

  • I hardly ever eat any of my exercise calories, maybe 100 extra if I am really hungry. I have been using this site for 6 weeks straight and have lost 13lbs. I maintain 1200 calories a day plus usually burn 700 with exercise. If you are still hungry after eating your 1200 and exercising, I would recommend drinking a glass of…
  • I love this DVD, I usually burn about 340 calories doing the entire thing. I workout 2x a day 7x a week and incorporate this DVD into my am workout usually 2x a week. Great cardio burn. :) I also use her other video No More Trouble Zones video 2x a week and that one rocks. (I use 5lb weights instead of the 3lb she uses.) I…
  • LOL, Yes your cat counts! My cat use to jump on my stomach when I was doing sit ups on the stability ball and watch me or hop on my back while doing push ups. As for the original post, I work out 2x per day everyday and afterwards take my dog for a 30 min walk. I do 50 min of weights/strength training in the AM and 40 min…
  • It is perfectly fine to add milk, almond milk, soy milk, etc. I use EAS Chocolate Whey Protein Powder and just put a scoop in a cup of water pre and post workouts on most days. Consuming the protein powder is a quick, nutritious way to get a lot of protein n your diet, which you need if you are working out regularly.…
  • To be as accurate as possible when doing a cardio DVD you need to wear a heart rate monitor. I recommend the Polar F6, its what I use. Even when you are on a treadmill or elliptical, the machine is never accurate, always go by what your HRM says.