frozen spinach. Think I've worked it out! All the worktops will be covered in pasta - not a job for a tiny kitchen!

    Sylvia- I would call your refusal to be bullied a definite NSV. Well done!:flowerforyou: Sometimes when I have to do something that is difficult I imagine all our MFP pals cheering me on. We were definitely clapping for you that day!:drinker:

    Rhonda- your 6k trail sounds amazing! Well done you! Imagine us all shouting from the sidelines. We are there in spirit!:flowerforyou:

    A friend of mine has rung with a long list of troubles. One of them is next spring she has got to have a second prolapse repair. All her insides are falling out. She had a hysterectomy 18 years ago, but now needs more work with reinforcement of bladder, rectum etc. Ouch! Ouch!

    Well my home roasted beetroot lunch is calling. Beetroot, avocado, spring onion, tomato, cucumber, herbs, garlic, lemon juice and some prepacked mixed grains. A tiny bit of ham maybe. Delicious! DH is having a ham sandwich. He thinks beetroot is the devil's spawn!!! :laugh: :laugh:

    Bye for now, Heather in Hampshire UK (showery)
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    The gremlins are here and just ate my post:grumble: :angry: ! Don`t have time to repost it now, will try to check back later today! (That`s what happens when I don`t use copy and paste:grumble: )

    Have a wonderful day ladies! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!

    DeeDee in once again fabulous NC:glasses: