

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,359 Member
    Pb on the plank today - 2.35!:bigsmile:
    Expecting the boiler man in a minute. Just a service. He is going to have to look at some of the radiators too as only half of them work. We have had the heating on occasionally as the mornings have been chilly. Lots of rain yesterday.
    DH enjoyed his football and is delighted he went. He had to sit on his own as his friend was away, but coped with any waves of anxiety very well. He looks a lot happier today with a bit of colour in his cheeks. I might broach booking the boat for France this pm.

    I felt I did well yesterday while he was out. I was very tired, having a reaction to all the tension, and I think a cold is trying to get a grip, but I decided to log all my food for a change in the hope that would keep me under control. I got through the day with -1 calorie and signed off, then just before bed time I gave in and had 150 cals of parmesan!!! I was still within my TDEE so not too much damage, but Tuesday is my rest day when I go to yoga, so fewer cals to eat!! :laugh:
    Still, I managed to lose the half lb this morning despite the horrendous sodium.
    I didn't have my normal 6pm drink as I knew that would weaken my resolve. So an alcohol free day as a bonus!

    Our local huge supermarket was on the national news yesterday with a leak from a fridge. Huge evacuation, 62 people treated at the scene, 1 in hospital, but all well in the end. It is the one we go to so glad we weren't there.:ohwell:

    I'm going to have to button my lip when our guests come on Saturday. In the opinion of DSIL they are far too indulgent with her (7 months) and she has become too clingy. Her bedtime routine is a shambles. They go to bed with her as she won't settle. So I think the mum will be disappearing at 8pm. Early dinner!! My grandson is put to bed at 7 and always has been and the parents get a couple of hours to themselves. I know I will have to resist the temptation to say something to DH's nephew as we all have to do what we can, but the baby wont go to any one else and they are pretty much exhausted with it all. I wad a little concerned when I met the child that she did not look at me when I was holding her (at 4 months) and never smiled. I have never seen a photo of her smiling. It's probably fine, but I do wonder. Can't help comparing DGS' s giggles and chuckles.
    So, it's "none of my business " time. :laugh: :wink:

    Must get showered for the boiler man.
    Heather in brighter Hampshire UK
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,808 Member
    morning ladies,
    been going along fine and then BOOM... last night ,not good .. unfortunatly have some bathroom issues and was in pain most of the night ,so not much sleep , then get up and I just cant do the gym, still in pain and getting a migraine:grumble:
    I get the aura and so everything is just blurry..
    well I am picking up my coat from alterations, she charged me a whopping $8.50 , can you believe that? I am amazed, have another jacket going to drop off to her too.
    just gave the dog a flea bath,he is itching like crazy, he is going to the groomer's tomorrow so maybe just a haircut and not the bath...

    It is cold and foggy here today.. wishing Kevrit best wishes on her interview today.. she is interviewing for a job in the town right across the river from me, hoping to at least say Quick Hi while she is here
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,983 Member
    :bigsmile: Good Morning, the sky cleared enough this morning so the dogs and I could enjoy the full moon on our early walk. Now I'm finishing my breakfast and they are eagerly awaiting the long walk before dance class.:bigsmile: I reminded myself in my gratitude journal that I am grateful today for health, mobility, and being pain free because i have not always been that way.

    :ohwell: today is the day the line dance class goes out to lunch. We're going to Black Bear Diner where I think I can order a broiled chicken breast, sliced tomatoes, and a steamed vegetable and stay away from their regular calorie filled foods. I will keep my mouth shut regarding the women who will order salads full of cheese, croutons, and salad dressing and think they are eating a low calorie meal.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington

    "The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT."
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Grandmallie - I hope your migraine gets better soon. I once had one start at work so tried to hurry home but knew I wasn't going to make it. Was driving past our little mall and stopped and ran in to the theater and asked if they would let me sit in one of the dark quiet theaters for a few minutes. (It was an hour before the shows were to start.) They did, and even called my husband for me and he came and picked me up. I guess it's one of the benefits of living in a small town, that people will do nice stuff like that.

    I never did make it to the pool yesterday, and we went to Applebee's for supper, i had steak and red potatoes, then I made a 321 cherry cobbler, but the scale still managed to drop another pound. Go figure.

    Well, hubby just left for work so I'm going back to bed.

    Have a great day ladies!

  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,962 Member

    Dont know if that pasted right but I copied that comic about exercise and drinking. Just love it and me all over!

    After a day of traveling, I find myself alone and getting ready for the interview. I thought I would take a minute to pop on here and say a big THANK YOU TO ALL MY VITAMIN F LADIES for all the support and encouragement. Even with traveling yesterday, I only went over my calories by 65. I thought that was great! Well don't know if I will have time to post later, but might this evening. I AM FEELING GREAT AND I CAN DO THIS, ALL OF THIS!!! BECAUSE I AM WOMAN, SEE ME ROAR! :glasses:
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Sylvia: Hugs to you as you work out your issues with making pottery. I am in awe of people who have enough skill to make useful pottery that others want to buy. I took a pottery class long ago and was never able to center my clay on the wheel after weeks of trying. I still own the hand made teapot that was my DH’s first Christmas gift to me back in college. :flowerforyou:

    Heather: I’m curious about your “American Pancakes.” The menu sounds wonderful, but if the pancakes you’re talking about are the same kind I think of as pancakes they’re usually made fresh and lose a lot of texture if frozen. What I’m thinking of is sometimes called a flapjack, and is somewhat similar to a crepe. Congratulations on your PB plank. :flowerforyou:

    Nancy in AZ: You’re lucky that your family all want to eat well and exercise. That kind of support is wonderful.:flowerforyou:

    Pat (Phoo) in AZ: If you lost 3 pounds it was something you did, likely healthy eating and exercise. We keep trying to do the right thing, and sometimes lose a bit of weight in the process. The trend is down and that is the goal. Congratulations.:bigsmile:

    Michele in NC: Our deck is a work in progress. We only have the primer on at the moment and are hoping today’s weather will be dry enough to put on one or both of the surface coats. It does look better and it is finally waterproof but it isn’t fit to walk on yet. We’re supposed to have a couple of dry days. I hope it is true. I’ve always wanted to participate in one of the Murder Mystery nights but DH isn’t interested. I’ll have to participate vicariously through you. I hope you have a great time and tell all.:bigsmile:

    Barbie: The deck project is very satisfying. DH grew up in a house that was constantly being remodeled by his incompetent father, so he ended up with amazing skills that include everything from wiring to plumbing. The deck work has a lot of physical demands but is really pretty easy. Scraping off the old stuff was the hardest part of the work. MS is the element that makes this a challenge for us. DH can’t do some of the things that used to be taken for granted, so I have to do more and it is a learning process. We’ve managed to get the work done with teamwork so far. All that is left is two coats of decking that will be painted on and reinstalling the deck rails. Enjoy your lunch out with the dance class.:flowerforyou:

    Yanniejannie: “My basic objective now is to "live" until I die and not be tortured on the way out.” Well said. You are brave and sensible. I have that goal, too, but haven’t articulated it before now. :flowerforyou:

    Viv: I hope you enjoy your holiday in October no matter what weather you get. You’re lucky to have your parents still living and I hope you find fun things to do together.:flowerforyou:

    Grandmallie: I hope your physical ailments go away immediately and stay away.:flowerforyou:

    Yesterday I called DH’s acupuncture doctor and cancelled his appointments through most of October because I’ll be on call for jury duty and may not be able to take him in. She is a lovely woman and was very gracious about it. This gives her a chance to fill the time with patients on her waiting list, and that seems so much better than cancelling week by week when it is too late for her to bring in another patient. We’re planning a boating trip with friends this weekend, and are hoping our boat will actually be ready to go. It is in the boatyard for repairs and bottom paint. We need to check with the boatyard to see how the progress is coming along. Our recent rains could be slowing that down. I hope it will be ready. This weekend is our sailing club’s annual “October Cruisen.” We meet at an island marine park for a German food potluck and good times with friends. It is one of the most fun events of the year.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    September goals:
    1. Log every bite
    2. Move more.
    3. Drink at least 4 glasses of water daily.
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Have my monthly lunch meeting with my old nurse friends. It was my turn to pick the place and so generally it is that persons responsibility to email everyone to remind them So I have done that and got no response. I may feel left out today anyway. It's generally 4 of us and one is on vacation. The other two love all of us and we try to have a conversation with them, they do talk with us. But generally when they talk they look at each other although the conversation is supposed to be for all of us. I have used MFP nurtition guide to find what toe at but I couldn't find it on the menu on their website. I hope it goes as planned.

    Rainy gloomy day outside. I'm not used to getting up thi early at all, 8:30, but I knew I had to get up, do al my normal routine, weigh and measurements and take a shower, so I set the alarm. That usually doesn't work because I worry that the alarm won't work and wake up several times to look at the clock.

    Just did measurements, lost 1.8 pounds!!!!!!!!!!!! and down 1.25 inches total

    Have a good day my Vit F friends.

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,808 Member
    feeling a tad better,and already at 5500 steps without the gym thats a good thing.. today wont be great,but it wont be horrible either..
    went to pick up my jacket from alterations, and i tried it on, she wasn't happy with the sleeves so she will redo it. but the rest came out lovely,so I will pick up both next week. this woman is amazing and very reasonable.
    I packed alot of my stuff for the trip which is still almost 3 weeks away, and cleaned up more of my room.. can ya tell im ready for vacation?:laugh:
    Kevrit- call me tomorrow and maybe we can meet up.. sending good vibes for the interview....
  • phoo513
    phoo513 Posts: 231 Member
    Good Morning, My Friends-

    I slept like a log! I went to bed at 9:30 and didn't get up until almost 8 this morning! Oh, there was 1 trip to the door to let the cat in and then back to bed. I must have been tired.

    Today I am meeting two friends at the coffee shop down here that sells the awesome gluten free cookies. I am having one and calling it my lunch! That way, I know it will be counted, and I do not have to feel guilty because I ate it. (I know, I rationalize very, very well!) Then we are going up to a consignment shop that it run by the group supporting a battered women's shelter. I need some dress pants for church that fit. :laugh:

    Sandy- Take care of the sore throat, tea w/ cinnamon and honey really helps! Or, put a few cloves in to steep w/ the tea because cloves oil is a natural pain reliever.

    Gail- My son tells me that Longhorn is the Best steakhouse (as a chain, anyway) But the one near me is always so busy, and the waitstaff so slow, that I have never actually eaten there! We did walk out once after waiting for a booth and then waiting almost 1/2 hour to be noticed by a waitperson. Someday, I will get to try it.
    As you were listing what you ate, it reminded me of the confusion I have when I do go out to eat and then try to record my food. If the meal count already includes the rice & veg or whatever, and you substitute out for whatever, how can you adjust the counts? I know that I can go back and list all of the items seperately, but then how do I know if the count for a Longhorn pork chop really is the same as the count for a Texas Roadhouse pork chop? Confusion abounds!
    P.S. I would love to live in Georgia so I could meet you!

    Michele- It is very generous and forgiving of you to send a card to someone whom you think was abusive to your daughter. However, I think she was a little over-the-top w/ a request for a gift card. I hope she is right in her loyalty and desire to see him healthy, happy and well-adjusted enough to trust. You are a good Mom. :flowerforyou:
    Where do you get all of your exercise DVD's? I would like a gentle yoga one.
    Don't feel too upset about the mower not starting. I swear sometimes they just got cranky and go on strike! Up north, when I would do my lawn, I would often give up and go and get a neighborhood kid to start it for me! It didn't matter if I got the 10 yr old, for him it would start! Then, of course, he would look at me like I was just a crazy woman! :bigsmile:

    Heather- Every loss counts! Good for you! :flowerforyou:

    Grandmallie- I am sorry that you had such a nasty night. I think it is a good idea that you stayed home from the gym. Hope the migraine is a light one. Take care of yourself!

    Kevrit- Sending positive vibes your way! Go and Get 'Em!!!!

    Katla- Your boating weekend sounds wonderful! Have fun!

    Joyce- Congratulations on the -1.25!!! :flowerforyou: :drinker:

    I think the monsoon season is officially over. Have to turn the sprinkler system back on. We are headed back into the high 90's today, so the little lawn needs some water. Maybe with the really warm weather I will be motivated back to the pool. I really don't know what my problem has been with that lately, but I just can't force myself to go.

    For Today: Smile, be happy, spend time with friends who care, and be gentle with myself.
    (Yesterday, at one of my meetings, we talked about self-empathy. I realized that I have slipped back into the old
    pattern of being much harder and harsher on myself than anyone else has ever been. I didn't even realize that
    I had slipped backwards until the topic was on the table. Funny how that works, isn't it.)

    Have a great Wednesday!

    Pat (Phoo in Az)
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,817 Member
    My how the time gets away from me. I have all these things I want to get done and getting started is the hardest part. It was a busy weekend. On Saturday we went to a CMA ralley. The speaker inspirational and gave me somethings to think about. Then on Sunday DH and did a poker run to raise money for diabetes. Since my mom, his sister and I are diabetic it seemed like a good idea. It was pretty cool and rainy but I rode the whole ride. I did have a NSV, my DH bought a hoodie sweatshirt at the ralley on Saturday and I was so cool that on Sunday he told me to put it on. Now I am telling him it is only a size 1X and right now I am wearing 3X. Well I put it on and it fit and I could even zip it up. I was so excited. Rest of the week is going fast. Seems I loss track of time when I am working. At weigh on Monday I was down 1.2 pounds. Surprised as I had acouple really bad days last week.

    Joyce-- Thanks for the inspriation. I listen to KLove all the time. My GD calls it Jesus music. Sorry to hear about your accident and glad no one was hurt. God does come thur if we are patient, which I am really stuggling with. Congrates on being able to wear your mom's shirts and for you loss of weight and inches.

    Sandy-- Great NSV looking forward to going to the Y. It sounds like you are doing great with it. Congrates on the loss and doctors report. I get up several times during the night for the bathroom. Doesn't seem to matter is I drink before bed or not.

    Pat-- Sorry about your hair. I don't like going, most the time I don't know what I want only something different and easy to take care of. I went in last week and they cut it pretty short. I wanted something that would look decent after we are riding the motorcycle and I take my helmet off. Congrates on your weight loss.

    Jane--Congrates on the new family member. Babies are such a Blessling.

    Gail-- The garden sounds beautiful and very peacful.

    Katla-- Sounds like you have put alot of work into your deck. Will give you a sense of pride. Great news being able to e-mail DS

    gradmallie-- Happy Dance for your good news. Hope you are feeling better. Your (me) day sounds nice. Glad you are taking time to take care of you.

    Heather-- Glad to hear DH is having such a tough time. I know from when I have panic attacks are get into a crowd of people that it is scary.

    Sylvia-- Thanks for the mouse story. I remeber one time when we lived in a trailer and my DS was only about 2. A mouse came running down the hallway. So I had DS run and put a trash can over him then called the people that owned the trailer to come get rid of it. Hope your headache is better. Gotta love small towns, most the time it is nice.

    Sue--Good news about your sling. Hope you had a good ride. Sorry to hear about poor dog. Since we had to put Sassy down the little one is being really spoiled. He was home Saturday and upset that we left him and boy did we come home to a mess.

    Rita--Wishing you good luck on your interview and enjoy your me time.

    Michelle- your mystery night sounds like fun. I enjoy going to plays, not sure I want to be a part of one. I don't like having people I don't know watching me.

    Well our weather has sure been interesting. The last several days cool and I love it, having the house opened up. Then today it is to be in the 90's and then tomorrow back to the 70's. Monday evening I wanted to turn the heat on to take the chill out of the house. Well it made a terrible noise. So turned it right off. Now we have not had problems for years. So called the heating guy and he finally called back today and said he will come out next Tuesday to check it out. Just what I need another bill. Life goes on ready or not. Have a good Wednesday.

    Blessed, Vicki GI NE
  • cws4me
    Bump....Working to many hours :frown: ...Haven't a chance to visit...
  • cws4me
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,224 Member
    Hi ladies! Well summer has returned; today was 94! At least it’s not humid…you can tell the weather is changing. I was totally freaked out because after lunch my glucose was 210!!! I have never had anything like that so I left a message with my doctor’s nurse. This whole carb thing is killing me! I did go on line to look up some diabetic friendly snacks. For heaven’s sake I had a pear for my snack and just the pear was nearly double my snack limit of carbs! The dietician suggested cutting fruit in half. Can you imagine….1/2 pear is a serving!!! WHEW ok onwards!

    Joyce: who knew we would say “HOORAY for the grandma sweaters! Great nsv! And great job on the losses!

    Nancy that is fabulous that your whole household wants to be more healthy!

    Pat: congrats on the weight loss! I need a scrapbook intervention. I have so much stuff I could stock a store.

    Sandy: hope you feel better soon. I’m not sure how much Tanya (DD#1) has learned since her mail is still here including the one from the cosmetology school telling her she can’t come unless she submits a financial plan right away. She won’t even come get it.

    Gail: super job staying on plan in the restaurant. That feels good doesn’t it?

    Michele: keep us updated on the dress search! What time should we leave for Heather’s house?

    Barbie: I love the quotation. I hadn’t noticed it before and just love it.

    Yanniejannie: good grief I am always amazed at the stupid things health care providers do!

    Viv: hope you got that walk in! I had just under 10,000 steps yesterday.

    Heather: fabulous news on the weight and inches loss! Keep up the good work and send all your leftovers to Michele and me!

    Grandmallie: I hope you are feeling better by now.

    Kevrit: can’t wait to hear how the interview went!!!

    Katla: I Hope your boat is ready in time and DH feels up to going to your boat club event. Sounds like a lot of fun

    Vicki: what a great nsv! Hope you are enjoying the weather.

    Say is DeeDee gone?

    Well everyone is getting home so I need to help move furniture back into the dining room. Take care all. Meg from sunny Omaha
  • Kalley1959
    Kalley1959 Posts: 287 Member
    I can't even imagine how much more difficult this journey is for those of you that are diabetic or pre-diabetic. I struggle enough with sodium and carb levels. My heart goes out to all of you that have that added burden.

    Gramallie - I hope you are feeling better. Take care of yourself

    Pat & Meg - feel free to send scrapbooking supplies my way. I have a bin for each of my kids all ready to be put into scrap books but I haven't even started yet.

    Michele - I hope you find a dress soon. Mystery night sounds like so much fun. I can't wait to hear all about it.

    Kevrit - I hope the interview went well

    Pat - I'm glad you had a great night's sleep. Thanks for the ideas, I made some tea and used a bit of cloves. It really soothed my throat.

    Even though I haven't been feeling the best, I've made it to the Y every day after work. I certainly am not working out as hard but am still putting in at least an hour of either cardio or cardio & strength training. At least my sore throat is not getting worse so here's to hoping that I did catch it in time. Colds tend to go straight to my lungs so it always concerns me when it starts. I've had pneumonia & pleurisy several times. Work is getting busier which makes me very happy. I like being busy.

    I will be heading to bed shortly and hopefully I will feel better tomorrow. Have a great night everyone.

    :heart: Sandy from ON
  • rjscott
    rjscott Posts: 22 Member
    Just a quick check-in note. Weekend was crazy, especially grading 65 exams. But I successfully completed my 6K run Sunday morning (41 minutes/36 seconds). I came in 1st in age category, but with only 102 runners I was pretty sure I was the only one in my age category. The results were available today, and while I was the only female in the 55-59 age bracket, I had a faster time than the 1st place runners in the two age brackets below me. That made me feel pretty good! Time for bed. jPrayers and best wishes to all.
    Rhonda in SE TN
  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,069 Member
    Bumping for later...I've been away on business and trying to catch up on everyone's posts.

    Quick note about the Colorado floods. My building and neighborhood not heavily impacted. Please send up prayers for my friends in Boulder and Estes Park who are dealing with nasty messes.

    Rori in the Colorado Foothills
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Rhonda, that's great on your run. so glad you were able to see the time on some of the younger categories.

    Had a great time at Panera Bread today. I had a vinegarette dressing today for the first time and it was good! I was surprised. A lot of places have it raspberry and I do not like rasberries so I will avoid that but this fuji apple was good. Always good to catch up with my old nurse buddies and talk about 'the days'. It was quite cool at Panera so went outside after we ate and enjoyed sitting at one of the tables. It was only 3 of us, usually 5 so we missed a couple.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,983 Member
    :flowerforyou: Rhonda, finishing a 6K run is awesome and finishing faster than the runners in the next younger age groups in an amazing accomplishment.

    :bigsmile: Lunch with my line dance friends went well…..i order a broiled chicken breast and sliced tomatoes…..the vegetables they had were sautéed so I ordered a corn muffin (a special treat that I rarely have)…..since all the rest of them ordered patty melts and grilled cheese sandwiches, it started a bunch of questions of what I eat and don’t I allow myself any treats….fortunately they lost interest quickly and moved on to other topics. It was an early lunch so I had time in the afternoon to walk the dogs, do my strength training, and catch up on some other chores.

    :heart: Barbie from sunny and chilly NW Washington

    "The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT."


    :bigsmile: 25,000 steps today
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :laugh: I had planned to buy a different book, but it was not in stock. Instead I came home with "The Happiness Project". Just giving you all a heads-up in case something profound needs sharing. :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    See you tomorrow
    :heart: Renny
    Vancouver Island, BC - where tomorrow will be one last nice summer day (they say)
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Bump for later so I can find my place.:flowerforyou: