

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Sylvia, I had almost the same thing happen with my Dad. He lived in Northern Ky when it started and his family doc just did EKGs and they were fine. They finally moved to the city where I live and my Mom finally told me about him having severe chest pain when they were intimate. And for my Mom to actually come out and tell some one about what happens in the bedroom, you could tell she was really concerned. His family doc here did the same thing. EKG which of course was fine. AS I nurse I worked with a really good internist and made an appointment with him. He wasn't accepting any new patients but it does pay sometimes to be a nurse. After examining and making Dad really tell him about when it was happening, he set him up with a cardiologist who immediately did a cath. He was so blocked they wouldn't even let him out of the hospital before having 5 bypasses.

    I don't know why doctors really dont' take the time to get to the bottom of things. Just like why does it take a boss having an employee get him ready for a meeting. Why doesn't he get ready for the meeting himself.

    I feel really stressed today. I picked up the pound i had lost yesterday, my head really feels stressed. Until I find out how this young couple is reacting with this car accident I guess I will be. Didn't sleep well last night.

  • phoo513
    phoo513 Posts: 231 Member
    Wow! It has taken almost an hour for me to get through the posts and compose my replies! Isn't it great to have so many friends supporting us!

    Meg- I understand the feeling of "leaking away" energy. There are days when I really could sleep 16 to 20 hours. I, unfortunetly, like to hide, and when I am in bed, no one bothers me. I am glad that DD#1 is finally realizing that being an adult is harder than she thought it would be, but that does not mean you need to jump in and bail her out with the school. Maybe she needs to work on the financials, waitress and save her tips, and go to school in January after they have all the financials in order. It will give her experience in the working world and teach her that growing up hurts, sometimes.

    Joyce- I am sorry that you had the accident, but very happy that no one seems to have been hurt. Cars can be repaired. Congrats on the large shirt! :flowerforyou:

    Sue- Glad you are out of the sling, now be careful so you don't end up right back in it!

    Paula- I had never thought of the connection, or possible connection, between A-Fib and 'panic attacks'.... thanks for giving us food for thought.

    Michele- I am willing to bet that Lance has totally bonded with you, and he loves his brushing routine! He gets is own, alone, pampering time from the "Alpha" leader and is one happy kitty!
    Alcoholics, any addicts, are never 'cured', they stay in abstinence one day at a time with the help of their Higher Power and constantly being acutely aware of their emotions. The tasting of the dough does not sound like a compulsion to overeat, it sounds like a good baker's technique.... at least, I was always taught that if you do not taste your cooking, you will never really know, until it might be too late, if you have messed up. That is not to negate your concerns, sometimes those little tastes turn into real trouble. I just have no clue how to tell you to break the habit because I can't break the habit, either.

    Rita- Enjoy your trip and good luck with the job interview! :flowerforyou:

    Katla- Glad you heard from your son; it must be very hard when he doesn't have communication access. Also, I am happy to hear that the daughter in Boulder is OK.

    Sylvia- Congratulations on hitting 75# lost! That must be an awesome feeling! :flowerforyou: :happy:

    Nancy- Green Valley is about 20 miles south of Tucson. It is a beautiful area. The problem with gardening is that I am a transplant from MN where the dirt was good, we had plenty of rain, and we had very short growing seasons. This arid, sunny climate with rock hard dirt which is mostly without nutrients for plants is really hard for me to figure out. I do have two bougainvillae, a Texas Ranger, and some Mexican Bird of Paradise that do well, along with an agave and paddle cactus, but I just can't get the annuals or perennials to be successful. I will catch on, I am just a little slow, sometimes.:embarassed:
    Thanks for your condolences about my friend, Mary. She was such an amazing woman, and it is sad that her daughters never quite 'got it'. They missed out. OK- I am done w/ that, Mary wouldn't want me to be down for too long about this.

    Today is sunny and bright, and I am going outside to pick more weeds! I tell you, we get two drops of rain down here and weeds grow a foot! Ok, that may be an exaggeration, but they do pop up overnight. So, there will be lots of bending, stooping, squating and stuff. That should help on my calorie count for the day. I also have a basket of ironing to do; nasty.....:sad: , I imagine that I will live through it. I hope the rest of you have more fun and exciting things to do with your days!

    Take care and be well, my Friends!

    Pat (Phoo in Az)
  • Suzy_in_DE
    Suzy_in_DE Posts: 191 Member
    Bump for later
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,886 Member
    Hello All: Well our poor dog is feeling very awkward and embarrassed I think. Yesterday she decided to chew out the stitches on her leg where the vet removed a growth on Thursday. Up until then she had not bothered it much. Long story short the wound was open and bleeding last night and we had to take her to the emergency vet. They cleaned the wound and put staples in to keep it closed until next week when she sees the vet again to have stitches taken out. They also put her in a NoBite collar so that she cannot reach the wound anymore but with that on she cannot wear her regular collar so we were unable to let her out on the cable.(Our backyard is not fenced.) Today we took her to PetSmart and got her fitted for a harness that will fit with the NoBite collar, black with blue trim. She is not impressed.:grumble: Also she cannot eat with the collar on as it holds her head up and she is having difficulties laying down and going up and down stairs. Poor girl she is feeling very mistreated!:frown:

    Hope everyone's Monday is going well. I had a good weekend foodwise and exercise and am ready to start the week on a positive note. Healing angels to all who need them and congratulations to all with successes. Sue in SD
  • Anamika703
    Anamika703 Posts: 202 Member
    Hello friends
    The speed at which we post....... its impossible to keep track.
    After reading so much about lifting weights to tone, make the scale move down........ happy to say I joined a gym today......... focus would be on weights alternate days and cycling for cross-training. Yoga on alternate days and weekends for my lovely runs.......lets see what happens to my unsuspecting body.....( devilish laughter)
    I had so much to say to all of you...... but just spent time catching up with all.
    So much to cheer about and celebrate.....:drinker: ( thats water in the mug of course)
    Prayers and hugs for all who need cheering ( pun intended)
    :smile: Heather so glad to hear about u and DH doing fine.
    :heart: Meg nice to know your daughter finally saw how u make her life better.
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Joyce sorry about the mishap........ hope u remember to breathe deeply, worrying is only adding pounds to you.....
    Katla so wonderful about your son and u communicating.:heart:
    :bigsmile: Barbie thanks for the Plank tip, moving my legs keeps me busy and I can hold longer. It also means my core needs to be strengthened.
    :flowerforyou: Pat dont worry too much about your friends children not giving her a fitting send off...... she must be comfortable where she is now and u will always cherish the goodness she stood for.:flowerforyou:
    Anamika from Mumbai
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    :flowerforyou: Michele, recovery from alcoholism is very complex but at the basis of any recovery program is complete abstinence from alcohol…..having a “taste” isn’t part of the formula. Recovery from compulsive overeating is similar and includes complete abstinence from consuming any food or behaviour that becomes compulsive overeating……many compulsive overeaters plan their food ahead of time and call someone to “commit” to the plan……they abstain completely from any food that they can’t eat in moderation or that “calls to them” from the cupboard or fridge.

    :flowerforyou: Meg, I know it’s hard to stand by and watch your children make goofy decisions but if you can leave them alone, they often make better decisions when they can no longer “blame” you.

    :flowerforyou: Rita, good luck on the interview……have you ever tried abstention from alcohol and/or sugar or tried either OA or AA to help you?

    :flowerforyou: Nancy, after staying away from pizza for a long time, I can do without it ,too....sometimes my hubby makes a Kashi frozen pizza and piles on extra veggies and I’ll have that but never pizza from a restaurant.

    :flowerforyou: Phoo, the way I broke the habit of tasting the things I bake was to stop baking. I gave away all my baking pans and ingredients and now entertain myself in ways that don’t involve food.l

    :brokenheart: :brokenheart: :sad: :sad: Sue in SD….poor dog

    :bigsmile: Anamika, congrats on joining the gym and doing training with weights……your body will thank you

    :flowerforyou: Friends are coming over in a few minutes so no weight training this morning and the rain has kept me out of the yard……at least I walked the dogs this morning so I have some steps accumulated.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington

    "The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT."


    September Resolutions (with mid-month comments)
    *finish preparing the flower bed in the back yard (almost finished)
    *strength training two days a week (three would be better)(two days a week)
    *be agreeable---say “OK” (doing well)
    * don’t sit at the computer for more than 30 minutes at a time (good, so far)
    * keep my calcium intake at the level suggested by the doctor (this has been challenging but I’ve lowered it quite a bit and am finding new meals to substitute for the ones that were too much dairy)
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,355 Member
    We defrosted the freezer this pm. We hadn't done it since we bought it nearly 3 years ago! There were INCHES of ice in it. I could hardly get anything in there. It is a very large upright so it was quite an undertaking! Can't imagine how many calories we burnt off, but it's all done now and it's a great feeling.:bigsmile: DH and I have decided that we really must put a note in our diary for next September to do it before it gets so bad again. We make a very good team when we get going, so I quite enjoyed it, though I had been dreading it and had put it off for ages.

    DH slept again last night with the help of his sleeping pills. They really are knock out drops! He is still experiencing waves of anxiety, but is more of his old self. I am so grateful to DSIL for looking after him this weekend. He is loved by many.:love:

    I did 25 press ups today - my September goal. Hooray! Two pbs in one day!:drinker:

    Yoga tomorrow. My friend still won't be back, but I love it anyway. I don't know if DH will be able to drive to football, but I hope he will feel up to it.

    Haven't lost my lb yet, but it's on the brink! My goal for September was 2 lbs, so it better get a move on!

    Love to all, especially those who are struggling with addictions right now.:heart:

    Heather in Hampshire UK. (Cold and showery. We have a fire on)
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,956 Member
    bump for next time!
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,803 Member
    evening my dear friends~
    I got a call from my dear friend that we cruise with yesterday saying her Lola was in Kidney failure.. today they had to put her to sleep..
    My heart is breaking for her, we had to do the same thing last may,but it just isn't an easy thing to do, the poor baby was only 6 1/2..
    I dont know what has happened to me, but say in the last week, I am running around like a house on fire:noway: have caboodles of energy.. and I am putting them to good use... I was at the gym at 4 this morning, got up at 2:45 and felt fantastic.. even now, I am not to shabby, had a few graham crackers and a cup of chamomile tea...
    Our 16th anniversary is this friday ,so I am sure we will be doing dinner Saterday night.. dont know what he will be wanting..
    about Pizza, I am sorry I cant give that up.. my favorite food... I make my own here with flat out- light wraps-90 calories, prego makes a simple low cal sauce 45 calories in 1/2 cup and low fat mozz cheese .. so all in all not horrible. and if we go out for it, I get a veggie pizza.. and have my fill, and bring the rest home...
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,956 Member
    Just heard from my doctor about my last blood tests. My liver counts are high and he is insisting I loose weight. My AST and ALT levels were high. I got instantly depressed. Just made me aware that if I don't shape up I'm in big trouble. Keep me in your thoughts and prayers that I can do what needs to be done to lose this weight and cut back if not stop drinking. This is a great group and I know you all have my back. Well traveling tomorrow so don't know if I will have time to post but will try to at least once. Have a good evening everyone!
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Did you ever have one of those good day/bad days kind of day??? Are you confused yet?? Started out I weighed 2 pounds more today than I did yesterday. I thought I had finally broke that 194 pound mark again, yes again. I called my insurance agent to let them know about my accident yesterday, the other family involved had already done that. But a family with two young children do wake up earlier than I do. She said that she would have the claims adjuster call me as soon as possible so that I could get on with my day. I waited, waited and waited. I didn't want them to talk to my husband. He seems to think that if the other lady had just pulled out faster than I did I wouldn't have hit her. Yes, she was more cautious than me but I didn't go from looking behind me to looking in front before pulling out. It was my fault. So I didn't want him talking to anyone and have this couple thinking that I am changing my story. So finally at 3:30 I called insurance people again. This time the owner of the agency answered the phone. That gets you places! So I am now relieved that everything is going as it is supposed to. We didn't think we had as much deductable as we do so we were a little bummed out that we will still have to pay that much. Then this evening the mail came. My husband had changed from one insurance to Medicare this year and they told him that he had some money they would be refunding him due to him not using some kind of fund in the plan. Well that's one of those things that you say 'yeah I'll believe it when I see it'. So we got this check today for $2500 from them today. God does provide!

    After supper tonight I was looking at my food diary and I really need to do something about my carbs. I know that a lot of the sugars are from fruit so I don't worry about being over on that. I always am. But the carbs, the stress and not going to the Y since I was sitting around waiting for the adjuster calling. Plus my PGA golf tournament was rained out yesterday and had to be finished today!!! I had to watch that. I don't play golf at all except miniature but I love my PGA golf.

  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,222 Member
    Hi gals. Hope your Monday was not so “Monday –ish “ as mine was! Too long to detail! But I am frustrated. I am also developing a sense of panic…I don’t know how I can get everything done I need to. I always tend to feel this way in the fall. But with dad, two special needs animals, the books, all of Tanya’s chores to distribute, and work….I’m going crazy. Plus I am so frustrated trying to tweak my diet for the diabetes. I can’t figure out how to get fruit in without going carb crazy overboard and I’m getting way too much fat. GRRRR Good thing I have the second diabetes class Saturday and the dietician will be there.

    Joyce: glad you weren’t hurt in the car crash!

    Sue: congrats on getting that sling off! I hope riding goes well. AHHHH the collar of shame! Poor doggie! So undignified!

    Grandmallie: I see you have hit the 50 pound mark. Congratulations!!!

    Renny: send your rain and thunder my way!!!

    Barbie: several churches here do labyrinths…usually around Easter. I have never walked on but I just might now reading your comment about how peaceful it was.

    Paula: when I worked in a trauma center, anyone who came in with anxiety got an EKG. We found lots of atrial fibrillation and other rhythm problems! Good thing yours was caught.

    Sue: I didn’t catch the pageant this year but I heard Miss NY won for the 2nd year in a row. I’m sure DD#1 will have lots of regrets.

    Heather: woo hoo! You rock!!! Glad DH is better now.

    Rita: all fingers crossed for your interview! Don’t be too hard on yourself….just learn from it.

    Katla: glad daughter is fine with the flooding and son was able to contact you!

    Sylvia: if there is one thing I have learned in 33+ years of being a nurse, it’s that docs ARE dense. Good thing you got the right care and you are here now.

    Nancy: great NSV.

    Pat I am reading that you had a loss and I am sending you my thoughts, prayers, and hugs. Believe me, we are not bailing her out in any way. School is her responsibility and she will have to figure this out. She learns best from hard lessons because otherwise she never believes what anyone tells her. She actually told DH that she had to get fired in order to learn to keep her schedule straight.

    Anamika: can’t wait to hear about your gym experiences! Your body will thank you!

    Kevrit: baby steps girl! You can do this, one thing at a time.

    Joyce; I can’t get the carbs right either. I have spent a year with a relatively healthy diet and it’s hard to tweak.

    OK gals, I’m off. I don’t feel too well….kind of chilly kind of achy. BLEH. Everyone take care and send rain. Meg from cool-ish Omaha
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    Joyce - DH and I often remark how 'found' money turns up and, inevitably, an unexpected expense appears in the next day or two. Our kids also had xray vision or ESP -- "Mom, I need $2.35 for xyz at school tomorrow." and I would have $2.50 in my purse. That happens a lot!

    Well, I did NOT leave work early today. The 'one thing' I had to do didn't get completed until about 2:30p, and in the meantime several more things hit the fan, so I left at 6:20p or so. I'm going to ask the boss tomorrow if I can just take Friday off instead. We have a group coming to our place for dinner on Saturday and it would be nice to have the extra day to get everything ready.

    Felt a bit too tired to go to the Y for weights, but I walked a couple of miles before supper tonight, so good enough for now. Month-to-date I've lifted over 90,000 pounds, so have to do another 70,000-ish pounds before the end of the month to stay on track for the 2 million this year.

    Well, need to finish up the chicken for another night later in the week. Tomorrow night I'm going to Longhorn Steakhouse with some gals from church -- "Ladies Night Out" is once a month and I've only managed to get there 1 other time. I really want to get to know more people, but it is so easy to not participate.

    Will check in tomorrow---

    Gail, metro ATL
  • jodios528
    jodios528 Posts: 379 Member
    Evening ladies. I was traveling on business yet again so couldn't squeeze in a work out :grumble: - I'll just get back on track tomorrow. All these trips really wreck havoc on my healthy lifestyle! :angry:

    Grandmallie - happy dancing for you! And just in case I don't get back to the thread - happy anniversary this Friday :drinker:

    Joyce - so glad to hear you weren't hurt

    Gail - I purchased Soma - really like their bras. I also got their seamless panties and some amazingly soft cami's. they were having a huge sale and I signed up for their program so saved even more - it was still a lot but not bad when you consider how much I got. As you said I can order from their catalog now that I know my size. :wink:

    yanniejannie - I've purchased wacoal in the past - I'll have to check them out - I still need a strapless bra:smile:

    kevrit - you can do this! :love:

    Sue - my fur baby did the same thing and was punished with the cone of shame. The only problem is every time she ran up to me for pets that @#%$& cone bruised my legs up!:noway:

    Rita - good luck with the interview:flowerforyou:

    Pat - sending you a hug:heart:

    Meg - sounds like your daughter is learning some life lessons albeit the hard way. I'm glad she has a new appreciation for you.:flowerforyou:

    Glad to hear that everyone in or with family in Colorado is okay...I can't believe the pictures!

    Sorry for all I've missed. I can barely keep my eyes open and I have an early call so I'm off to bed

    Take care, Jodios in comfortably cool N. Il :smile: :wink: :love: :flowerforyou: :smooched: :heart: :bigsmile:
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,390 Member
    Heather - WTG!!!

    Did 20 minutes of yoga this morning, held my plank for 2 min 20 sec, and then an hour of the extremepump class. Tomorrow I want to do the rebounder DVD that I got the other day. For one thing, to be sure the DVD is OK.

    Gail - we've found this spray stuff, you can only get it thru the Internet. We got it once at Lowes hardware. Why they don't stock it is beyond me. However, you can order it on the net and have it shipped to the store. It's called KrudKutter for Red Clay. You have to get the one for red clay. Honestly, you spray that on stuff and it really does take the red clay stain out. Admitted, sometimes I have to use it multiple times on the spot, but at least it gets that stain out. I've used it on clothes before I've washed them, and it took the red clay out. I swear by that stuff.

    Rita - good luck on the interview and house hunting. Have a great vacation.

    katla - ever since Jessica was a small girl, she's always wanted to work with animals. You have no idea how many birds she brought back to the house for us to "nurse" back to health. If she thought for one minute that I'd chew up a worm and spit it in the baby bird's mouth -- she had another thing coming. Our first cat quote "followed" endquote her home. The fact that she was feeding it bologna and giving it milk had nothing to do with it :) I do hope she makes it into NC State, her grades in college weren't stellar but she has done a lot of work with animals since graduating. Hopefully, that'll weigh in her favor. Even if she doesn't get in, I'm still proud of her for trying. Whenever we get Chinese, I always ask for "no rice" because they give you so much. Congrats on hearing from your son! That must have made your day

    Nancy - clay can be VERY hard to work in, especially if it's been baking in the sun for a few days.

    anamika - good for you joining a gym!

    Heather - I used to have a freezer that I needed to defrost. However, when we moved, we left that freezer in PA and the one I have now is self-defrosting.

    grandmalle - so sorry about your friend's dogggie. I know how hard it is putting a beloved pet to sleep. when we had to put Sadie to sleep, I could swear on a stack of bibles that he looked me in the eye as if to say "it's ok, don't be sad, thank you". Happy anniversary! You know, I have no desire for pizza. Pizza Hut has this fit & delicious pizza, I thought it was pretty good. But they don't have it down here (boo)

    Joyce - what wonderful timing that you got that check!

    Did yoga, held my plan, then went to extremepump class, then home to give the med, then went to the Busy Hands meeting. A lady there stitched up the rip in Jessica's favorite stuffed animal. I'm not goint to tell her someone else did it. Actually, she did exactly what I would have done. I put a small bandaid over where the "stitches" are. Went out by the pool for an hour, went to mahjongg tonight, did't maj once. Now running the dishwasher, will empty it and get to bed.

    The Newcomers are going to have a Murder Mystery night. Our mystery takes place in a French Chateau in the 1930's. I put a bid on ebay for a dress, hope I get it. I'm supposed to bring a side and a dessert. I'm thinking crepes for the dessert. I have a crepe maker that I've never used. Gotta try it out before we go. I'm thinking that maybe I should just make the crepes there.

    Michele in NC
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Sylvia: I think you’re right about the last part of the diet going slower, but in my case the slowdown didn’t come until closer to goal. This last 6 pounds is really stubborn!:grumble:

    Sue in SD: A friend’s dog has done a similar chew on her leg, and has to wear one of those cones now. Not a happy dog, but at least she has a chance to heal.:flowerforyou:

    Barbie: We have been staying away from pizza but occasionally have some as a treat. Our favorite is Papa Murphy’s take and bake. The pizza parlor pizzas are too salty and not as good as I want them to be. That said, it has been a long while since we had any pizza.:flowerforyou:

    Heather: Our freezer is self-defrosting. If we put items in, we package them using our Food Saver, a vacuum storage system with plastic bags. The freezer bags keep the food from dehydrating, and it lasts pretty well. The good thing about your sort of freezer is that it is less drying of the stored food. The bad thing is defrosting.:tongue::wink: :laugh:

    Grandmallie: Is Lola a cat?:huh:

    Kevrit: You seem to be facing some tough decisions. I think Pat (Phoo) suggested Overeaters Anonymous and AA. They’re good organizations. Meg is right that you need to take this one step at a time. “Just for today” can add up to a very positive life, one day at a time. You can do this.:flowerforyou:

    Meg: Good luck with your diabetes cooking class. When I met DH he was already an insulin dependent diabetic. We tried the exchange system, but we both failed at it. Not enough discipline. We have learned to cook in such a way that he’s doing extremely well. He’s been an insulin dependent diabetic for 48 years. I don’t think he’s ever done any better than since we started with MFP. We’re both being mindful about what we cook and eat.:flowerforyou:

    Gail: Your goal to lift 2 million pounds this year is astounding. I am very impressed. Good luck.:flowerforyou:

    Today it rained and I walked dogs with my neighbor. I pumped about two inches of water out of my dinghy with the hand pump and had a nap. I want to finish the deck, but we have to wait for dry weather. I’m hoping we can get a couple of coats on Wednesday or Thursday. Then all we have to do is put the deck railings back up and we’re done. I’m finding it hard to step back from all the effort and wait for weather. It was exciting, and maybe a bit addicting. I won’t be going into the deck refinishing business any time soon, though. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    September goals:
    1. Log every bite
    2. Move more.
    3. Drink at least 4 glasses of water daily.
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    After listening to some of you girls talk about food addiction I have decided that's a big part of my problem. I was so stressed today that when we went out for supper I told my husband that some days I feel like just eating and eating and I don't mind if I let myself get back up to 233 knowing that that kind of eating would eventually put me well above 230. There are some many things I love and just have a hard time giving up. I don't know how many times we pass my Dairy Queen and and I know that DH would fly in there as fast as I would let him and order a large Blizzard. I have settles for a mini Blizzard once but I know deep down that that is just settling for it and I want more. I really don't mind how much sodium I have cut out. It's the sweets. If we had bakery items around I would have a problem with that but e don't and I'm not a baker. Oh, how I would love a whole pan of Jiffy cornbread slathered in butter right as it comes out of the oven. But then I put my big girl panties on and tell myself that even though I haven't done as well as I wanted in almost 11 months I have gotten this much accomplished and I CAN NOT GO BACK. I also have this emotional attachment to my bedtime snack. I really think I need to switch to plain yogurt instead of the vanilla. Between the pineapple, vanilla yogurt and granola I have one delicious snack. It is doing something to my sweet tooth and I need to conquer it.

    I know a big problem I will always have until I resolve it is that I am not going to church. I am stubborn, feel like it's hard to get back in that routine. I would have to set my alarm and not sleep until noon like very day. I know my parents were disappointed in me and even though they are both watching down from Heaven I do feel them and know what they would say. On my Mothers death bed I still told her that Mom I am working it out and nothing you can say it going to get it done any sooner. And in fact I wasn't working anything out. I feel it is as toxic to me as my food addiction

    OK, enough of my sad stories for the night. Joyce
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,803 Member
    Katla-Lola was a Scottish Terrier
    I got up alot last night to pee:grumble: oh well. and I am up a lb,ut had a 100 calorie pack of pretzel's yeseterday and fat free cottage cheese last night, so I am sure it is the sodium.. Not to worry..
    I used to crave alot of candy and sugary stuff, but not so much anymore.. not to say I dont have it one in while..but if it's not here I dont eat it..
    I do have graham crackers, I do have kind bars,I do have some fat free fig newtons, but all in moderation..
    I bought twinkies once they came out again for the DH , you know what.. wasn't even tempted.. to sweet:huh:
    I have my ol stand by's for snacks,rice cakes with laughing cow, 100 calorie nuts, string cheese.. but I am happy with them..
    and NO fast food..
    when we go to Florida,we like to go to Steak and Shake.. so I will go and get what I usually get and it is about 600 calories..
    Sonny's BBQ is another,have to look up the calorie count on that also.. but I will tell you I will be extremely active while I am down there.. so wont worry about that either:wink:
  • yoyonomore55
    yoyonomore55 Posts: 350 Member
    Good morning ladies!

    Just a quick pop in to wish all a healthy and productive day. We have family from out of state visiting for a burial service for my SIL. It is great to see everyone and to celebrate her life.

    I need to get going so I can fit in some school work on the computer before starting the day. I have a few tasks for work that I really need to complete today. Tomorrow I will be back at school, but need to leave right at the end of the day to take DD to catch her flight out:cry: . Thursday is parent night at work and will be a long day. Am looking forward to the weekend, but it will probably be spent trying to catch up on schoolwork. Would love to get in another kayaking trip, but DH can't go and I can't put the kayak on the rack for transport. I am strong enough to lift it:smile::smile: but too short to reach!:blushing: Wish there were a way to get taller!!

    Need to get busy. Have a great day!

    Deb A in CNY
  • SandyC04
    Good morning ladies! It is cold here in Boston... only 44 degrees and to think it was 90 just last week! My day is starting off on a high note... I get lab work done every other week and they are posted at 7AM the next day on-line... before I even checked my counts I had an email from my hematologist! This is the content of her note re:counts:

    " Hi Sandy. They look great without any epo. Making sure there is enough iron in your system, controlling the disease, and the lifestyle changes you've made, are likely all contributing to these good results. So definitely no epo for now. Congrats!"

    This is the post positive reinforcement one could get to keep the course... going clean eating is saving my life no doubt about it... Having support from others with similar struggles is priceless... Glad I found this site and all the good folks so willing to share their experiences...

    Enjoy your day and will be back to read all the posts, and there are Sooooooo very many!

    Sandy - Boston