

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,803 Member
    Morning all
    I went to the gym this morning, didn't d a full work out.. sorta dragging this morning, had a slight migraine when I got home..:grumble:
    I told the DH that I wanted a day to myself down on Sanibel Island when we get to Florida.. told him it isn't that I dont want to be with him, but want to be able to take my time and walk the trails and watch the birds at Ding Darling wildlife refuge, then check out the birds at Periwinkle Park, then go to Tarpon Bay Tours and try my hand at a kayak tour to see the birds, then go to the beach and look for shells, maybe not in that order ,but all of that and home by 4-5 pm.. It will be a me day and maybe that will be my reward for the 50 lb loss.
    DH is whining because he wont have a car..well hang out at the pool, do stuff around the house,, I am not asking him for the world, plus taking him along would just drag me down, would always be rushing to make sure he wasn't bored...
    I am under my calorie count as of right now.. but I hope I get my butt in gear, havent felt like this in awhile.. I am guessing it is the change in the weather:huh:
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    Michele - I think Home Depot carries Krud Kutter. I remember a former neighbor using it.

    Nancy in AZ - think caliche for the clay. It isn't always that hard, but soil amendments are definitely in order!

    Off to work.

    GEORGIA GALS - I'm going to host a get-together at my place the last weekend of October. PM me your availability on Saturday vs. Sunday. Meet and greet with a light lunch at the house and, for those who wish, Gibbs Gardens ($20 admission) in the afternoon for walking. (Others that can get here are also welcome!)

    Have a great day!

    Gail, metro ATL
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    I think this just about says it all


    Robin Bodi and Ritter.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Joyce: If you are called to church and can’t be up in time for conventional services, can you make a prayerful hour for yourself at home, and read your bible? Are there churches in your area that maintain an open sanctuary that you can visit as needed, or somebody that offers a mid-day bible study class?:flowerforyou:

    Deb A in CNY: Back to school night is a good thing, but I always dreaded it because of the long day, made longer by a long commute. Getting up and back to work the next day was always tough. I resisted retirement for a long time, but really like life now that all the exhaustion is a thing of the past. I do miss the kids. Thank you for the important work you are doing with your students.:flowerforyou:

    Sandy from Boston: Congratulations on your great lab results! You have a very supportive doctor and that is a blessing.:flowerforyou:

    Southern girls: We had a discussion about “y’all” v “all y’all” with a group of neighbors when we went out to dinner last weekend. The guy who just couldn’t believe that “y’all” is singular and “all y’all” is plural was raised in Florida. I’m still chuckling about it and grateful for the internet education provided by friends like you that allowed me to know what is what.:laugh:

    Gail: I love that you are organizing a get together for the Georgia girls. I hope all y'all have a great time.:wink::bigsmile: :laugh:

    Robin: I love the ecard. Thanks for a laugh to start the day.:flowerforyou:

    Yoga this morning will have a substitute instructor. I’m looking forward to it and wonder what the substitute instructor will be like. This is a first for our class. I have many muscles that are giving me conflicting messages. Some of them are whiny and want rest and others are seeking the rush of hard physical work. I do have hard work waiting for me, but it is dependent on getting some dry weather. I am down a fraction of a pound this morning but not enough to budge the ticker. Still, it was good news in a long string of fraction up-fraction down weigh-ins. I’m doing well with all of my goals except water. I am drinking more water, but not meeting my goal consistently.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    September goals:
    1. Log every bite
    2. Move more.
    3. Drink at least 4 glasses of water daily.
  • Suzy_in_DE
    Suzy_in_DE Posts: 191 Member
    Hello Ladies -

    I haven't posted in a week and am now woefully behind. I had some sort of stomach bug I got Thursday evening, so didn't log food and had not exercise for 4 days. Ugh!!! Did get my run yesterday. It was very strange, last night I kept getting leg cramps all night long, they were pretty painful and the only remedy was to get up and walk them out. I may get an occassional leg cramp, but this was both calves and thighs. I'm hoping that was a one time thing not to reoccur again.

    We are in week 2 of our master bath being a disaster zone. The tile is almost done and tomorrow we have someone coming to cut the template for our countertops. I'm guessing we have another 2 weeks to go. I'm glad to finaly be renevoating the bathroom, but will be happy once the house is back to normal.

    Hope everyone is doing good on their goals.
    Take care,
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Hi Ladies!!Cold this am-56 last week we were in the 90`s.
    Thanks,Robin for the laugh.
    Have a good one,
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    This morning I did my cardio machine at the gym but the pool was just too crowded this morning. I'm going to try again at noon or 1:00 and see if I can get it done.

    I was feeling sort of crummy last night, so I went to bed about 9 with the puppy. Hubby must have put him in his crate when he came to bed, but I never heard that. I woke up at 3:30 with the puppy whining to go outside. I could hear it even through my ear plugs (which I wear because hubby snores) so it must have been pretty loud, but hubby slept right through it. He doesn't sleep well, so I was glad he didn't wake up. I took Bruno out in the rain, then popped him back in his crate, and slept till 7 when the alarm went off. Still this morning I'm not feeling quite up to snuff. Nothing specific, but after the gym I felt especially bad and thought I was just hungry. Breakfast didn't help much. I think another nap might be required.

    I got tired of things flopping around loosely so finally went to buy a new bra. I had been in a 44C, and sometimes needed an extender. The new one is a 40B and it feels so much better. Sad that the girls are getting so small, but oh well. I guess I'll buy a few more 40B's. Just cheap ones, to get me through a few more months.

    It's already getting late in the month and I have not been keeping one of my goals. One thing I really wanted to do was get back to work, and I still haven't. I have a pottery shop downtown and for years I went in every day to make pottery and tend my little gallery. Then my heart trouble happened and after that I couldn't do it anymore. It was like I was afraid of being alone there. I just keep making excuses. I'm afraid that I've lost all desire to make pottery. And this is something I have done (and loved) for 20 years. And of course that means I'm not making any money and keep having to pay the bills. Even walking in the door fills me with fear and feelings of being a dismal failure. I told the doctor yesterday about the anxiety but she didn't have any advice, just said that it was common. The last day I really worked, I left with crushing chest pain and went into the hospital for two days of testing. The mess I left that day is till there, taunting me. Every year I have a holiday open house in early December, so November and December are my biggest sales times, so if I don't get back to work soon, I won't be ready. To be honest, not many people even come in my shop except November and December. I feel like I'm letting my husband down too. He was always my biggest supporter.

    Sorry about all that. I'm feeling a little Boo-Hoo today. Maybe its the rain. I hope you ladies are all having a great day.

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,355 Member
    Hi girls!
    Finally got DH out of the house and off to football. He wasn't going to go in case he felt panicky, but I tried to remind him he never feels bad when he is there, only when he is thinking about doing stuff. Then he said he would start off and see how it went. He hasn't come back. Yet.:laugh: I must admit I am beginning to lose a bit of patience. :blushing: He seems to have lost even the desire to fight it and has forgotten all the things he was learning to help himself. Maybe he is getting depressed by it all. I know he wants it all to just go away, but I tell him, life isn't like that. There are always challenges. I'm sure it is all temporary, but now he is out of the house I feel all of a flop myself. Having a lie down and will watch a French film.
    This pm I started off the mixture for the "no knead" bread I make sometimes. It's delicious, like a giant ciabatta. I then got the bit between my teeth and made American Pancakes. They are for the weekend when DH' nephew and family come to stay. He rang today and we sorted out arrival and leaving times. All is prepared now except the rest of Saturday lunch when they arrive.
    Menu: Sat lunch - the lovely bread, soup, cold cuts, cheese and salad. Our own fruit for dessert.
    Walking round the lanes in the pm.
    Sat dinner- picky bits and dips starter that we can have sitting around. One of the dips is made.
    Home made ravioli, with sage and garlic butter
    Summer Pudding with some of our own fruits and cream.
    Sun brunch - American Pancakes with blueberries and maple syrup. Plus bacon for the greedy!
    How does that sound?
    I will be eating within my calories allowance which is 1700 a day.
    When he rang the young nephew said, " I know we will get fed really well at your house because you love your food, but how do you manage now you have been losing so much weight? " I said, "Well I eat a lot, but I exercise a lot . I exercise so I can eat."
    That used to be true, but since I have discovered the joys of exercising, especially weight training, I now do it for its own sake. But I still love to eat!!!!:laugh: :bigsmile:
    I'm hoping I don't go over now that DH is out of the house. That is always my weak point. I feel a shiritaki noodle and chilli sauce moment coming on. A mini binge for 15 calories.:love:
    Having a defrosted freezer is making me happy :heart: Lots of room for more food. I couldn't get anything in there before it was so iced up!
    Well off to my mini binge and French film. And a nice cup of tea. (Can you tell I'm English?)
    Love Heather UK
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,222 Member
    Hi ladies I’m checking in earlier than usual today. We are doing scenarios with students where they have situations and work on a high fidelity manniken/simulator. Today we are having blood transfusion reactions.

    It’s cool and rainy today; rained almost all night last night. I think it’s only going to be in the high 50s today but in the 90s by Thursday! You can tell the seasons are changing.

    We started putting some furniture back in the dining room but there are two pieces too heavy even for all of us to lift, so I’m sure we’ll have to find help. It will be nice to get that all put back together again. I for one am really sick of my house being torn apart. I have no idea when the carpet downstairs will be addressed nor when they will redo the trim that is so bad.

    Gail: hope you had fun with your church friends. Your get together sounds like fun! I’m too far away or I’d join you

    Jodios: glad you’re home safe and sound

    Michele: your murder mystery night sounds like a lot of fun

    Katla: when we built our current house we chose PVC for the fence and pergola because we had spent so much time at the old house refinishing wood! From a former southern girl with very southern parents, “all y’all” is pleural LOL

    Joyce: I think food addictions weigh very heavily on people here…pun intended. I’m just glad I don’t have a sweet tooth!

    Grandmallie: I have had to say no to fast food too hoping to get my LDHs down!

    Deb: enjoy your company!

    Sandy: great news on your blood work!

    Robin: love it!

    Suzy: glad you are feeling better!

    Sylvia: hope you are out of your blue mood soon

    Heather: your menus sound delightful. Can you pick me up at the airport? My flight arrives at noon. :laugh:

    Well I have to get back down to the transfusion reactions! Take care all, Meg from misty Omaha
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Sylvia:flowerforyou: In addition to new bras I invested in my first ever good sports bra and I never knew they could feel so comfortable and everything seem so supported.

    Katla:flowerforyou: Yes I know that I could have my own devotion time here at home. But I believe the Bible specifically tells us to join a fellowship of believers. I really need to stand in a sanctuary, whatever it may look like and be with others and singing from an old fashioned hymnal. My daughter is a very active member of one of the more modern churches that sing the praise choruses. and they are nice and very uplifitng but I need the familiararity of the good old songs that I grew up on. I need to see a preacher in a pulpit. And I know what to do and how to do it. It's just making myself get up and do it. It has been about 5 or 6 years since I have been to my church. This is the church that we were married in and both of my girls. My husband and both my girls were baptized there. I frequently go to their website and see that they have two services, one contemporary and the other traditional. The traditional one is the early service. My body doesn't do early. And I know that there are other Southern Baptist churches in the area that might be traditional.

    I had a huge NSV today. One of my goals in this journey was to be able to wear these two particular sweatshirts of my Moms. Both were the traditional Grandma sweatshirts that you see in Sears or anywhere. They are a 1X and with my upper chest roll they were just to tight. Also the arms were a tight cut than a lot of sweatshirts are. And THEY FIT!!!!!!! So this winter I will be wearing my Grandma sweatshirts not only for my grand children but for Mom and all of hers. It's like she is hugging me. Also I went to the Y today. All the recumbent eliptical bikes were taken so I went down to my old recumbent bike. I don't know if it was being motivated from watching Jack Osbourne last night on TV on Dancing with the stars dancing with a fairly new diagnosis or not or what but I rode 7 3/4 miles non stop. I need to start increasing the tension of the bike. And I found out that the battery onmy pedometer was getting low and that's why I was getting such poor readings on it. So I burned 350 calories and the ride equaled to about 7,000 steps.

    My laptop still isn't working:sick: I finally called WOW, a very nice woman was on the phone and tried to help me. I connected the modem directly to the laptop and it still didn't work so now I have to pay $50 for a tech to come out. Bummer.

  • seasonsofjoy
    seasonsofjoy Posts: 47 Member
    I think this just about says it all


    I loved this! Want!
  • seasonsofjoy
    seasonsofjoy Posts: 47 Member
    I liked that comic a lot, but I really can't drink much at all because of stomach issues. It just hit me on my funny bone!
    This is short because my teen daughter just walked in, and needs mom time, yay!

    I am doing well on my program, thanks so much to support on MFP. Eating out, keeping on plan when I do, (just once in awhile out), and now the DH joined the site. Everyone here in the house wants to eat well, and exercise. That sure helps!

    Keep up the great work, all! Hugs!

    Nancy in AZ
  • phoo513
    phoo513 Posts: 231 Member
    Good Evening, Ladies- It has been a very busy Tuesday. I went to the scrapbook store and worked with a group on 4 gorgeous Christmass cards. Now, all I have to do is figure out how to reproduce the patterns we were taught with the papers I have on hand. I have decided that I can NOT buy anymore papers until I use, at least, some of what I have squirrelled away. I have a bunch!

    Food is fine today, although, nothing really tastes very good. I am going to be very, very crabby if I end up with a cold or sore throat or anything nasty like that! I'm taking my vitamins, germs can just go away!

    I did lose 3# this week, but again, it was a gift- not anything I really did. I am happy, happy, happy.

    Well, I am really not feeling very chatty tonight, so I will just wish you all Sweet Dreams. I will check back in in the morning.

    Pat (Phoo in Az)
  • Kalley1959
    Kalley1959 Posts: 287 Member
    Robin - I love it :bigsmile:

    Meg - it's so hard when our kids have to learn lessons the hard way, but speaking from experience ... they do learn. Your DD seems to be learning quickly and young. My DS didn't turn it around until he was 25 ish and some days I wonder how much he's learned. We as parents just have to love them through it.

    Pat - I got the sore throat, I've been taking my vitamins and coldfx. I'm really hoping that I caught it in time. :grumble:

    Joyce - congrats on your fantastic NSV :drinker:

    I have been working, going to the Y and to bed early. I'm doing the strength training 3 days a week and cardio the other 4. As long as I'm not sick then I'll be back in the pool this weekend. Can't wait :happy:

    I'm off to bed!!

    :heart: Sandy from ON
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    Good evening to all! There were just 5 of us at Longhorn's for the church Ladies Night Out tonight. It was nice that we could talk to everyone instead of the group being so big. I did OK on my calories, too. I ordered the pork chops and had 1, plus 1/2 of the loaded bake potato (the majority of the 'loaded' NOT on my half), plus the house salad and the tiniest bit of ranch dressing. Brought the second chop and 1/2 potato home for DH's supper when he gets off work.

    Not much else to tell tonight, but a good day overall.

    Hugs and high-fives to each as appropriate!

    Gail, metro ATL

    GEORGIA GALS - I'm going to host a get-together at my place the last weekend of October. Send me a message with your availability on Saturday vs. Sunday. Meet and greet at the house and, for those who wish, Gibbs Gardens ($20 admission) in the afternoon for walking. I'm in Canton, GA, exit 14 (Holly Springs exit) off I-575, for location reference. Yardtigress will be there....let me know if you can make it!
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,390 Member
    katla - I'm sure your deck looks just fantastic!

    Joyce - when you're ready to go back to church, you will. That's how it was with me, I wasn't going to church for over 30 years. Then something just "clicked" with me, I was helping FIL and for the longest time he didn't have any use for the church. However, he was very close to dying, and I realized how much church meant to him and also to friends of his who came to see him. He even told me that he wanted a nun to talk to MIL to get her back to the church. I don't think he ever went back to the church, but suddenly he was listening to a religious station on the radio. I didn't want to be left alone and going back to the church was good for me in that I found lots of friends there. No one judged me for having been away from the church for so long.

    grandmalle - cottage cheese can be high in sodium. Breakstones makes one that is 30% less sodium. That's the really only downside to cottage cheese. But I do like it. I try to buy only the 30% less sodium brand. I think they make salt-free pretzels. Not sure of the brand. Whenever I have some, what I do is rub the salt off them. Whenever we go to FL, it seems that I eat less. Not sure why. Maybe it's because there isn't a whole lot of food at the condo. When we go down, Vince seems to like sitting in the condo watching TV. I'm always wanting to go somewhere...shopping usually

    Denise just called. Seems she asked us to send Petey a birthday card. I suppose we can send him a card. Just to refresh your memories, he was the one who I'm sure abused her (and Lexi) (physically and mentally) but it does seem like lately he's getting his stuff together. Me being me will probably also make him a cake. The thing is that I have no idea of his likes and dislikes. So I'll just go with whatever..... Denise asked us to send him an Applebees gift card, but I don't think we're that close yet

    Did about 50 minutes of the rebounder DVD today. Actually, I did about 3 different programs. I wasn't too enthrilled with the ones I did, but the next time I'm going to try another program and the basic program which is only something like 13 minutes long, enough time for me to have to use the bathroom....lol Tomorrow is yoga and then deep water class.

    Deb - when Bryan was really into kayaking, I used to put his kayak on top of my car. What I used was a little step stool, just high enough to get me where I could get the kayak on the roof

    Sandy - what a wonderful email you got! So happy for you

    gail - The Home Depot by me doesn't carry the Krud Kutter. If the one by you does, be absolutely sure it's the Krud Kutter FOR RED CLAY. They do have a lot of other Krud Kutters.

    Robin - thanks for the smile!

    Just got in from helping Vince cut the grass, he used the tractor, I used the push behind, he used the weedwacker, I swept behind him. WAAAA! I couldn't get the mower started. Don't know what it was, I primed it, held this bar down, but it just wouldn't start for me

    katla - I like having a sub for the classes. Sometimes you get in such a rut that it's good to try something different. Hope all went well.

    Suzy in DE - hope you don't get those cramps any more. I've heard (and this is a "heard") that potassium (like in a banana) helps. Couldn't tell you if that's true or not. A new bathroom -- how exciting!

    Heather - what time should I be there???? I'll be with Meg! Vince always laughs at me that I want to clean out the refrigerator/freezer so that I can make room for more food....lol

    Meg - I'm looking forward to this murder mystery night. I put a bid on a dress on ebay, hope I get it. Hope it fits, too. The description says that the tag says it's a 3/4 but it was on a size 5 mannequin and that there's some more room. Well, if worse comes to worse, I will take it to Dianne and ask her to piece in some material. Next step will be to see if I can find shoes. Update: I was outbid on the dress. To be a bit honest, I'm starting to get nervous that I won't get a dress in time. I guess I'm going to have to check out the thrift shops here.

    Joyce - how wonderful that those shirts fit you. I know how much you wanted that, and it happened. I'm so happy for you.

    Michele in NC
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    :flowerforyou: Heather, congrats on the PBs on your workouts.

    :flowerforyou: Gradmallie, your homemade pizza sounds much healthier than the restaurant stuff.

    :flowerforyou: Rita, take your new challenge one day at a time and do not be discouraged.

    :bigsmile: Jodios, how wonderful to all those new undies.

    :bigsmile: Michele, congrats on your plank….yesterday I did a plank without my ankle weights and two of them with the weights and I was right that I can hold the plank longer without the weights.

    :flowerforyou: Katla, your deck project sounds daunting but the way you are doing it, a little at a time, sounds possible.

    :flowerforyou: Joyce, at the grocery store, I looked longingly at the loaves of bread and realized that for me, a slice of bread would grow to the whole loaf slathered in butter and peanut butter, so I abstain completely.

    :bigsmile: Sandy, congrats on the good news on the lab reports.

    :flowerforyou: Sylvia, do not be discouraged
    do your exercise, hug your dogs, get some rest and the day will come when you’ll get back to work.

    :bigsmile: Sandy from ON……you’re doing great with strength training, cardio and the pool…..congrats

    :flowerforyou: Today has been a day full of phone calls and walks with friends and a long visit with the friends who are going back to California on Thursday.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington

    “If it’s important to you then you will find a way, if it’s not you’ll find an excuse.”

  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Good evening,

    It's late, I'm tired, so this will be short.

    Congratulations to everyone with milestones.......Sylvia, at the halfway point!!!! YAY!!!---I understand why you would have such a hard time going back in your store, no answers.......maybe just very short periods of time at first, or have someone with you in the beginnig?

    Meg and jodios......glad you are both back safe

    Michele...........best of luck to your daughter...........fingers crossed for her

    On the subject of panic and cardiac issues.........the full blown panic attacks with rapid pounding heartbeat I had were about age 32, the only treatment I had was to take a beta blocker for a couple months, then weaned off. When I was 40 and pregnant, I was having a lot of irregular beats and did see a cardiologist.....throwing PVC's but they weren't "coupled" so no treatment. At 52, I mentioned to my family dr. that a routine EKG for baseline is suggested at 50 so I should have one.........well, you would have thought I wanted the moon!!!! He finally did it though
    and found a complete left bundle branch block, which he never told me about and I only learned of when asking another dr. 8 months later if my EKG was OK..........so, off to the cardiologist again.........so far, non-problematic. Is any of it related, who knows??? Was I angry? You betcha!! My basic objective now is to "live" until I die and not be tortured on the way out.

    Yesterday was group exercise am and yoga pm. Tonight was tai chi and yoga. I finally got the boxes mailed to DD!!!! Tomorrow is group exercise in am then h.s. cross country meets in afternoon.........I'm the person at the finish line holding the timing box and pushing the button as each runner finishes.

    G'nite, all!!
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :smile: Hi everyone

    :flowerforyou: Just a quick post before I go to do my exercises before work. Hope everyone is doing ok, I'm still struggling but hanging on in there!

    It's turning a bit colder here in York, so back to the winter woollies me thinks. I have a holiday booked in Scarborough with my mum and dad in October, so hope it doesn't get too cold. Last time we went it rained nearly every day.

    Well exercise awaits so I'd better get a move on, I was too late to do them yesterday - need to get back into a good routine on a morning.

    Have a good day.

    Love Viv
    York UK
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,355 Member
    Yes! I'm calling 0.5 lb lost! It's the first loss in a fortnight so I'm happy with it.:happy: Hope to lose the other 0.5 by the end of September.
    Also, even better, 1/2 inch off my waist! My horrible, cottage cheese waist. :laugh: That's the bit I want to lose from now.

    Back later, got to do my planks.
    Heather UK