

  • LizPlus
    LizPlus Posts: 117 Member
    Good Morning;
    Grandmallie; Barbiecat; Dee; Gail; Metro; Suzy; Katla; Heather; Jane; Pat; Skuehn48; Meg; Joyce; BJ; Nk1112; Yanniejannie; Texasgal22; Sylvia; Kalley1959; Rhonda; Sue in TX; Rhona; Renny; Poerava14;

    Welcome.....Calitchima; Lisa fr SB; Debbie fr Alabama; Dianak6; Rchilders217..and to those New ones I haven't got here...
    The weather is gorgeous here today..cool and sunny for a change....Hubby has been having a hard time getting his walks in...without them at least 2 times a week he gets grumpy...there are exercising machines in this apartment building but he won't go there..prefers walking outside :grumble: I see they have a weight lifting machine..I might try that out ...
    This last week has been a blur....but I think I have grieved and cried all I can for now....it is time to try to get back to what I normally would do....but I will carry her in my heart....
    I have been updating some books and starting new ones.....tried exercising the other day and I found I got exhausted quickly ...so I have to start back to the beginning in my exercises...my eating has been sporadic but will start back on that again...I have been doing quite a bit of snacking so that has to stop...I haven't gained these past weeks but I haven't lost either :sad: I am going to do a simple Sept goal this time....

    My Sept goal is to lose whatever I can this month... and to drink more water :drinker: :drinker:

    Everyone have a nice relaxing weeknd :flowerforyou:

    Liz... fr Halifax NS
  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    I know I haven't been here for a long long time i'm back and hope to make you proud. Just coming back is hard enough but to post a day over my goal like my first day is ouch.

    Well I had a great summer. The blueberries were not as bountiful as I wished for. My aunt invited me and my pickers to her cottage where we found the berries to our liking. But still and all I could only get about 4 to 5 baskets a day. I asked my aunt who is four years older than I what the problem was and she said look at us we are not getting any younger.

    On the 27th of Aug. I fell and hurt my back doctor says it's badly bruised but I still wish they had done an ex ray as today is ten days i'm still very sore and spend a lot of precious time with the heat pad. And all the medication they put me on constipates me badly. So just added pain. I got myself off Tylenol 3 that is very bad for constipation. Replaced those with Robax but it only dulls the pain for a little while. I sure hope the doctor was right. I'll treat it as a bruise but come Monday if nothing is changed i'm going to go to hospital and ask for an ex ray.

    Other than that all is great. Hubby is away this weekend gone fishing with son and son's father in law. Hope he enjoys but sure looks like rain. But i'm glad he took the weekend off. He never stops always finding work that he didn't have time to do before retirering.

    Today i'm making chicken swiss chard soup. That is my plan for my healthy way for today. I certainly can't plan on exercise.

    Now I know I will miss a lot of you. But i'm only doing the last page for individual response otherwise i'm here much to long.

    R Childus
    Do you work 8 hour shifts and not eat. That's a bad situation. Get to hungry and eat all that's in site. As for supper eat a little earlier and maybe have a cup of tea with hubby while he has supper

    Sounds like great fun, Cute dogs dancing. I have two dogs right now I have miniature dashounds. I wanted lapdogs and I got that. Before this I had twice until they died of old age two basset hounds. I find they keep each other company.

    Thanks for befriending me.

    Hope the scale was good to you this morning

    RJ Sott
    Sounds like a good running walking track. Good luck with getting ready for the big day.

    Yea you let it go a couple days and you just can't catch up. I used to go last read thread to them all. But that's way to time consuming. Doing last page only this time around.

    Nice to see you out with the boys. Have fun.

    Sounds like you had a great summer cleaning for winter that you don't get.

    Rebel Renny

    Dinner sounded great. Enjoy while the invitation come around.

    It says it in your name. Mom uncontional love. But sometimes I find they push a little to hard. LOL.

    Renovations look nice once the mess is picked up. enjoy your trip.

    Two years are nothing. I started at 38 here I am 64 but now I don't know if it's menopause or my diabetise.
    Size 14 keep them on even if you have to undo the buttons lol.

    City Jane
    I made all kinds of jams but only allow myself a teaspoon twice a week. But hubby, sons and grandkids like it.
    Sounds like you love to cook.

    Well that it for me today.

    See you all lighter.
  • Kalley1959
    Kalley1959 Posts: 287 Member
    Weigh in this morning and I'm up 4.8 lbs...ugh. I have gone to the Y 6 days of the last 7 and worked out for an hour, my diet hasn't changed. I'm hoping that it's just muscle and water. I guess next week will tell.

    I'm off to the Y, have a great Saturday everyone.

    :heart: Sandy from ON
  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    I read somewhere that never give up. I never give up but i'm gone sometimes to long. I'm back and hope I can do good.

    I'm Linda and just returning from taking a few months off. I hear through your post you have lost someone very dear to you. Grieve if you have to. But remember life goes on. You must take care of you.
  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    If you read my post you know I'm doing this just by dieting can't exercise with this back yet. Hopefully soon. But I know it's possible by diet only. Many have done it.
    See you all lighter.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,365 Member
    LizPlus- Congrats to you for not gaining while you are grieving. That is a major achievement!:flowerforyou: :heart:
    I hope life starts to smile on you from now on.:smile:
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member

    The best thing I came up with was to put a package of baby wipes in the refrigerator, and in a little cooler by my side of the bed at night, to wipe my face and neck. It helps. Maybe they could make some special ones infused with lavender or something and call them "granny wipes".

  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    Good morning!

    We've been to drop off my car for service and have a little loaner car that is NEON GREEN. Should be very easy to keep track of! Should be able to pick mine back up by late afternoon.

    Grandmallie – did the menopausal symptoms appear when you got the shots and started the prednisone, or did you already have them? I can't recall. When our son was so ill and in the hospital, he was was often hot and sweaty and the nurses told us it was a common reaction to the tylenol and similar drugs. Of course, he was also on a host of other medications, so perhaps drug interactions played a role.

    Barbie / Michele - I agree that an extra dog doesn't tie you down any more, yet our Missy likes being an only dog and is about 12 years old, so the prospect of another younger dog added in to the timeline is not appealing to me. We previously also had a second dog and then, when our son was back home, there were three of them!. Missy is yellow lab, australian shepherd and shar pei, so a bit high strung with a sometimes testy personality. She is always on patrol, but scared of thunder. It is funny to watch her - she'll do a perimeter check of all the windows around the house several times a day, and does the same in the back yard. We've also previously had pairs of mini-schnauzers (George & Gracie), which we loved so much. They were our favorites out of all we've had over the years.

    Well, need to get on to my list of chores for the day.

    Gail, metro ATL
  • phoo513
    phoo513 Posts: 231 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies!

    It's going to be a busy day again. Two meetings and more time at the scrapbook shop. It will keep me out of trouble! (ya, right)

    I visited my little lady friend yesterday and came away angry! One of her night time caregivers is not doing a good job, and I don't know if I should try to intervene with the family or not. The caregiver held her wrists to help her out of bed instead of lifting her properly. Her poor wrists are now banded with bruises because any pressure on her poor skin cause massive bruising. Her son is with her for the weekend, so I think I will wait and see what he does before I overstep my boundaries. I was really angry when I saw her poor arms.

    Meg- I do talk about my negative spirits in OA, and I also spend time talking about them w/ my friends because they can tell when I start pulling back and call me on it. I love my friends!

    Joyce- It doesn't matter how long it takes to hit that one mile, you hit it! That's good! I don't think the calories burned count on the machines is correct most of the time. I just come back here to MFP, log in my time and use their counts. That way the log is consistently using the same calibrations. Congratulations, again, on getting to the Y at all. I still haven't crossed the doorstep to our rec center in over a month. I need a firm kick in the pants.

    NK1112- What a beautiful smile you have!

    TexasGall- Loved the cartoon!

    YannieJannie- Congratulations on the bike ride!

    Sylvia- Good for you for not giving in to the guys! Some people just seem to feel entitled, don't they. Keep up the good work!

    Dianak and RChilders- Welcome!

    BarbieCat- I have thise image of just being able to see your head sticking out from under the bedcovers with piles and piles of dogs covering you (think 20 or 30 dogs) You are going to be plenty warm this winter! Yes, I am in the process of reading one book on the Al-anon concepts and steps and one book that deals with the grief process and the losses that we need to be aware of as adult children. They are very revealing books.

    Sandy- I think a day off from the cardio to rest those knees was a good idea. The sauna and whirlpool probably need a world of good for you!
    Don't let the gain throw you, keep up with your plan and the weight will drop again.

    Joyce in IN- I am so sorry that you are dealing with such painful issues. Your questions about how much? how long? why? are all valid, and, I think, in your heart you know what the right answer is for you and your family. You can only carry people so long, even if you do love them more then you love yourself! Love is sometimes very hard, isn't it. As far as the car goes, your daughter needs to deal with her insurance company, that's why we buy insurance. If she doesn't like the settlement, well, then she and her hubby have some decisions to make for their own lives, now don't they. Just my opinion.

    Grandmallie- I have been on hormone replacements since I had to have a total hysterectomy when I was 30! I will NOT give up my estrogen replacements, I will not. I see nothing wrong with using them because they do help keep my system stabilized. Why suffer when there is an easy fix.

    Liz- There is no timeline for grief. Let it happen as it will, you know what is best for you. I am so sorry that you are suffering, and I am sending prayers for peace of mind and heart.

    Ok- Time to get ready for the day.

    For today: Breakfast: 2 slices of toast and pumpkin butter
    lunch: yogurt, rice cake and wedge of cheese
    supper: soup, I think.......... sorry, nothing sounds very good right now....

    Have a great Saturday, My Friends!
    Pat (Phoo in Az)
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,365 Member
    For anyone who is interested I have put a photo of some of my ravioli (we made 28) as the last one on my profile photos. There is a pot of my plum jam popping its head up behind.
    Unfortunately there are not enough ravioli for us to have tonight so they have gone straight in the freezer, (probably a good thing!) :laugh: We did make tagliatelli with the left over pasta so will be having Tagliatelli Putanesca for dinner. Much less fattening!
    This is the first time I have made fresh pasta since I started my diet in June 2012. I have used the guests who are coming in a fortnight's time as an excuse!:bigsmile: The wife of DH's nephew is a huge pasta fan.

    DH has just brought in mountains of plums off the tree. We will eat some raw, cook some to have with yoghourt and stone and freeze some for future cooking. Last year we only had about 3 plums! The year before we had masses.

    Sorry to be posting so often today, but I was doing a very happy dance over my ravioli and wanted to share it with you :love:

    Heather UK
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy Sat to you all.
  • wideeyedwonder
    Hello everyone, can anyone tell me how to join this group? Any group here? Do we just jump in and post? Thanks for the help; I'm new to MFP just yesterday.
  • losingthebulge
    I'm new here today and am needing encouragement to lose 40 pounds by the first of the year. Since I have a large amount of weight to lose, I think this is doable providing I stick to my food and exercise plan. Today I am motivated and am doing well so far. All I can do is to take it one day at a time.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Grandmallie: I used to get up in the night and “surf the net” or read a lovely romance until the hot flash passed and then go back to bed. I did not take hormone replacement therapy. The women in my family who did so all ended up with breast cancer. Two aunties died from it. Good luck. Hot flashes are a rite of passage.:flowerforyou:

    Heather: I was sitting here wondering what beet root is, since we enjoy beets now and then. The beets we enjoy are the root, all red, round and bulbous. Then there are beet greens, which are the tops. I’m guessing this is another occasion where the “King’s English” and “American English” diverge, but I am asking in case there is another type of beet I don’t know about.:smile:

    Liz: I prefer walking outside, too, unless the weather is truly horrid. My DH grabs onto any excuse to avoid going to the gym. I’m thinking he has taken too much Vitamin LZ. I don’t succeed in getting him there often enough.:noway:

    Lin: Welcome BACK! You have been missed. Chicken/swiss chard soup sounds yummy. It makes a lovely meal in my book. I hope your back pain eases quickly. I find that gentle stretching helps me when I’m sore. However, pain is a gift from God that tells us we need to take care of ourselves. It sounds like you have good ideas to take care of your back. DH has MS and has been unable to do any exercising until recently. He went on this diet/lifestyle change when I did in October. He has lost a good amount of weight even without exercise. You can, too. It is slower, though, so you’ll have to be patient with yourself.:flowerforyou:

    Gail, Barbie and Michelle: I also agree that an extra dog doesn’t tie you down more than one but, like Gail, I don’t want to add another to my family just now. Gail, I love the names you gave your Schnauzers, George and Gracie.:laugh:

    Pat (Phoo): I think you have good ideas about your friend whose care giver is not doing the job well enough to avoid bruising her wrists, but I might tell the son I’d seen bruises on her wrists and ask him to check to be sure they’re healing well. If she wears long sleeves he may not see them on his own. I find I am getting pushy as I get older. I don’t think it is a bad thing. I spent too long keeping quiet and nothing really bad came of it, but nothing good did, either. I finally came to the conclusion that I was letting people down by staying silent. :blushing:

    Heather: Congratulations on having fun with your pasta machine and plums. Happy Dancing with you!:bigsmile:

    Newbies: Welcome! You have joined the group just by posting and you can find us again under Community – My topics. We have people here from all over the place and it is fun knowing where everyone is from. Please let us know your location in your signature. Good luck.:flowerforyou:

    We went out to dinner with neighbors last night and the women went dog walking afterward. One of my neighbors lost her glasses. This morning we went back to the park and she found them! Yay! DH has gone fishing with her husband today. I hope he comes home with a salmon. :love: I have cooking and meat freezing to do while he's out. I’m going to make some meatloaf to put into the freezer. Our freezer was packed to the gills and we made a decision to eat frozen meats from it until it was nearly empty before buying fresh meat. We didn’t keep to that perfectly, but we have worked it down and eaten things before they got freezer damage. Now we have room for a little stocking up. We also dried some more cherry tomatoes and this time they are almost crunchy. I’m thinking of adding them to soups and stews during the winter. Maybe I’ll put some in salads, too. We still have plenty of fresh ones on the vines at the moment.:bigsmile:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    September goals:
    1. Log every bite
    2. Move more.
    3. Drink at least 4 glasses of water daily.
  • wideeyedwonder
    The dancing poodles made me laugh out loud! Thanks! It felt really good to laugh!
  • wideeyedwonder
    Thanks, Katla49 for the info about joining and finding you again. I appreciate it. I also enjoyed reading your post.

    wide-eyed in Utah
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    Weigh in this morning and I'm up 4.8 lbs...ugh. I have gone to the Y 6 days of the last 7 and worked out for an hour, my diet hasn't changed. I'm hoping that it's just muscle and water. I guess next week will tell.

    I'm off to the Y, have a great Saturday everyone.

    :heart: Sandy from ON

    Sandy, I just read this on Spark People

    Question: I just started exercising to lose weight, but I've gained weight. Why did this happen?

    Answer It's true that many people either gain a little weight or don't see any change on the scale for as long as 4-6 weeks after making a significant change in their level of exercise. This is often explained as "gaining muscle while losing fat" but that isn't quite accurate. This extra weight is usually water.

    When you start doing more exercise, your body begins storing more fuel in your muscle cells, where it can be used easily and quickly to fuel your workouts. The process of converting glucose (carbohydrates) into fuel that your muscles actually store and use (glycogen) requires three molecules of water for every molecule of glucose. As your muscles are building up glycogen stores, your body has to retain extra water for this purpose. That's what causes most of the initial weight gain or lack of weight loss. This is a good thing—not something to worry about.

    However, despite what the scale says, you are actually losing fat during this time. The extra water retention will stop once your body has adjusted to its new activity level. At that point, the scale should start moving down. You'll end up with less fat, and muscles that can handle a larger amount of work.

    Written by Dean Anderson, Certified Personal Trainer
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    I did it!!!!!!!1:smile::blushing: :heart: :smooched: I went back tot he Y today. When I was going so routinely before almost as soon as I finished eating lunch I change into my exercise clothes and head out tot he Y. Well I have been sitting and watching TV and the time just passes. So I finished lunch, got up changed clothes and out I went giving myself a high five and pat on the back as I was driving. I found out the name of the machine I have been using. It's called a recumbant elliptical. Hopefully it is in the exercise data base becasue I have no idea how to add one or even add quick calories burned. Some how I can do it in the food diary but not the exercise. But I did 2 miles instead of the 1. I did it at a slower pace so I could sustain it longer. Also since it is an ellipitical I really emphasized on using my arms. Yeahhhhh!!!!!!

  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    Had a great day so far. Moving a little more. But still some pain but got to think of all the people that live with constant pain. Hopefully mine will leave.

    My soup is brewing.

    What I learned most about having two dogs is it's much easier to train. You pup will take your older dogs habits. And another thing when you lose one not as hard when you have another.
    I have a lot of green tomatoes ate a lot of little cherry tomatoes but wondering if the big ones will turn red before a frost. One Is almost ready to eat.

    Interesting topic on gaining when starting to exercise. Logic.

    See you all lighter.
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Happy Saturday everyone.
    Katria love the Vit LZ because that has been me the last few weeks.!

    LinC - I've missed you!!!BTW I also slipped off my garden cart and bruised my sciatic nerve and glut muscle. Boy does it hurt and it's impossible to walk. I also sat on a heating pad until I went for a therapeutic massage. She advised me to ice those muscles as she said heat brought blood to the site and made it hurt? Can't say if I really understood what all she said but I did go to ice and I'm slowly getting more able to walk. Still look like an old lady getting up and down. (Guess it's because I am an old lady!)

    Sylvia - I think you may be on to something with the "Granny Wipes". You'd better get a patent and start production right away.
    I also got hot flashes when they put me on steroids. I felt like my motor was running but I couldn't get in gear. UP all night cooking, ironing, and I don't know what else.

    Worked in the garden for the first time since I hurt my back (really my butt) and got one bed weeded. Got too hot by 10:00 so DH and I went to town and ran errands. Picked out a paint color for our master bath remodeling which is starting either next week or the week after. It would be nice to know which so I could prepare.

    Have a great weekend and enjoy life.
    Sue in TX