
  • etak17
    etak17 Posts: 71 Member
    Just ducking back in for a sec.

    Gail . . . :flowerforyou: :drinker: :flowerforyou: :drinker: :flowerforyou: happyhappyhappyhappyhappyhappyhappy BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!! :flowerforyou: :drinker: :flowerforyou: :drinker: :flowerforyou:

    Janie . . . I've think I've heard of "You Are Your Own Gym" - I'll be interested in hearing what you think. Oh my gosh - the bunnies - hysterical :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Kate in Brooklyn
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,971 Member
    Quick check in. I'm none the worse for wear with my yellow jacket stings. One on the back of my thigh is a little red and puffy. DH missed it with the bite stick. The others that he did treat aren't even noticeable today.

    Deb, good luck with the inspires. I had one when they first came out, but I usually used the plate that turned it back into an 84. I think they are more user-friendly now, but I still love my 84 so I will keep it. I had to leave the inspire with the school when I changed jobs.

    Off to walk,
  • Okay, dropped back in to add something and I see it's


    HAPPY BIRTHDAY! ~ Janie, Pacific NW
    :laugh: coulld this be you birthday exercise dancing? :laugh:
    2998523qxu92rs91u.gif 2976356a7mmlkgrju.gif 2998523qxu92rs91u.gif
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy birthday Gail.:flowerforyou: :drinker: :drinker:
  • Happy Birthday Gail! :happy:

    Darla, Ohio
  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,081 Member
    Hello Friends,

    Happy Sunday. I'm HOME for another 2 weeks so trying to get some projects done. Yesterday DH and I came to a quick consensus (this happens as often as a planetary alignment) at Home Depot. After years of living with a sad looking master bath, we'll soon be getting a new vanity, sink and faucet. Can't wait.

    Meg: Good for you and DH for getting the dancing started. You sound like a gal after my own heart.

    Barbie and Jodios: Thanks for pushing the weight training challenge. I’ve needed to get myself to a class or gym to introduce some variety to my exercise routine. Now, I’ll have focus. Count me in!

    Jane: Proud of you for getting out to the gym and for your walks. I like artichokes steamed till they are soft. Peel off the tough outer leaves. Eat the soft side of the inner leaves with a drizzle of olive oil and sea salt.

    Garom21: Your goals sound sensible and I agree in starting realistically. In his book “The Heart of Change” John Kotter talks about getting quick wins as a way to begin to initiate permanent change.

    JuliesInsulin: Welcome, and I hope you will continue to post. Next time, please let us know where you are from. We so enjoy the global scope of this community.

    Suebdew: Best of luck in your match this Tuesday.
    Sandy in Ontario: Cheers to you for doing the mile on the track and all your smart planning for the movies and week ahead. WTG!

    Melanie: I don’t dance Bollywood, or even Hollywood style, but I’m doing a happy dance for you in celebration of exceeding 50 pounds lost. Keep it up!

    Michelle: Lucky Lance! Not only does the daily insulin help, but the daily brushing will minimize likelihood of hairballs. My tabby, Mars loves to be brushed, so I do it while we are outside on our daily walk. He walks on a leash like a puppy.

    Gail: I’m green with envy…a massage, a facial and a gift of a fitbit. Happy, healthy and fun birthday, and you deserve it!

    Janie: I can’t get enough of those cardio poodles! Seen them about 5 times and still crack up. And now the bunnies...cute!

    Anamika: Happy Friendship Day to you, too. Looking forward to getting to know you better.

    Grandmallie: Excellent, excellent way to deal with the big Italian restaurant meal and dessert options. Proud of you.

    DeeDee: You’ll dissolve those sodium pounds soon. Meanwhile, keep that tiara on and be good to yourself during the nice sunny days. Has your injury healed up?

    Crumbecky: Welcome. I hope you find the encouragement and motivation you need from this community. I know I have. Keep coming back.

    Jeneba: I love Marianne Williamson, and I hope you share some her wisdom with us.

    Hrbo: Welcome. Your attitude is superb and if you are ever feeling emotionally or physically challenged you have a community here that will help pull back onto the path of optimum health.

    Genealace: How lovely of you to visit your Aunt and another person in a retirement home. I’ve done some tatting, and stand in awe of anyone who can make lace. Hope the appointment for bone density scan goes well.

    Sunbaby: Welcome and keep coming back. I used to visit FB, Twitter and other social media sites. However, this is the only site I visit now. It’s essential to my health, whereas the other ones are just fun, but don’t support me.

    Deb A: Best of luck to you with the teaching and home improvement challenges. A clean, organized house helps my state of mind and quality of focus. There must be something to feng shui.

    Heather: Too bad DH’s DD had to learn a hard lesson through this terrible incident. I’m not a cheese person, but enjoy a nice piece of brie now and then. Good for you committing to colon check. I recently lost a friend from high school who succumbed to colon cancer.

    Kate: C25K – you can do it! You inspire me to push a little longer on the treadmill.

    Katla: Cheers to you. Not easy to bust through a plateau (oh, how well I know this!)

    PatPhoo: Did not know you are singer. I hope the queasiness completely disappears and you have a fantastic visit with the opera singers.

    AFFIRMATION FOR THE DAY: I recognize the barriers to achieving my goals and I move around them, over them and through them.

    Stay well.
    Rori in the Colorado Foothills

    August Goals:
    Nourish my mind and faith with daily positive affirmations.
    80 oz of water per day, except on flight days
    Embrace the strength training challenge and seek professional help with it at my community center
    Get a double digit number on my weight loss ticker.
  • jfenner141
    jfenner141 Posts: 146 Member
    Hello All! Been busy today with jam making - finally cool enough to really use the stove! I haven't made jam in years, so this is almost a new adventure for me. Yesterday was blueberry jam and today was peach-mango-ginger jam - all with very little sugar/Truvia. 2 Tablespoons of the blueberry was only about 12 calories! Still picking blueberries, though it's finally starting to slow down a bit.

    Been having some annoyance with the MFP website recently. It seems that it will lock up quite often and I have to shut off the computer for a bit to get it to unlock. Anyone else having this problem? I'm using a new computer and have the same issues when using other computers as well.

    Have a great evening!
    Jill in western Mass.
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Hi everyone. I’m trying to put my dinner in and it says the site is down. Weird. I can do everything else. Nice day today. Went for a walk for 45 minutes and worked in the garden for 1 ½ hours. Had a scrumptious grilled chicken dinner with a honey/lemon/tarragon marinade. DD#1 made the salads without too much trouble except she had no idea how to cut tomatoes into little squares!!! I found it very interesting that she came home from work last night complaining about people who don’t speak English!!! Both DH and I about fell out of our chairs. She hardly speaks English herself and most people can’t understand her and she’s complaining???? OMG. (Those of you who don't know our kids are adopted from Russia)

    Jane: good for you to get that walk in. I’m convinced it’s the little changes that make the biggest difference. I have lots of artichoke recipes, but none use fresh ones. I don’t know what to do with them either!

    Sue (and Cheryl): my best friend’s horse had to be put down and when she died she fell right on my friend’s leg, breaking it just below the knee. She has had multiple blood clots there so now is on anticoagulants and can’t ride any longer.

    Cinderella: welcome!

    Garom21: good goals. I agree with starting small and working up!

    Juliesinsulin: welcome to you too. Glad your thyroid issue is now under control!

    Sue: great job to get some golfing in even though it was hot!

    Barbie: glad you are back to your old self again

    Sandy: great job on the walk. A drive in movie sounds delightful! You’ll save both money and calories by taking your own snacks!

    Melfitnesspal: wow wonderful news on your weight loss! That is awesome!

    Michele: I love your idea of making “inspiration pants”!!!

    Gail: I heard on the weather channel that August is supposed to be cooler than normal for you. Happy birthday!

    Janie: excellent job on the exercise today!

    Anamika: good for you to get that yoga done. I am trying a yoga tape twice a week, and I can’t do any of the poses, but I try and I end up sweating, so I’m doing something. I always say that the downward facing dog bites me!

    Grandmallie: great self motivation to do so well at your restaurant! Be sure to have some down time tonight before starting back at work.

    DeeDee: that sodium weight will be gone in no time! Boss those boys around!

    Becky: welcome to our group. It’s amazing to find out what we actually eat, isn’t it? I was amazed and appalled at the same time!

    Janeba: sometimes it is hard to remain positive isn’t it, especially with all the twists and turns life throws our way.

    Hrbo: welcome! Wow you have done a ton of things (pun not intended!) to get yourself healthy already. Good for you to make yourself the priority and get rid of that junk food even if the kids were mad.

    Genealace: I bet DBF appreciates you being such a good friend. Let us know about the bone density scan

    Sunbaby: you’ll catch on!

    Deb: sounds like you are one busy lady!

    Heather: OMgoodness. I about fell out of my chair when I MISread your post: “so will have English cherries for dessert instead of stewed fruit to save a few CATS” CATS???????? Oh, wait, it’s cals!!!! OK what is a pram suit? I know what a pram is but not a suit for one.

    Kate: thanks for the explanation. You’ll make that goal in no time I’m sure!

    Katla: yay for the weight loss!

    Terri: yummy dinner! Most of us here say that salmon melts the pounds off!

    Pat: glad you are starting to feel better

    Vicki: glad you are having some great weather to enjoy. I love Broken Bow.

    Kay: I missed your post about being stung by yellow jackets. OUCH! Hope the stings are better soon.

    Rori: I am starting to envision a time after the kids move out when we can remodel both bathrooms upstairs. We did the powder room off the dining room 2 years ago and this year I got new custom curtains (actually they are more like valences) for the dining room and am waiting for the hardwood floor. Remodeling is so much fun!

    Jill: I have been having problems with the site too.

    OK I’m off. I need to shower and get my nails done before baseball starts in less than 2 hours! Take care everyone. Meg from Omaha where it is unseasonably cool.
  • melfitnesspal13
    melfitnesspal13 Posts: 377 Member
    Hi ladies,

    Me again. So, first of all thanks for all the congrats on my 51 lb weight loss. I took your advice and went out and bought myself a few things that actually fit, all super cheap because I don't intend on being this size next year :-) I got a beige pair of capri pants for my vacation and a hit up an online garage sale where I bought a pair of jeans and a jean skirt for total of $6. Can't beat that and they fit! When I spend so little I don't mind the fact that in a few months they hopefully won't fit.

    I had my first frozen yogurt since Feb, what a treat that was #2 for doing so well. I enjoyed every last bite. Jill from Mass I wish I had some of that incredible sounding peach/mango/ginger jam!! I have never tried blueberry jam so I should add that to my list. I love apricot and peach jam the best.

    Happy birthday to all the birthday ladies!!! Enjoy.

    Have a great day!

  • meyllisa
    meyllisa Posts: 284 Member
    Hello Ladies, been a really sunny cool day here at last so we got lots of outside work done including killing a wasps nest that was in the garden shed, they are really bad this year for some reason.
    Well I finally lost 1 lb. been the same or up one off and on for ever and then out of nowhere 1 lb gone so happy,I have lost enough in
    inches to go down a few sizes so hanging in is worth the wait
    Happy Birthday to Gail hope you enjoyed your day.
    Vicki: I envy you getting to ride motorcycles, my husband had a Goldwing for over 30 years we enjoyed the open road and met many wonderful sometimes colourful people he retired and his health wasn't good so it was a sad day when we sold the bike,
    Congrats to all the great losses some are having and the NSV as well
    Well wishes to all who are not feeling well,
    Came across this quote and thought I would share

    There comes a time when you have to stop Remembering your mistakes and move on.
    No regrets in life just lessons (:

    Have a great evening Juanita in Sudbury ont.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,131 Member
    :flowerforyou: Becky, welcome, I hope you find this community as helpful as I have……it helped me right from the beginning to log my food at the beginning of the day and stay with the plan no matter what.

    :flowerforyou: Jeneba, I hope you’ll add reading this thread and participating in the conversation to your arsenal of helpful practices…..many of us arrived here discouraged and got the motivation and encouragement we needed.

    :flowerforyou: Suz, it sounds like you have made a fabulous beginning on your weight loss journey…..congrats on standing up to your kids and getting rid of the junk food in the house….I hope you will come back often and become part of the community.

    :bigsmile: :flowerforyou: Genealace, I don’t think I’ve told you how happy I am that you are posting again.

    :flowerforyou: Sunbaby, if you don’t exercise, then walking is the best way to start. I found that using a pedometer motivates me to walk more.

    :flowerforyou: DebA. For someone whose mind is racing in all directions, you have some amazingly clear thought out resolutions…..just stay in the moment and focus on what you are doing right now and don’t worry about responding to all of us….some days it’s just good to be the listener.

    :flowerforyou: Heather, we don’t allow cheese in our house because it would be a terrible binge food for both of us.

    :flowerforyou: Kate in Brooklyn, you did an awesome job of responding to so many

    :flowerforyou: Terri, you’ve made a great beginning with walking, swimming, and exercise

    :bigsmile: Gail

    :flowerforyou: Vicki, your goal of cutting back computer time is a good and healthy one, but I hope you won’t cut back too much on your wonderful posts to us.

    :flowerforyou: Janemartin, you’ve gone through a rough spell, it’s good to hear that you are back on track again.

    :flowerforyou: Janie, enjoy your trip to Sturgis….we came though South Dakota in our RV around the time of Sturgis a few years ago and met some great people headed for the event and heard great stories about their past years of attendance.

    :flowerforyou: After reading about all your exercise and hard work, I got out of my chair and did the last of the 230 squats for the squat challenge (tomorrow is a rest day).:bigsmile:

    :bigsmile: Melanie, congrats on the weight loss.

    :flowerforyou: This has been another lovely day that included a visit from a friend who’s just come back from a trip to Southern British Columbia…..she had fabulous pictures to share…along with that I managed to fit in doing the week’s laundry, walking the dogs, working in the yard which included carrying a lot of rocks, and doing another day of the squat challenge. I am eager to start the strength training challenge.

    :flowerforyou: I hope there will be a lot of you joining in the strength training challenge even if it’s only a simple group of exercises…….don’t let the perfect be the enemy of doing something good.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington

    “If it’s important to you then you will find a way, if it’s not you’ll find an excuse.”

    August Resolutions
    *finish preparing the flower bed in the back yard
    *participate in the new strength training challenge
    *walk 18,000 steps a day
    *act the way I want to feel
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    Gail - wow, you certainly get your steps in!

    janie - I'm always amazed at how sweaty and much water I drink when I do one of Leslie Sanson's DVD's. I know when I got my first one I thought "oh, this is going to be a piece of cake", but you really do work up a sweat!. I tell you, the first time I did HIIT, I thought for sure I was going to die! Now I'm up to an hour on the elliptical. I sprint for 30 seconds and then recover (still pedaling, just not as intense) for a minute. Who needs rain? I'll be more than glad to send you some!!! lol It has helped so much when I log my food before I eat it. Sometimes I'm over but by eliminating something, I can keep the calories down. Sometimes I just need to change what I'm having (like more veges rather than a potato)

    Vince and I went and worked on the pool some today. He cleaned the filters. Boy, were they ever dirty! I swept as much of the red clay as I could and tried to clean off the concrete. Then I vacuumed out the spa and the steps to the pool. Tomorrow we'll probably run the robotic cleaner. Oh, I gotta tell ya....I HATE mice. Just the sight of them gives me the willies. Well, there was a mouse in the pool. Vince was working behingd the equipment pad draining the pump, etc. so his shoes were really muddy. Well, I put on my big girl pants and used the net to scoop that mouse out of the pool. Admitted, I didn't look at it but threw it over the fence. Vince says I should have thrown it further away, but I felt like that was a big achievement for me....I got rid of a mouse. To me, it was a 3' rat.

    Welcome to everyone new. Log in daily and post lots so we get to know more and more about you.

    You have no idea how many times I've walked by the cookies for Vince, because I make them small I have been tempted to have one. Then I just think about how I looked in those pants, and I don't want them any more. I do know that August is usually my worst month as far as water retention goes. It's a LITTLE bit harder to put my watch on. I can still get it on, its just not as loose as it is in October. But this happens every year so I'm not concerned.

    Deb A in CNY - sounds like you have a busy day planned!

    Kate - I'd never heard of Century Link, either. You're right, maybe they're not on the East coast. We have Verizon and haven't had an problem with customer service. So sorry you have problems with Sprint's

    I remember when I had my colonoscopy a few years ago (I'll probably be due for it again next year). Drinking that yukky stuff and constantly stitting on the throne. They weighed me right before the procedure and I'd only lose something like 3 lbs. Not worth it, that's certainly not the way to lose weight!

    genalace - I've never heard of Osteogenesis Imperfecta. Is it Prolia that you're on? How long have you been taking it? I take Reclast for my osteoporosis. You get an infusion of it once/year.

    katla - woohoo breaking that plateau. I just know you smashed it into thousands of little pieces so it can't be put back together.

    grandmalle - would you like to come here and clean?

    Terri - what a lovely day you had. Sounds so wonderful! Good company, good food...what else can one ask for?

    DeeDee - that yellow thing is in the sky again today. Can't believe it, two whole days in a row. I think Vince is going to do the weedwacking today (he mowed the grass yesterday while I was at church) so I'll probably go outside later today and sweep the grass clippings off the driveway, etc.

    Becky - welcome! Log in daily and before you know it, you'll be feeling right at home and will miss it when you don't log in. Yes, it is so important to log each and every bite, especially at first. It's amazing how we think we're doing well, but when we log it, we find that we didn't do as well as we thought we had

    hrbo - welcome, sounds like you are ready to go!

    Pat - sure hope you feel better real fast. Thanks for your prayers.

    Gail - happy birthday! Sending you a virtual birthday cake (hey, it doesn't have any calories!)

    Vicki - I like your idea of a new bracelet. That is so neat. You know it took me 30 years to finally figure out why God took my mother when I was so young. I just hope it doesn't take me another 30 years to figure out why this is happening (with Bryan)and what it is I'm supposed to be learning from it. I'm thinking that I'm going to make a new commitment. Every week when I'm not serving or lectoring, I'm going to light a candle for each of the kids. Hopefully, that'll help me.

    janie - what an adorble pic for Gail's birthday. Love it

    Well, Vince and I worked outside some. The bad part about working in the evening is that the bugs start to come out. I used the lawn mower, he weed wacked, I swept behind him. Guess we were out only for about 2 hours.

    Rori - good for you getting that new bathroom. It'll feel so nice. When do you start on it? We cut the cats nails out on the deck so that I don't have to clean up. Only we do Bonnie in the bathroom. For her, we have to close all the doors, when she realizes that there isn't anywhere to go, she just puts up with it. Mars will walk on a leash? None of our cats would ever have done that. Cocoa did follow me all over, tho, but not on a leash. I check in on FB only to see if someone has news. I'm not on it that much. What are flight days? Are you maybe a pilot?

    Jill - I remember my aunt making jelly. We'd pick the blueberries and she'd make jelly. Of course, back then they put lots and lots of sugar in it. I remember she had this big cone-shaped thing, she'd put the blueberries in it after they had been mashed and the juice would soak thru the cone. Thanks for the memory

    Meg - that's happened to me. when I would go to enter my food by hitting the "food" tab, I would get a message that the site is temporarily down. One time I clicked on "add food" on the homepage and it allowed me to add all my food. Try it

    Usually I do yoga at home on Mondays, but I can't tomorrow. But I will go to the extremepump class.

    Michele in NC
  • rjscott
    rjscott Posts: 22 Member
    I haven’t posted much since my family reunion; the letdown after all the excitement had me slightly depressed and unfortunately craving food. Now it’s time to get back to faithful logging (I keep thinking that one of these days I won’t need to log–I’ll just be able to keep everything in balance. Unfortunately, that’s just a pipe dream!). I still need to catch up on all the postings.

    I just got back from a wonderful weekend in Asheville, NC. Yesterday was spent at the Biltmore Estate with both of my sons and DS#2's girlfriend. We were able to leave TN around noon on Friday, so we took the back roads, including the Blue Ridge Parkway. It was a gorgeous day and not much traffic. We saw a black bear and took a short hike to Middle Falls (Graveyard Fields overlook). We came home via the interstate and stopped in Knoxville for some tax-free shopping.

    Goals for August:
    Log food everyday
    Continue my exercise program–45 minutes or more of exercise each
    day including strength training and/or Pilates
    Drink more water, especially in the evenings when I want to eat
    everything in sight!

    Rhonda in SE TN
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    Thanks to all for their birthday wishes! The fellows left a short while ago and I'm nearly ready for bed. DH got home about 8:45p or so, so it was a late dinner. Earlier in the afternoon I grilled chicken, some teriyaki shrimp and brats (for DH) - even enough for during the week. Also baked potatos, the do-over brownies, and cut up the salad things and strawberries. Never did get to the Y or out to walk in the evening and I'm surely not going out there now.

    Sweet dreams--- 8,642 steps so far today, so not as much as yesterday, but it will do.

    Gail, metro ATL
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    I'm not even going to pretend to read todays notes. I'm to tired. Went to the amusement/water park today and had a BLAST! But am EXHAUSTED. We like to end the day in the water park so the kids can spend as much time in the pool as they want. It wasn't that hot, in fact even though I wear a shirt over my swimsuit because of my weight, I needed to take the shirt off just to warm up. I also wear a pair of light weight shorts, I call them my sleep shorts although they aren't made for that. I sometimes wonder why I even wear a bathing suit but today I was glad since I got nice and comfy after I warmed up. But these shorts have been worn by my old fat self for a long enough time that they were quite baggy and then once they are wringing wet they look pretty bad. After looking at some of the women at a water park I shouldn't feel embarassed about how I look. But with your handicap access you get a fast pass card that allows you no waiting period for the rides, just ride up through the exit ramp and you are at the front of the line. And most of your family can be with you. They give you a time to be there and in the meantime you can be off enjoying another ride! So they enjoy my handicap plus the big basket on the scooter I rent. Yoohoo, Grandma is great!!!! They have the usual water raft ride that you start out on so you can get nice and wet, the flume ride. And then start the big rides. I allow myself one roller coaster and next year I will pick a smaller one. I have done this one in the past but you get off not knowing which turn and dive you left your brain at. I wanted to kiss the ground when I got off yet knew I would never be able to stand up and I should just let my forward momentum get me back to my scooter. It has been rated as the worlds best wooden roller coaster. Then there are the water roller coasters! The young ones rode those with us. On one I had so much trouble getting out of the raft when we got back in the station. Of course these rafts are still very slowly moving while you are trying to get off. So I almost get my body up, one person pushing from behind and the attendant pulling from in front and I fall back in my seat which of course is literally filled with water and make a big splash. Everyone in line is watching me. So I finally manage to get up but the line is still moving and I have to quickly get on unmoving ground!!!!! Of course I take a bow for my public for the free show and let them get on with their own rides!!! But the actual ride was phenomenal and both grand kids said it was wonderful. Of course the 6 year old looked terriffied at one time until DYD told her to open her mouth and scream and let it out. Then she wanted to go on it again. But the line was to long to go on with Grandmas fast pass and I was not up to giving a free show again. I know the next water coaster didn't have the same kind of raft and I could get out of it OK.

    They only have one place to eat there that has regular food and I tried to make some (in little tiny letters) choices. Well, I made one. I had baked chicken. But I bought fudge. And if you buy 4 you get 1 free. So it make sense to buy 4 pieces rather than just 1! I think the thing I enjoyed the most was watching the antics my two daughters could get into themselves. They are such a joy to watch, they just have such a good time together and are a comedy act themselves. Where my oldest is cautsous around roller coaster and such, the bigger ride he better for the younger one. So my SIL goes everywhere with my other daughter!!!! And then you put her with her nieces and the little ones have a fantastic time. There is this one ride that we call the toilet bowl cause that's what it looks like and how you feel, being flushed down the commode. I hate it, I dont' like being flushed down the commode. So DYD takes her nieces on it and everyone is happy.

    Well I hope you all had a wonderful day, if you didn't tomorrow is a new one.

    Joyce, drowned and still trying to recover from my adventure, in Indiana
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Bump to find my place.
  • Subzeromambo
    Subzeromambo Posts: 27 Member
    Bump to find my place.
  • Anamika703
    Anamika703 Posts: 202 Member
    Hello Ladies!
    Talk about becoming a part of a group and belonging........ cant believe so many of u read my post and had something to say about it ..... the smile is not leaving my face :)))))
    Happy birthday Gail! Loved the garden prefix.
    I havent figured out how to post those amazing animations put up by some of our friends, so sending u lots of warm wishes.
    Thanks everyone, have a super day!
  • Rob53jk
    Rob53jk Posts: 6 Member
    I am 53 years of age and weigh in @ 200 lb. I am only 5' 2". So I really need to get this weight off. My knees are hurting. Please pray for me and any tips, motivation will help.
  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Morning everyone,

    well it was a really busy weekend and I didn't do so great but when I weighed in this morning the scale said I am down 2 lbs :love:

    It is one month till my 32 anniversary and it would be nice to lose 10 lbs by then. Pretty ambitious goal if you ask me. It's doable but I will have to stay very focused and be extremely wise about my food choices.

    My goals for August:

    Lose 10 lbs
    Exercise everyday
    Drink lots of water
    log my calories
    Choose food carefully

    Dogs are waiting to be let out and be fed. Lots to do today

    I'll come back and read the posts a little later.
