Proving people wrong.



  • PyrateWench
    I love the comment "Looking good is the best revenge"; lol!

    On the other hand, after most of my life of gaining, losing, gaining, losing; I didn't start doing better and actually feeling good about myself until I stopped doing it all for everyone else and started focusing on what was best for what I wanted and what I needed.

    When I got sick and gained up to almost 300 pounds, my husband ignored me and started chasing after other women. I tried and failed so many times and I felt the pressure and worry about what he was doing, or might do, that seemed to put so much stress on me that I ended up stress eating more often than not.

    Many years and pounds less later, and the fact he is SO lucky I didn't kick him out, I'm healthier, happier, and our marriage is stronger than ever. But, I do what I do now for me, not him, not my family, I do it because it is what I want. Problems and stress in our lives should be a wake up call but more for a healthier life not to appease someone else.
  • benol1
    benol1 Posts: 867 Member
    All the best with your health and wellbeing goals!
  • carleylouise
    Thank you everyone!

    I know I shouldn't be doing it for other people really but in a way im doing it so that at the end i can say F U to all the people that judge me without knowing me!

    I cannot wait for that day!