

  • I'm that way as well. I can barely eat anything and if it is high in simple carbs, I won't lose or even gain. When I stick to lower amounts of complex carbs, I can actually eat more and lose.
  • When I had gotten to 275 pounds, I hid from camera's. Looking at photos one day, I realized that, if I died at that very moment, the last visual memories of me my family would have, would be a very obese, sad person. That scared me more than anything else. I still have 50 more pounds to go but not afraid of the camera…
  • Thanks for that idea! I'm not a big sweets eater but I'd much rather eat something like that when I do have a craving. Gina
  • :laugh:
  • I've seen people actually hang out of car windows and moo or bark at overweight people. Disgusting behavior and never an excuse to behave like that. I'm sure it has everything to do with their upbringing. I've never had anyone comment on what I'm eating but since I lost a lot of weight, I've noticed that my friends and…
  • Good advice! I love ALL vegetables but don't care for fruit. I finally realized that I was just being stubborn and childish by not eating fruit. We all need to eat a variety of all types of produce. I could continue to whine about not liking certain foods or find ways to incorporate them into my eating plan. Someone…
  • I love the comment "Looking good is the best revenge"; lol! On the other hand, after most of my life of gaining, losing, gaining, losing; I didn't start doing better and actually feeling good about myself until I stopped doing it all for everyone else and started focusing on what was best for what I wanted and what I…
  • Sounds like a plan! I love walking but been slacking a little bit since the holidays. I set a goal of at least 500 miles walked for this year so making sure I get in at least 20 minutes a day will get me to my other goal as well.
  • Thank you for the welcome!! :happy: