

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Oh no!!!!!! I was working on my book. I always do store each chapter after I finish it but I was still writing. I was getting frustrated because for some reason as I was typing that the screen on my Ipad wasn't going up and the keyboard was taking most of it and I couldn't see what I was writing. So I was trying to work with the keypad and somehow I hit trash can. And there goes my oldest daughter, in the trash can. This was the chapter 'I am a Mom!!!!'. you love each child the same but there is something just so wonderful when you find you are pregnant for the first time. So know I start over. Oh well, I have enjoyed reliving those moments. So i will just go back again. So I'm on my way back to 1976!!!! See you later. Hope I can find my way back out. I would hate to be back there permanently.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • ELENA01
    ELENA01 Posts: 47 Member
    Trying to get back on track after spending 2 weeks on vacation. Gained 15 lbs, amazing! I have now lost 13 of them. My goal to to get to 125 and maintain at 130. I just have to keep at it everyday. One day at a time.:flowerforyou:
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,803 Member
    evening all,
    just got in from work a little bit ago, and even though I was sitting at a desk most of the day I am tired, was up at 4 am, then off to the gym, then rushed around to get dinner and lunch for the DH and then my lunch together, make sure the dogs food was ready, and after work,make the dogs food again and finish up the DH lunch .
    so now sitting with my foot up and , will get up and go the the foot dr tomorrow for my shot:grumble: I can only hope that he gives me a stronger dose and that i am smart enough to come home and park my butt and ice my foot, still have to mow the lawn sometime during the day but will lay off the foot for most of the morning...
    hope everyones day went well, and there were no catastrophes..
    ta ta for now....:heart:
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Bump while I catch up on reading.

    Sue in TX
  • bjmcq
    bjmcq Posts: 304 Member
    Good Morning Vitamin K's,
    Whew, Wednesday, and the back to school and work life seems to have bunged up the net for the day; clearing up now.
    It has been a long haul, and not always good this summer...finished three major projects, two well done, the last was ok, just ran out of steam I think. Ran out of time and patience and self care too...I have had my workload tripled as of yesterday.....so I am deep breathing, hoping I can get through this after a long long summer.

    Thanks to everyone who sent me messages, encouraging me to get back in the MFP family, I really appreciated it!

    Today is absolutely clean day #2, and no grains at all and I felt great today. To my surprise there is a relationship between grains and inflammation of the gut and joints..... oh my, wish I had known that before! I knew it always clouded my brain, but wow, feel so crystal clear today.

    I have not been able to keep up with old -- or the many new members of the thread for the last two months -- but I will be trying my best from here on in..

    My plan is to sit, breathe and re-imagine the sound of the waves, the light on the water, and the cool breezes at Lake Huron. That will be my fall back posiiton and mental calming solution.

    Let me know what you use to stay clear and calm, would love the info!

    I am very encouraged by all the smart self care that the members post on here, such good advice.

    Have a very good day tomorrow,

    Cheers, BJ
  • terrimag
    terrimag Posts: 103 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    Following is a link to a computer program that shows the different weights and body shapes as you lose weight...have fun! :laugh:


    Terri from Oregon
  • steppingstones
    steppingstones Posts: 569 Member
    bump for tomorrow:smile:
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    PaulaKro: Thanks for sharing. Did any of the men who called give Annie a home? :heart:

    Elenao!: I’m trying to understand how you could gain 15 pounds and lose 13 of them so quickly, and all that comes to mind is salt. I hope you’re doing okay.:flowerforyou:

    We took our boat to the boatyard for repairs to the damage caused by a loose fishing boat, and we’re also having the bottom painted and talking about adding a wash-down pump. We’ll see how the costs add up. The repairs and bottom paint will happen, for sure. We motored up the Multnomah Channel to the marina where the boat yard is located, and my neighbor came and got us. She is a treasure. :heart: We are so grateful that we didn’t have to come back by dinghy. I could have handled it okay, but not DH. He has back troubles. Once home, we’ve been puttering around the yard. I bought a blueberry bush to fill a spot in my landscaping where a shrub died this spring, and have fallen in love with it. This afternoon I started an experiment. I pruned back several branches that have grown a bit too tall, and decided on a whim to see if I can root them to start more plants. So I clipped them short, dipped the stems in root-tone, and stuck them in a pot filled with potting soil. There are 10 little twigs in the pot, and it has been plumbed into our watering system. It would be really great if any of them grow roots and survive. I like the taste of our blueberries a lot better than the ones I buy in the store.:bigsmile:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    September goals:
    1. Log every bite
    2. Move more.
    3. Drink at least 4 glasses of water daily.
  • yoyonomore55
    yoyonomore55 Posts: 350 Member

    Let me know what you use to stay clear and calm, would love the info!

    BJ- I spent a lot of time outside this summer- especially kayaking and hiking. For me it is thinking of the calm,quiet, and beauty found in nature that keeps me calm. I didn't do so well last year with staying calm with situations at work, so I worked hard this summer to store up a lot of memories to sustain me through this school year.

    Did you give up all grains including whole grains? I have been having some minor but annoying joint pain lately I don't eat much in the line of grains, but have recently started eating P28 flatbread and P28 bread. I like them because they are high in protein and supposed to be whole grain. I eat very little meat and no fish or seafood.

    Deb A in CNY
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Well girls my toes doesn't look so good tonight. I haven't had one bit of trouble with the nail beds since I had the nails were removed last Thursday. But today when I took the bandaides off the big toe, around the base, was red and a little tender. So I cleaned it up, washed it real good and put some Neosporin around the base. The doctor gave me me this over the counter cream to put on the nail beds at least twice a day, when I could take the bandaides off when I was sitting around to let them dry out. I have done that. So today I used some Neosporin and then later did a long hot salt warm water soak. Tomorrow I have an appointment to get my hair cut and then nursing home in the afternoon. I know as a diabetic that I should call him, his instructions on the written sheet say call him if it looks inflamed. So I know the one thing that may have to be cancelled tomorrow is the hair appointment. And I really need that. I had her cut my hair in a younger womans style last time and I think I needed to see that I am not a young woman. I am 63.

    I am also not looking forward to the NH visit. Each week she is weaker and weaker. I know because of her mental illness and multiple shock treatments when she was much younger hasn't left her mind as alert as most people but I love helping her bring back memories of my husbands childhood and just talking to her. Plus when she dies it means the end of both our parents. I am now the older generation. And it means a lot of drama with her daughter and I know what kind of a person I have been brought to be and I'm afraid that I may not be able to maintain that and the only place I might lose it would be at the funeral home. I am dreading knowing that the last time I see any care for her Mom is after she is dead.

  • Kalley1959
    Kalley1959 Posts: 287 Member
    Good evening everyone!

    I did go to the Y today even with a migraine. The Excedrin migraine takes the edge off so I could at least walk and do 30 min on the bike. Unfortunately I banged my knee on the bike and am paying for that little mishap.

    I am tired so I'm going to head to bed early tonight.

    G'nite all

    :heart: Sandy from ON
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    Tired and just bumping.....
    Gail, metro ATL
  • rjscott
    rjscott Posts: 22 Member
    We have had two glorious warm days with lowered humidity; cool enough at night to open the windows and get some fresh air. I really love these days!!
    Sylvia–Bruno is adorable!!
    Joyce–your sock solution was brilliant
    Vicki–congratulations on the weight loss and the motivation to clear your boxes; I agree with DeeDee’s advice
    Jodios–hope all your travels go well
    Rori–sorry to hear that work continues to be such a stressful place
    Heather–great PBs
    Joyce–you describe events so well; had to chuckle at your description of trying to answer the phone
    Katla–hope those blueberry shoots root

    I’m still adjusting to the regular school schedule. I teach two sections of biochemistry four days a week. Neither of my classes can meet in the science building because all the classrooms are full. At least I’m getting more exercise walking to and from class. Need some sleep; hope everyone has a wonderful Thursday!

    Rhonda in SE TN
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    :flowerforyou: I did my weight training workout again today, staying with my plan to work out three times a week. I have made it a priority so when Jake wanted to go to Costco, I told him I had to do my workout first.

    :flowerforyou: I got a call this afternoon from the line dance teacher I share the class with on Fridays….she described some health problems and asked me to teach the whole class….I’m sorry she’s not well, but danced the happy dance at the prospect of teaching the whole class….then got busy planning the class and practicing the dances.

    :flowerforyou: Heather, for Valentine’s Day 2012 my hubby bought me 15 pound dumbbells to go with the 10 and 5 pound sets that I have…..that’s as heavy as I can lift for my workout so I do “heavy” lifting at home…..i also have ankle weights that go up to 15 pounds for each ankle….I can challenge myself without going to the gym.

    :flowerforyou: I read all the posts but no time for detailed responses

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington

    “If it’s important to you then you will find a way, if it’s not you’ll find an excuse.”

  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    I did it, caught up with everyone again. So glad to see all the newbies and hope you'll come back often. One thing stuck in my mind as I read and it was make a schedule not a deadline. That is amazing advice. I'm planning to do that on Friday. Tomorrow is another trip into Dallas to see a dr so it will take all day. Love reading all your life stories. Stay strong!
    Sue in TX
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,390 Member
    Meg - I so agree with you, people would be better off visiting and nutruting relationships than eating at events. I didn't relize that the basement saga was still going on!

    Amy - that's wonderful with all the parties, etc your weight stayed the same. I probably would have gained. Whenever I walk downstairs, one of the cats usually follows me and he/she thinks the stairs are a NASCAR track. Great goals

    Joyce - so glad your sister is at home and your daughter and her family are doing so well.

    Heather - you're on your way with all your exercising. In many ways I, too, prefer strength training. I just don't like when you have to go fast, I prefer to go slow. Congrats on winning the lottery (even if it wasn't all that much, it's better than nothing)

    Last night I made some low fat oatmeal raisin cookies. I can keep those in the freezer and hopefully Jess will come this weekend so I'll have something for her. Also took the London Broil and lobster out of the freezer, hope they defrost in time. I still have the corn on the cob in the freezer, that usually doesn't take as long to defrost.

    Went to yoga today and then the deep water. The other day Vince said to me "why do you need to go to the Y, we have a pool here" I just said "yea, but it doesn't go to ten feet" Tomorrow I'll try to connect to the Internet at the Y and if I do I'll do one of the body pump videos. They have these squeeze clips, but I bought a pair of locking clips which are much easier to use. Just in case, I'll take a Jari Love DVD with me that I know I can use the barbell with.

    Suzy in DE - did you have that salad at home? I understand about how much dressing places put on food. Maybe you could have rinsed half of it and then mixed it together?

    Joyce - you are so funny! I sure hope your toe doesn't get any worse. You are such a great woman

    luckyinlove - congrats on the voting. I know they made the right choice

    Paula - thanks for the smile

    yanniejannie - I just talked to Jessica, she said she'd be here next weekend. I'm getting to the point where I'll believe it when I see it. I do like her cats, but honestly they just don't fit in with our family. They don't get along with other cats and we have 4. That can be a problem. Put the london broil (fortunately it hadn't defrosted) and lobster back in the freezer (they hadn't defrosted either)

    Went to senior bowling. It seems that I can bring my carrots -- lots of others brought protein bars, candy, etc. I was right and not Vince -- what they were referring to was just those "end of season" parties where you bring something. I don't have a problem not having those.

    Then we came home. Originally, we were going to mow and use the weedwacker, but Vince was tired so we didn't. However....that meant I got to go in the pool, even if it was just for an hour. It was so heavely...while I was floating there the waterfall came on.

    I made these chocolate cake donuts. You bake them. Actually, they are the mini-donuts but a serving is 2 so I can have 1 and my chocolate craving is satisfied. Vince even likes them. I did find, tho, that I need to put the powder sugar on them right before I have them. Well...I don't put powder sugar on them but Vince does.

    Gonna get ready for tomorrow.

    Michele in NC
  • sherry3403
    Hello ladies, My name is Sherry and I find the topic interesting, so I am hoping to gain as much encouragement and knowledge to shed these pounds that have been hanging around forever. My goals for September is to loose at least 10 lbs. Increase my exercise workouts to 3 times a week and as always continue to track my progress daily on myfitness pal.:smile:

    Sherry District Heights MD
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Bump to find my place.
  • genealace
    genealace Posts: 240 Member
    Good end of hump day

    Lawn bowled this morning but what a difference from a couple of weeks ago - I grabbed a sweater on my way out of the house and was very glad I had done, I wore it the whole time. But we didn't get any rain although the clouds were very black and threatening.

    This afternoon went to the mall and walked right round as well as doing some banking. I took the cartridges from my printer in to be refilled and then forgot to pick them up on the way out of the mall. Must remember them tomorrow.

    I've been tracking my package to the UK. It left Ottawa, went to Montreal (which is east and in the right direction to go to UK), then it went from Montreal to Indianapolis which is about 1200 km west and the wrong direction to go to the UK. Now I don't seem to be able to track it as it has left North America - the UK web-site doesn't track things being sent by Priority Worldwide mail - you'd have thought that the word "Priority" would be the type of mail that one would want to track (especially when it cost $96 to send it). Anyway, I'll ask at the post office tomorrow - it is right near the ink cartridge shop.

    Did a little bit of lace this evening, but spent the bulk of time sewing up a little cardigan I've made.

    Off to bed.
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,520 Member
    Good evening, lovelies!
    Reb, Sasha, Deedee, Katla, Linda, 2youngatheart, Pam, Gail et al, thanks for the welcome back.

    Katla, mystery goals: "matwork" involves getting down on the floor and doing stretches and exercises from chiropractor and physical therapist mostly to keep knees from going out, partly to loosen up shoulders and neck; "SWSY" is lifting weights following the "Strong Women Stay young" program, that I re-started Tuesday for the first time this year; "HRM" is to finally figure out how to use the Heart Rate Monitor that has been gathering dust for YEARS. Likewise "smartphonewalk" is to figure out how to download a walking program to it and USE it.

    Uh oh, now that I've explained 'em, better do 'em! :)

    Know what you mean about trying to recreate a salad dressing recipe that is no longer available. My favorite brewpub changed their garlic ranch dip (the only ranch I ever liked) to a more fluid ranch dressing. Yuck. Found a yummy base recipe on Pioneer Woman's blog that is the right consistency but way too fat and calorie-laden (figures don't it?). "Healthified" a little it's become a family fave. The secret is to forget the buttermilk, and just use mayo, sour cream and . . . whipped lowfat cottage cheese with your fresh, mashed garlic and herbs.

    Monday was great. Two sweaty hours weeding and clearing out the garden (didn't make a dent). Unpacked two boxes that have been sitting in the office for years. Ironed this week's work clothes. 3 loads laundry. Gotta love that sun in Virgo energy!

    Yesterday work was not "Hair on Fire" (Thanks Sandy that's a great phrase!) which made it easier for me to take a rain check on an invitation to go out drinking. Really wanted to get home early to wish Joe and Scooter bon voyage on their big camping adventure. Walked Dixie 40 mins this morning and 20 mins at lunch but too pooped tonight so its a quick trip to the rainy back yard. Have no idea how many steps I've been doing, lost my pedometer a few months ago. Signed up for a 10,000 steps a day challenge at work and will get a new one with that. Part of the challenge is filling in a personal profile with height weight and the number of steps it takes you to go 50 feet, then it calculates the number of daily steps to maintain your weight (11K+), the number to loose weight without losing muscle mass (17K+) (how do they figure this stuff) and how many steps to burn 1 calorie (26). Oh my dears it was G R I M, so I really needed JB's cartoon ;)

    Now its time to drag Dixie into the rainy back yard and then to bed. What is WITH this weather? Its so warm and damp it feels like St. Louis and not the high desert. Go figure.


    Barbara, the SW Idaho AHMOD of the healthier waist in 2013.

    2013: Focus on the important stuff
    September: Log, matwork, EVERY day. Sweat and SWSY twice weekly. Just for now: trust,let go of anger, be at peace.
    Bonus goals: HRM, Smartphonewalk, scan posts