

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Katla- try


    You will get the comments on the article, including mine, his mum! Just scroll up for the whole article.
    Yes I am VERY proud of him. He is a very talented man and a very hard worker, sometimes too hard.

    The site is temporarily down, but I'll try again later. Lovely picture, but no words. The spot looks very quaint and would make a fun business location.

    I found my way in! What a grand adventure for your son. I wish him every success.

  • Sasha4427
    Sasha4427 Posts: 196 Member
    Hi everyone, happy Sunday and happy September too. I’m dropping in intermittently to read posts when I can. September will be back to bowling and maybe a Sunday yoga class too.

    LinC – the one thing I miss most about NWO is pickerel – I love shore lunch and haven’t had pickerel since I left. I don’t think you can explain pickerel to someone who hasn’t tasted it. Best white fish EVER!

    Liz – nice to see you back. I hope the good memories kick in soon to replace the pain.
    It’s a process that just has to take place and we all do it, just in different ways and times.

    Deb(ileen) – don’t worry, I’m not starving, just had a bit of a ****y stomach and then a really lousy busy day. I have to make sure I eat breakfast from now on to ensure I am ready and able to keep the energy going all day. I’m a bit like DeeDee though and breakfast isn’t my strong suit.

    To those of you who wished me a happy birthday – thank you for the kind wishes. I’m one of those people who spend birthdays navel gazing and looking back and forward. I think I will focus on relationships this next year (as well as finishing off those last few pounds).

    Deborah in AB – I am so looking forward to meeting you when you move to the Island, I am sure we will hit it off well. I plan on retiring there too, just haven’t made up my mind where for sure but I think Courtenay my home town will be it.

    Barbie – I love the word “blessed” and thank you. Sounds like your landscaping is underway in a good way. Have fun and be sure to post the peony photos next year (love peonies – almost as much as lavender).

    Meg – oooooh, you can just see the problems on the horizon for DD1, I really hope she can get perspective soon and realize that parents love their children, just can’t always give in to their whims and desires. Just be ready to pick up some pieces again. You are so patient and caring and balanced– you have my undying admiration!

    Well, it’s time to go make my birthday dinner of salmon and salad (favourite meal). I spent so much time on the phone today with family and distant friends (in between vacuuming up the dog hair – I swear it multiplies geometrically rather than linear – 3 dogs = 3 to the 3rd rather than just 1 plus 1 plus 1).

    Talk to you all soon
    Lila in the sunny (finally) Kootenays where it is starting to feel a little autumn-ish.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Walking is much harder for me to do than the recumbent bikes. So off to the park I go next Saturday!!!!


    Walking is also hard for DH, although he's doing better on a good day. We got a recumbent trike for him and it gave him so much freedom to go places. We've had it a couple of years now, and it is a lifesaver for him. They're not cheap, but worth saving up for. If you can walk any distance I think you're wise to keep challenging yourself.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    :flowerforyou: Another lovely day…….beautiful weather……slept later than usual----long walk with dogs----more work in the yard (digging and carrying rocks)…..time for computer chores while Jake went to lunch with a friend----laundry----more dog walking----relaxing time watching football, baseball, and favorite TV shows…..now the dogs want to go out again.

    :grumble: Brandy has been limping in the house but going for walks with the same energy and speed as always….we have an appointment with the vet tomorrow to see what’s wrong.

    :grumble: Sylvia, I still have a bruise from a collision with Sasha but it’s nothing like your injuries from the dog door……I hope you’ll be moving better soon.

    :flowerforyou: Renny, congrats on your 5K…….we’re coming to Victoria for the day on Thursday with some friends….hope the great weather continues

    :bigsmile: Pat, I’m glad to hear that you’re connected to the great people in OA…….they will not only let you know that you’re not the only one with an odd relationship with food, but also that there is a solution.

    :bigsmile: Lila, salmon for your birthday sounds yummy and healthy

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington

    “If it’s important to you then you will find a way, if it’s not you’ll find an excuse.”

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Barbie: You are so lucky. With only a short drive to Port Angeles and a ferry ride, you're in the Magic Kingdom. I LOVE Victoria :heart: :heart: :heart: and haven't been there in several years. Say hi for me. :wink:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon
  • funkim55
    funkim55 Posts: 216 Member
    Count me in!!!

    Since July 2013, I have lost 24 pounds!!! I hope to lose another 20 pounds by December 2013.

    I am 5'4'', and I currently weigh 222.6 pounds.
  • SusanL222
    SusanL222 Posts: 585 Member
    bump for later
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :flowerforyou: Renny, congrats on your 5K…….we’re coming to Victoria for the day on Thursday with some friends….hope the great weather continues
    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington

    I'll see if I can arrange some good weather for you on Thursday, Barbie! One day only? Let's meet up some day when we can pre-arrange to meet. I work downtown Victoria, if you are coming on the Coho.

    Anyone else want to meet up in Victoria? Lila and Katla, right?! :bigsmile:

    I did really well in eating/drinking department today. I decided to put post-it notes on a couple of things that say: "No thank you, I won't have any today" :bigsmile: such as on the wine keg, the cookie jar and the peanut butter. It helped that the tough exercise this morning left me with endorphins for the rest of the day! :tongue: THAT should tell me something.

    Also, I met up with my old jazzercise instructor on the walk. I used to really enjoy jazzercise years ago, and if the schedule works I would like to get back to that.

    Okay, I still need to water the hanging baskets and then I am done for the evening.

    Have a great week, everyone.
    from sunny Vancouver Island, BC
  • edraper70
    edraper70 Posts: 211 Member
    Hi, I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend!

    It's been very hot here too...in the low hundreds every day for awhile. They promise low 90s this week. I love hot weather, but not with the humidity we have had this week.

    Within the last couple of weeks we found out that both of our sons wives are expecting. One is due in March (their third) and the other in May (their second...although number one is my son's step-son). We're hoping one is a girl, but 5 little boys running around would be fun too. The three they have are 7, 5 and 3. We also have 3 older gc...22, 19 and 16. LOVE it!

    It's been wonderful reading about all the landscaping, cooking, and weight loss. I read every day even if I don't post often.

    Eileen slowly cooling down in San Diego
  • rjscott
    rjscott Posts: 22 Member
    This morning was perfect for a bike ride. Went with a friend around 8:30 for just over an hour and saw 9-12 wild turkeys in someone’s yard. In the afternoon, I drove out to an apple orchard with my mom and bought apples for applesauce and baking. Cooked up one batch of applesauce and made an apple cobbler to share with DS#2 and his girlfriend. He took all the leftovers back to his apartment to share with his roommates (got that temptation out of the house!!).
    Michele–so sorry to hear about your friend losing his younger brother
    Renny–congratulations on good cholesterol and scale numbers; thanks for sharing your wisdom about being there for our kids; congrats on the 5K
    Joyce–it is so hard to let our kids be on their own and watch when they don’t make the choices that seem to make the most sense; congrats on going back to the Y and using the elliptical
    Rori–the new bathroom sounds wonderful
    Grandmallie–glad the heel continues to feel better; yea for buying the petite skinny jeans
    Heather–the ravioli looks so good! Enjoy your babysitting time
    Liz–glad to have you posting again; so glad you have your memories
    Linda–Ouch! sorry about your back
    Sylvia–I like your idea of “granny wipes!!” Ouch; too bad the dogs didn’t warn you before plunging into the house
    Katla–dried cherry tomatoes; let us know how they work in soups and stews
    Sue–hope the bath remodeling goes smoothly
    Jodios–congrats on losing weight while traveling; loved the word picture of working out in a tiny hotel room
    Molly–what a great trip to look forward to
    Meg–thinking of you as you deal with DD#1
    Jane–have a great time with Violet
    Eileen–what exciting news from your sons
    Guess I’d better call it quits for the night. I managed to balance the checkbook and get the wireless connection on my laptop working so I can use it in my classes tomorrow. Continuing prayers for comfort, strength, and healing to all who need it.
    Rhonda in SE TN
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,391 Member
    Joyce - I've never heard of a recumbant elliptical! But I bet it would be a good workout. I really love my DVR, as a matter of fact, it's very rare that I watch just "regular" TV. And when I do, many is the time when I try to fast forward thru the commercial only to find out that I can't.....lol I really like having the leasure to watch my shows when *I* have the time rather than having to commit to a certain time.

    Annwilliams - welcome

    Heather - I hope you get to France, but you're right, if it causes dh stress, it's worth cancelling. We usually go to Florida in February. Vince likes to go to the Daytona 500. Just reading about your food I can see where your son gets his love of culinary arts from! I love the golden (orange) beets! Wish we could get them here. Oh, I can get them -- in the health food store and are they ever expensive! Good luck at WM - they will usually do an even exchange for you.

    Just got back from church and there was this really cute little kid there running around. It just reminded me that I'll never get to see Bryan and Diana's children. So how did I cope? I ate some low fat oatmeal raisin cookies. Enough is enough now..... Wonder why he hates me so much?

    katla - I can't think of any fish that I don't like. There are some that I've never tried like octopus or eel, but everything that I've tried, I've liked. Vince is the same way as your dh..I almost never can do something right, he ALWAYS has to redo it. Oh well....I just smile to myself.

    Sylvia - hope your bruises heal quickly. Congrats on being down in weight. I would be skeptical, too, about that chicken salad.

    Pat - keep on sharing with us all what you glean from OA. It's all very interesting. I totally agree with you about Meg's daughter (putting down strict expectations). However, in her daughter's case, that might just be too much for the girl to handle. I'm sure Meg will do the right thing for the girl. Hope the Cardinals listen to you. Is that baseball????? Shows you how much I know about sports. Yea, I think Cardinals is baseball.

    Went to the funeral for Ken's brother. It was..in a word...different. Not something that I'm used to. I took cookies for the family and a card, not one person there had even a card for them. There was a service in a chapel attached to the funeral home. After the service, I put the cookies in Lynette's car and we drove home. Honestly, Ken looked terrible. Probably lots of pain killers in addition to little sleep contributed to it. Seems his brother was a bit on the outs with the rest of the family. It was interesting that the pastor who evidentally married him the previous month never met any of the brothers. You would have thought that he would have met them at least at the wedding. Well, in a week or so depending on the weather, we'll probably have Ken & Lynette over. Ken and Vince can play music and I know that Lynette wants to go in the pool so we'll do that. The third brother seemed very upbeat, he wasn't at the casket receiving people or anything. Interesting. Well....I'm not going to dwell on it.

    I sent Bryan and Diana an email saying that I was thinking of them and for them to send me their new address (they moved back to LaReunion a week or so ago). Why they moved to LaReunion, I don't totally understand. The first time Bryan was there he was renting with some other girls and evidentally he was having financial troubles, he was doing tutoring on the side to earn extra $$$. So why would you go back to where you were struggling??? I suspect that perhaps Diana likes it there. I'm not sure because I don't really know her. Jessica did say once that she likes being in a comfort zone, she doesn't like change. And LaReunion is comfortable for her. It just really saddens me to know that I'll never see Bryan again or his children. I guess today is one of my down-in-the-dumps days.

    Tomorrow I'm planning to do some yoga, then hold my plank (I'm going to put the TV on to distract myself) and then go to the extremepump class.

    barbie - hope its nothing real serious for Brandy. Let us know what the vet says

    funkim - aewsome loss!

    Michele in NC
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Michelle, if you have ever seen rehab commercials for nursing home they show the physical therapy department. I usually see these int eh commercials. I am hoping that after getting used to the way the feet work in them that I can finally get on a standing one and make it work for me but with the MS it takes a lot of stamina. So I may have to take the attitude of if it works, don't fix it.

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,804 Member
    morning ladies, well hot damn I lost a few ounces:laugh: im finally down under 154,I dont know how long that has taken, but I will be doing the happy dance when I hit the 50 lb mark...
    slow and steady wins the race:bigsmile: maybe, just maybe I will hit that before I go to florida next month!!!
    fell asleep around 8 pm and awake at 1:30:noway:
    having lemon water and gonna get to the gym...
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    Good morn all.Daughter & her hub have been here since Thurs.Lots of family doings,too much shopping & way to much food!

    Still tracking,been under on calories,but not the best food for watching weight.Oh,we'll.....they live out of state. Our other DD lives near by & I love seeing the girls together.They have always been best friends,still are.I like to just sit back to watch & listen.

    Weather has been great in Ohio,tho we are looking for the temp to go up.Hope everyone is having a great wk.We are off to the Amish area for an over night visit.. Patceoh
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    I hope everyone had a fantastic weekend! I did, it was beautiful and sunny here, although the humidity came back yesterday, but that`s okay, the sun was out:bigsmile: :glasses: !!! I had a fun time with the guys yesterday, one of the guys even polished his fingernails red on a counter dare:laugh: , I have great pictures of it, and have already sent a pic to his son in college:laugh: ! I can be a little mean at times:tongue::wink: !

    Sylvia:smile: Oh my, hope your legs will be okay:flowerforyou: ! Sometimes our fur babies can be a little rowdy, my 13 pound Bichon will come running and jump on me and almost knock me over:noway: :laugh: . I can`t imagine a bigger doggie running into me.

    Barbie:smile: Hope Brandy will be okay:flowerforyou: ! My friend Gary has a beautiful Australian Shepard:love: who has a torn ligament, he was hobbling for about a week before Gary took him to the vet, they have him on an anti-inflammatory and he`s doing much better!

    Grandmallie:smile: Yay, the dreaded scale is moving in the right direction!!!!

    Welcome to everyone new!!! Please come in often and chat!!!

    Time for me to get my behind up and out the door!!! Have a wonderful day ladies! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!!

    DeeDee in gorgeous NC:glasses:
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Good morning!

    Talk about unfairness! I got on the scale this morning and was delighted to find I had lost a tiny bit more, making a total of 2.2 pounds over the weekend. Then my husband got on the scale and he had lost 3.4 pounds. Now, that sounds pretty good till you consider that he ate like a pig all weekend! He ate an entire 12 pack box of ice cream sandwiches, a mountain of BBQ, French fries, cookies, enough rice for four people, and a box of breakfast cereal in front of the tv like it was popcorn. He said, "well, I DID run out of icecream sandwiches." Grrrrrrrr.

    The new puppy is a real joy. MFP should list laughing as a cardio exercise. This little guy is a real clown. And the most affectionate dog I've ever had. Plus he's doing extremely well with potty training. He had two accidents the first day he was home and none since. Today is a week since we got him. I think the doggie door has been a huge help. He is, however, entering the chewing on everything stage, so we have to watch him like a hawk. I went in the bathroom to take a shower yesterday and when I came out there were pens and markers on the floor, one of my shoes in the recliner with the laces untied, four stuffed animals dragged out the doggie door into the yard, and a box of breakfast cereal taken off the table. I caught him with his head in the box! I swear I wasn't even gone very long. His big sister is not always very tolerant of him, especially when it comes to her toys. She will occasionally snap at him and he will cower in fear for about three seconds, then he's right back to his bubbly little self. He doesn't take her too seriously. I had forgotten how much fun it is to have a puppy.

    Well, I hope you all have a wonderful day!

  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    Hi all you vitamin F pals

    Had a fair day yesterday pain wise but can't say the same for the night. Had my shower and half dressed. Have to wait for hubby to get home to drive me to Hospital I have to stop this bull headedness. I was in the frame of mind Dr. said it was a bruise well then ok. But I want an x ray done. I'm experiencing numbness in spots don't need that. I'll come back with what they say. I still don't believe that doctor didn't order an x ray.

    I'm trying to lose with diet only I went and changed my profile to sedentary for the time being and that cut back on the calorie intake. And there's no exercise points to go on. Oh well. Wii gave me 1.5 lb loss for the weekend. So that's ok.

    Linda in Northern Ontario
  • Anamika703
    Anamika703 Posts: 202 Member
    Hello Friends
    Have not been posting but have been going through the pages which are filling up so fast.......
    :drinker: Grandmallie great news about your weight going down
    :flowerforyou: Michelle your workout plan seems great. going out for mine. As for bryan's kids...... hang on they too would like to be with their grandmother..... one day at a time, right ?
    :flowerforyou: Joyce u did it, went to the Y :)
    :flowerforyou: edraper70 Congrats!
    :smile: Barbie thanks for keeping the bar high and steady, hope Brandy is fine
    :bigsmile: Lila Happy birthday
    :smile: Meg sometimes our children insist on trying our patience, yet we all join u in saying God bless her!
    :flowerforyou: Rebelrenny congrats on your 5k
    :smile: Katla Can see u having wonderful Salmon meals.... enjoy
    Off to do a Jillian Michaels workout... 30 day shred
    then my strength challenge push ups and plank
    Happiness to all
    Anamika from Mumbai
  • shapefitter
    shapefitter Posts: 900 Member
    Since my first post yeasterday, I have discovered that MFP has estimated my BMR wrong. For you who don't know what this means; BMR, is the calories each and everyone is given on the day we join MFP, and is based on what our bodies need to survive. That, is to say if we where in bed with a cold for example, (like I am at the moment).
    Anyway, MFP has given me a daily BMR of just 1300 calories a day. The APP link which you can access free from MFP told me I needed 1568 calories a day. This is making a lot more sence to me, as I am 5'8" tall and weigh a hefty 14 stone (I live with several ovary cysts).
    I ask everyone to double check with a different app from MFP, to see if their BMR matches up.
    I hope mine is an isolated case.