

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Well today I caused my first ever car accident. I was merging onto a street, watching out for a break in traffic. It was finally clear, I just thought the car in front of me would merge faster than she did. Just a fender bender for both of us but their car had temporary license plates so they had just bought theirs:sad: so tomorrow I have to start all the filing of reports, insurance and everything. I have no idea as to whether they will be checked out at the hospital. She was 29 with two boys in the back so she has every right to but they were jumping around in the car while we were all waiting for the police to finish his report. So I hope it is just the bump on the car I have to pay for. But at 63 and never caused any accident I felt good that there was nothing on my record.

    My husband asked me what I needed for comfort food. My immediate response was Dairy Queen but yet I knew that I couldn't. So we went to Bob Evans and I did get a piece of their apple streusel bread. I hope they have it listed in their nutrition guide so I know what to enter.

    I tried on my size large shirt for my daughter today and she agreed that it really didn't look that bad that I would be bale to wear it out today. She also wishes she had gotten a large for herself.

    Congrats Grandmallie on finally hitting that 50 mark. That is quite an accomplishment:flowerforyou:

    Joyce, Indiana
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Sorry Joyce,glad ur ok
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,882 Member
    Hello to all:

    Grandmallie: Congrats on hitting that 50 mark. Yahoo!!!:flowerforyou:

    Joyce: Sorry about the accident. Glad no one was injured.

    Heather: Glad your hubby got his medication straightened out. That must have been scary for both of you.

    Well I am finally out of the sling this week. Yeah!!! I went this evening and took my first ever line dancing class. I did not fall over or run into anyone else so I guess I will count that as a success. :laugh: It burns a lot of calories though and that is good. Tomorrow is aquatic therapy and finish up with my transcription for Dr. Meyer. Then I will go out to see my horse. I am going to try riding her later this week. A friend is going with me to help put on the saddle. This will be a little scary since I have not been on her all summer due to the shoulder injury but I am hoping it will go well.

    Healing angels to all who need help and congratulations to all with successes. Sue in SD
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :flowerforyou: Pat - I have bad memories of hair butchering. Fortunately, hair grows back. Sad to hear about your friend's funeral. good thing she herself was no longer aware.
    :flowerforyou: Jodio - bra shopping must be so much fun after losing weight. Happy for your girls! Yet, a challenge. Funny dog story!
    :flowerforyou: Michelle - donating blood: you could check their website what questions they are going to ask you. And yes, they ask a lot of questions and a lot of very private questions. All to keep the recipients safe from bad blood. But, it's for a good cause, and your privacy is assured.
    :flowerforyou: Katla, I am proud of you too! When you do it yourself, you sure appreciate how much work it really is. Much different from watching HGTV!
    :flowerforyou: Viv - Happy to see you back.
    :flowerforyou: Grandmallie - C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S !!! 50 lbs is a milestone.
    :flowerforyou: Seinfeldlove - yes it is more difficult to lose weight as you get older. You will find lots of encouragement on this page. And there are people who are particularly thoughtful when providing advice on diet and exercise. You could always open your diary to a select few. I currently do not have my diary open either. But at other times I do. It is your journey after all.
    :flowerforyou: Heather in UK - Panic attacks are very very hard. My thoughts go out to you and DH and hope things get better for both of you.
    :flowerforyou: KAPH74 - Welcome. I consider this group a lifeline too. Fee free to make friends and come back here to post.
    :flowerforyou: Joyce - sorry about your accident. Keep safe.

    Today DD and little toddler were over. We took a nice walk and then we put him to bed. The weather turned here and we actually had thunder. More rain to come this week and people have started to mow their lawns again after a very dry summer. DD will be on radio tomorrow, as well as speaking at a school board meeting in the evening, involving a teaching related issue. She is nervous, but I am so proud of her. She is such an articulate young lady, I know she will be fine.

    Hope you all have a good evening for those of us at the West Coast. For all of us, have a good week.

    :heart: Renny
    Vancouver Island, BC
    PS. Sharing a TED talk about how you could think about stress diffirently. I found it interesting. https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=RcGyVTAoXEU
  • kayak_kutie
    kayak_kutie Posts: 381 Member
    bump for later.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Bump-the cat has my tongue, as mama used to say.:wink:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,976 Member
    :flowerforyou: Anamika, there are lots of different ways to do a plank…..I think keeping your feet in one place is easier than moving your feet in any way…..do what is challenging to you…..I do planks while wearing the ankle weights that I use for the rest of my strength training workout

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Grandmallie, congratulations on the milestone in your weight loss journey

    :flowerforyou: Seinfeldlove, this is a very supportive thread and nobody criticizes anyone for their choices…….I have found that unless you have a heart rate monitor, it’s possible that calorie burns for exercise are inflated so eating back only part of your exercise calories is probably the best bet…..also, it’s important to be sure that all the food you eat is nutritious to properly fuel your body.

    :brokenheart: Pat, sorry to hear about your friend

    :flowerforyou: Heather, sorry to hear that DH had such a rough time and glad to hear that a new med has helped him feel better.

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Sylvia, I love your puppy stories

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Sue in SD, I’m glad you did well enough at line dance to feel that it was a success.

    :flowerforyou: There has been a tiny bit of rain here…..I was able to work in the yard for two hours this morning and walk the dogs but the sky keeps getting darker. A friend invited me to walk a labyrinth with her this afternoon…..it was so peaceful. We walked for awhile and then sat on a bench and talked about spiritual matters….now that it’s almost dark, we have thunder and lightning…..they just suspended the Mariners football game because of the lightning.

    :heart: Barbie from stormy NW Washington

    “If it’s important to you then you will find a way, if it’s not you’ll find an excuse.”


    27,000 steps today :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,702 Member
    Yes, I discovered meditation tapes when I was having the panic attacks and they helped immeasurably.....wish I had known about yoga and tai chi back then too. When "edgy", I still will use the techniques.

    Hello yanniejannie,

    I had "edgy" feelings and went to emergency but they couldn't find anything so told me it was a panic attack. So when it happened I just tried to relax and get over it. Several years later I was in the doctor's office when the feeling happened and, long story short, I had atrial fibrillation.

    If the doctors don't "see it" when it's happening, it is hard to diagnose. But I've got a pulse-oxymeter that shows a readout (like an EKG) and if the line is all over the place (up down halfway-up down straight across up etc) instead of just up down, then I know my heart is fibrillating.

    I wish people with "panic attacks" would know it might be anxiety - or it might be arrhythmia. It would just be nice to check. I wish doctor's offices would carry pulse-oxymeters that they could loan out to people, since it is hard to catch it in the act.

    Paula from SF Bay Area, California
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,385 Member
    Gail - I didn't realize that the red clay went down to GA! The red clay in NC stains everything it comes into contact with. Does the red clay in GA do that? In a way, that's one of the things that I love about the riverrock. River dirt is normal dirt -- the brown kind that washes out!

    katla - congrats on all your hard work!

    Had a bit of time this morning so I did 30 minutes of pilates. Then for some reason that I don't understand I had these terrible cramps in my stomach. haven't had breakfast. Well, I had some yogurt with honey. They seem to have subsided by now. Jessica and Kris will be leaving soon and then I'm planning to bake a cake to take to Lynette later this week and then make some brownies (so that Jess will have some to take back with her when she comes Tues. She has an interview at NC State Vet school Wed.). I'll bake it now, keep it in my freezer, take it to her and she can put it into her freezer until she needs it. Seems she's president of some accounting group and they have some sort of meeting at this clubhouse so they can bring their food.

    anamika - I tripped some yesterday, too. But today I think I'm paying for it with the stomach cramps.

    Viv - welcome back!

    grandmalle - doing the happy dance for you

    seinfeldlove - I don't usually eat back my exercise calories. I really don't add them in but know that if I go over, I have a "cushion". Of course, for the last few years I've just been maintaining, not losing, not gaining (a whole lot), one day up one day down, one week up one week down, but always in the same general area. I've found that for me, when I eat my exercise calories back, I can be assured of a gain.

    Pat - I'm so very sorry for your friend. I have a feeling that Lynette is going to ask me to make her more cakes. I just made her a cinnamon swirl cake. I honestly didn't think it would turn into a once-a-month type of thing. Anyway, any idea how alcoholics are able to break their addiction? I really and truly didn't want to, but I had to have a taste of the dough. Then I made Vince and Jessica brownies, again, I really didn't want to but I had to have a taste of that dough. How can I break this? I agree with katla, funerals are really for the living, and if they chose to celebrate her life in a bar, they were celebrating her. She certainly wasn't there, but it may have given the others comfort. I know that sounds weird, but sometimes it works that way, partying comforts.

    Heather - so glad you were able to make it to the opening. I know your son would have wanted you there. You are so great with dh

    kathy - you've come to a good place for motivation, that's for sure

    grandmalle - thanks for reminding me that I needed to put in a load of laundry. I didn't want to do it while Jessica was here because she was using the washing machine, but now I can. I'm so sorry about your friend's dog.

    Sandy - yahoo you going to the Y and geting all those steps in! Sending good thoughts for your son

    You know, Jessica was here this weekend. To be honest, I really think Lance forgot her. Well, it HAS been 9 weeks. She'll be back Tues, her interview at NC State is Wed. I just went to give Lance his insulin. He remembered the routine, I gave him his insulin and he immediately jumped up on the bed to be brushed. He remembered the drill -- insulin and then brushing. She usually gives it to him while he's eating, so I gave it to him at the food (I don't think he was eating). But then he immediately jumped up to be brushed!

    Made the cake for Lynette, it's now in the freezer. I'll take it to her Thurs and she can put it in her freezer at her office then she'll have it for the following Wednesday. Then I made brownies for Vince and Jessica to take home with her (what can I say, I'm a mom?). Then just layed by the pool for an hour. To me, that is "my" time.

    Tomorrow is yoga, then I'll hold my plank, then take the extremepump class. Vince mentioned that he might cut the grass since the landscape border won't be here until Tues. Not sure if I'll be going to the Busy Hands group (it's for people doing any and all crafts). If Vince is cutting the grass, I'll help him.

    We are going to get a storage shed for the pool stuff (like chemicals, the robotic cleaner, pool toys, etc). We'll put it on the patio that is under our deck so it really won't get much rain on it at all. However, the things will be closer to the pool. Vince is thinking about how to get electricity in it (he has a plan) and how to get music out to the pool. Sometimes I don't know about that man :)

    Went for a walk around the block ~3/4 mile. It's getting dark much too early!!!!

    Joyce - so glad you're safe. Yea, you never know today about people. Years ago (maybe 30 or so) Vince had a procedure which caused a blood clot in his leg. To this day he takes coumadin. It really was the hospital's fault, they administered the test incorrectly. But we didn't sue or anything. Fast forward to about 10 years ago. Denise was driving, she literally tapped the lady in front of her. Before we could even say anything, she was on the phone to the police. Afterwards, she was saying how she had wiplash (I think Denise was going about 15mph), how her son <about 3> had injuries (shouldn't he have been in a car seat?). In the end, the insurance company paid her some amount (I don't even remember what it was) because it was actually less expensive to pay her than for the insurance to go to court, etc. That's the system...unfortunately.

    Sue in SD - yea for being out of that sling!

    Renny - even tho she probably doesn't need it, good luck to your daughter

    Paula - I never knew that panic attacks could also really be afib. That's so interesting.

    Hope everyone has a great evening.

    Vince just told me that he'll be doing something with the server at home, so I'm not to be on my computer from about 9 to 11. Not a problem. Guess I'll go to the Busy Hands then.

    Michele in NC
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    I had another fun day of golf then came home and got the rooms ready for the painters tomorrow. Haven't felt very hungry today for some reason. Maybe because I need to go to grocery for fresh fruits and veggies.
    Meg - glad you're home safe and sound. I had a feeling your DD would have some regrets. Get some rest.
    Grandmallie - AWESOME!! I'm so proud of you. I thinkyou are so busy the pounds can't land on you as you're always moving. LOL
    Joyce - so glad you weren't hurt. I hope the insurance will take care of the expenses.
    Katia - I'm proud of you also! That's hard work. Whenever I do anything with repetitive motions, my hands hurt. I think it's from years of knitting.
    Pat - so sorry about your friend and the funeral. I've heard of wakes at bars but never the funeral.
    Gail - the gardens sound wonderful. Glad your had the opportunity to visit with your friend.
    Watching Miss America. Can't decide who I think should win.
    Have a great evening and get ready for next week.
    Sue in TX
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,343 Member
    Just popping in to tell you I did a MASSIVE PB on the elliptical. My last was 12.27, today was 11.25! I really went for it!
    :drinker: :drinker: :bigsmile:
    Must get on with my press ups.
    Heather UK
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,795 Member
    yea!!!!! Heather....
    been up since 2:45 am, but slept really really well,felt refreshed.. got up and had my lemon water and a cup of tea...then off to the gym, then home and a sandwich and banana and a cup of tea for breakfast...
    have laundry in and then will sweep and wash the floors..
    keep on truckin,,,:laugh:
  • Anamika703
    Anamika703 Posts: 202 Member
    Grandmallie 3 cheers for you :drinker: :flowerforyou:
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    Michele – have DH use wi-fi for music at the pool. OR they have these speakers now that you can attach to anything to make it a speaker. I think you can run it off an iPod or smartphone, too, using the earphone jack. And yes, the red clay stains everything here, too.

    Jodios – try Soma for your bras. They’ve just done this big marketing specializing in sizes like yours. I wear their bras and panties and they are really nice quality. Not inexpensive, but not outrageous either. I’ve been pleased. They are around the country, so maybe they have a storefront near you, or near where you are traveling these days. I first went to a storefront to try things on, then have subsequently ordered from the website.

    Well, I need to get on to work. I was there past 9p yesterday getting the boss ready for his meetings today. I get to go in a bit later today and have only one task to accomplish and then can be out the rest of the day. Nice – I’ll be able to get to the gym!!

    Gail, metro ATL
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,945 Member
    Hi Ladies!
    Well, I am going to whine a little. I knew Friday I would go over my cals because of movie night, but it did not stop there. Both Saturday and Sunday we ate out. Sat. at Golden Corral buffet, and Sunday at Mandarin Garden , an Oriental buffet. I did walk on both days after the 'pig-out' but drank at night which countered the walk. I am mad at myself for this. I know I could have gone to the buffets and avoid desserts but not me! I don't bake at home or make desserts because I have the sugar addiction someone else mentioned. It is a real 'thing' and I have an old book on it. If I stay away from sweets, I don't miss them, but if I have just a bit, I immediately crave the whole package! Google it, you will find lots of information on it. I guess that addiction is part of why when I have a drink it doesn't stop at one or two. It makes me crave sweets so I either eat badly or dink more. I know I can beat this because I've done it before. Believe it or not, being on MFP and this thread really help me be better.

    I am leaving tomorrow for a trip to CT for an interview, but I extended the trip so I could visit family. Can't wait to see my grand-kids and how much they have grown! I will try to post, but no guarantees the coming week. I will need to at least post my food to help me out. Taking this vacation I think will help me get my head on straight. I haven't taken one like this in over 3 years. I need this. I go by myself as my DH hates traveling. That gives me time to just sit back and relax, though I will be running the whole week all over New England, it is still relaxing for me because it is a get away for me. I love my DH but the time alone is needed.

    I have also a day of house hunting in the plans. That day will depend on how the interview goes on Wednesday. I am nervous, anxious, happy, and exited all at the same time. I think that probably contributed to my weekend of "sins'! Well, I am done rambling. Talk to you all later!

    My goals for September (late but better than nothing!)

    1. log everything that goes into my mouth!
    2. log on here at least once a day (the thread I mean)
    3. not drink more than 3 alcoholic beverages a day (baby steps when I drink it is way more than this!)
    4. stop the self destructive behaviors! (going to be a tough one!)
    5. find a way to exercise that doesn't cause pain and detour my efforts! (suggestions?)

    Rita from middle TN
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy mon!!
    Rita,good luck on the interview.
    Everyone have a good day!!
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Paula from SF Bay Area: I’m glad you were able to find out what was the matter with you. It was lucky for you that you actually had an attack in the doctor’s office. I think the medical world is too ready to call things panic attacks, when they are actually symptoms of something potentially dangerous. I suspect the “Panic Attack” diagnosis is much more prevalent for women patients. :mad: I’m glad you shared the information with all of us so that we don’t just comply with the “easy” diagnosis when things get scary.:flowerforyou:

    Michele: I hope your daughter aces her interview at NC State. It sounds like she is finding a good direction for her life. My fingers are crossed that all goes well.:flowerforyou:

    Heather: Congratulations on your PB on the elliptical.:flowerforyou:

    Kevrit: The candy/alcohol connection makes sense as both turn to sugar in your blood stream in the blink of an eye. I have a plan for buffets and other dining out. I ruthlessly avoid sweets, and make a huge effort at portion control. I do take small portions of the things that I find appealing. The last time DH and I went out for Chinese food, the portions were huge and we asked for take out boxes to be delivered right away. The waiter was surprised, but brought us the boxes. We put half of the food into the boxes before we started eating. I didn’t even finish the half portion that remained and we had great Chinese food for lunch again the next day. On the topic of eating back exercise calories: I eat back part of mine and it has worked out pretty well. I wouldn’t eat them all back because I think that would put me in weight gain mode. :flowerforyou:

    I heard from my son today! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Color me happy. He is in the military and on assignment, but this time he has access to email. I sent him back a long, chatty message. There was plenty to say between our deck project and our daughter living in Boulder County. She and her family are okay, thank goodness.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    September goals:
    1. Log every bite
    2. Move more.
    3. Drink at least 4 glasses of water daily.
  • seasonsofjoy
    seasonsofjoy Posts: 47 Member
    Nancy in Arizona – I grew up and have lived in and around the same areas as you. Lest you have the wrong impression…most of us in GA garden in red clay! (Not the loose, dark soil I had in my garden when I lived in the NYC metro.)

    Gail, metro ATL

    Wow! I didn't know that! Clay is super hard to work with. When I lived in Albuquerque, we lived in the foothills of the mountains, and we had either clay on top of/mixed in with decomposed granite, (ROCK), or sand, next to each other. Very challenging, and I did a lot of soil conditioning, or made raised beds, which worked the best.
    I was born, and lived until age 9, in Iowa, and I still remember the black dirt, worms in it, that was like gold to grow things in. I have learned you have to figure out what grows well in your area, and use those things, then try others as $$ permit.
    Nancy in AZ
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Today I hit the halfway point in my diet! But I think the second half is going to be a lot harder.

    Today I went to the cardiologist. Blood test results were good except for liver enzymes that were slightly elevated due to the statins, and my blood sugar was 104. Hmmm.

    Docs can be dense sometimes. And tests can be just plain wrong. I had been going to mine complaining of chest pains. She ran every test known to man and didn't find anything wrong with my heart so she was treating me for reflux. This went on for months, the chest pains had progressed to include arm and neck pain and trouble breathing. Finally they did a heart cath and found one artery 90% blocked and two more that were 30. I could have died because my primary doc was reluctant to send me to a cardiologist for a heart cath. That was in April, and it led me to where I am today, 75 pounds lighter, so it's been a blessing in disguise.

    Now I'm going to pick up my son and grandson for lunch. So I won't get to the gym till afternoon, but that's ok.

    Take care everybody!

  • seasonsofjoy
    seasonsofjoy Posts: 47 Member
    Happy Monday!

    Pat, so sorry for your loss. Give yourself time to have the emotional downs and ups, that come with this.
    I know you are in Green Valley, but I can't remember where that is! Phoenix? Is it just at this house that things in the yard don't make it? Just in certain areas of the yard? Sometimes the soil might be contaminated in an area, from chems the builder dumped, etc. Too little or too much water, too. I agree with what was said earlier (can't recall who), oleanders are so bullet proof.
    Texas sage, many varieties, some gorgeous types of native grasses, that are more like bushes; rosemary, lavender, look for xeric plants at your nursery. They don't look like much in the container, but they will take root the first year, and really come out the next. There's a Whitfill Nursery near my area, and they stock the most i have seen. Garden work is good therapy, too!

    Grandmallie- WOOOOOO-OOOOOOO-HOOOO! Congrats, big congrats!!!!

    Heather, I applaud you for asking for help dealing with your family, and going ahead with what you wanted and needed to do, with your son. I don't know all the history, but I have been through a lot with conflicting needs on my person,...and it is really tough.

    Well, I did very well Saturday night, when we ordered pizza for my daughter and her friend, and for my hubby-- who went on and on about how delicious it was, and how he had missed it (we have not had it in a very long time). I had none!! NONE!!!
    It actually dd not even sound good to me. I craved the frozen veggie patties! The body is amazing, isn't it? Almost 2 weeks, and lost my craving for many things.

    So sad for all the people in Colorado, with the devastating floods! All of your family, too, all over the nation, prayers to all!

    Nancy in AZ